
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness
政府類型 Democracy
執政黨 Partido Liberal (liberal)
首都 León
人口 74.00 thousand, 296.00 thousand in total
主體民族 Central American
識字率 9 %
國家價值觀 Equality
科研學派 Traditional Academia
地位 Civilized nation
A picture the united USCA in 1836. It broke into Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and El Salvador in 1841

Nicaragua is a nation in Central America, releasable by the United States of Central America United States of Central America. It is located in central USCA bordering Costa Rica Costa Rica to the South and Honduras Honduras to the north. It is the second smallest of the USCA in terms of population at only 74.000, only Costa Rica is smaller. 97,4% is however the primary culture, Central American, and the rest are the not accepted Afro Caribeno.

Following the breakup of the USCA, Nicaragua, along with Guatemala Guatemala, Costa Rica Costa Rica, Honduras Honduras and El Salvador El Salvador, became an independent countries. It is already independent in the 1861 setting.

Nicaragua is pretty safe with no immediate threats because of the high cost of 22 infamy for annexing the country. That is especially true after they inevitably will be put in USA's sphere.


All the five nations share the same primary culture, Central American, so the first steps of the strategy would actually be to try to conquer the other states of the former USCA. At some point or another all of the nations of USCA will be sphered by the US, and thus making conquest in the local area impossible. Starting with Costa Rica is the easiest choice, but it is also the least profitable. Promoting Clergymen mini.pngclergymen is key to improve the bad literacy of the country.

Immediately after being released, Nicaragua can pass a political reform, as liberals control more than 50% of the upper house. It will boost immigration to Nicaragua, and is generally a good decision to do so. As more than half of the voting population is reactionary it will however change after a year, and then one can choose to remove a reform, which will of course hurt immigration then.

Nicaragua produces mainly Resource coffee.pngcoffee, which is not good for industry, but it gives cash for Nicaraguas at best modest budget. It does however produce Resource fruit.pngfruit in a single province, so a Resource wine.pngwinery might be the best bet.