Research administration, or tech school as it is more commonly known is a modifier which will determine what kind of research bonuses/penalties you get to the five major technology categories. You can find your current administration type at the top left corner of the technology window. Each administration type gives a research bonus to one or more tech categories while also giving a penalty to one or more other categories(the only exception being Traditional Academia which gives neither bonuses nor penalties). You may change your Research Administration type through decisions, which may become available at times.
You will always have to go through Traditional Academia when changing administration types. That is to say, you cannot for example change from Business Schools & Tycoon Capitalism directly into Military-Industrial Complex. You have to change into Traditional Academia in between them. Also, whenever you change your administration type you will get the academic confusion modifier which lasts for 10 years(during which you cannot change your administration type) and gives a tiny penalty to research points and prestige. This heavily restricts how often a country can change its administration type. Also, uncivilized countries cannot change their administration type until they become civilized.
Each tech school(except Traditional Academia) also gives unciv reform bonuses. These will not affect your country but instead if you as a great power sphere an uncivilized country, that country would then get the reform bonuses from your tech school making their reforms cheaper and so speeding up their westernization. Note that you cannot see the unciv reform bonuses in game by hovering over the tech school. You will only see them when playing as an unciv country in the reform screen(assuming a great power has sphered you).
Army Tech Research: +0%
Navy Tech Research: +0%
Commerce Tech Research: +0%
Culture Tech Research: +0%
Industry Tech Research: +0%
Decision: Restore The Academia
Ingame description: Many within our academic circles feel that the present direction of our academia suffers from an undue bias, and that we should return for a more traditional academic profile.
- prestige at least 45
- Research Administration type changed to Traditional Academia
- -15 prestige
- Academic Confusion modifier added(lasts 10 years)
Countries that start the game with this Research Administration type: All uncivilized nations and most civilized nations.
Army Tech Research: +15%
Navy Tech Research: -5%
Commerce Tech Research: +0%
Culture Tech Research: -10%
Industry Tech Research: +10%
Unciv Economic Reform Bonus: +5%
Unciv Military Reform Bonus: +15%
Decision: Military-Industrial Complex
Ingame description: Cooperation between private industrialists and the military, on the issues of national defense and war policy, have led to the development of a particularly important web of connections, personal ties and acquaintances, with just an ever so slight hint of corruption, that can best be described as a Military-Industrial Complex. By furthering the goals and ambitions of these informal networks within our academia, we can boost industrial and military research, at the expense of navy and culture.
- ruling party: Conservative, Reactionary or Fascist
- Jingoism and Pro-Military at least 5%
- prestige at least 45
- military score at least 100
- Research Administration type changed to Military-Industrial Complex
- -15 prestige
- Academic Confusion modifier added(lasts 10 years)
Countries that start the game with this Research Administration type: Austria,
Ottoman Empire
Sea power & The Merchant Marine
Army Tech Research: -5%
Navy Tech Research: +15%
Commerce Tech Research: +10%
Culture Tech Research: -10%
Industry Tech Research: +0%
Unciv Economic Reform Bonus: +5%
Unciv Military Reform Bonus: +15%
Decision: Sea power & The Merchant Marine
Ingame description: It has been said that the best way to get ahead in our country is to go via the naval schools. Much of our country's military and political elites have been educated navy men, or have served in the merchant marine. The navy's importance for a seafaring country like our own cannot be underestimated, and by promoting these groups and backgrounds politically, we can ensure that our naval technology will develop at an increased rate, at the expense, however, of other fields of research.
- colonial nation
- ruling party: Conservative, Liberal or Anarcho-Liberal
- Pro-Military and Laissez-Faire at least 5%
- prestige at least 45
- military score at least 100
- number of ships at least 30
- Research Administration type changed to Sea power & The Merchant Marine
- -15 prestige
- Academic Confusion modifier added(lasts 10 years)
Countries that start the game with this Research Administration type: United Kingdom
Business Schools & Tycoon Capitalism
Army Tech Research Bonus: -10%
Navy Tech Research Bonus: -10%
Commerce Tech Research Bonus: +10%
Culture Tech Research Bonus: +10%
Industry Tech Research Bonus: +5%
Unciv Economic Reform Bonus: +25%
Unciv Military Reform Bonus: +5%
Decision: Tycoon Capitalism & Business Schools
Ingame description: Our country has under the past years come increasingly under the sway of select cliques of people who have all been educated at the same, or similar, elite business schools and companies. By supporting these groups, we can ensure that our academia's focus lies where it matters: in the fields of commerce and industry. This change will, however, come at the expense of other fields of research.
- ruling party: Liberal or Anarcho-Liberal
- Laissez-Faire and Free Trade at least 5%
- prestige at least 45
- industrial score at least 100
- Research Administration type changed to Business Schools & Tycoon Capitalism
- -15 prestige
- Academic Confusion modifier added(lasts 10 years)
Countries that start the game with this Research Administration type: USA
陆军科技研究: +0%
海军科技研究: -25%
商业科技研究: +0%
文化科技研究: +5%
工业科技研究: -5%
Unciv Economic Reform Bonus: +10%
Unciv Military Reform Bonus: +5%
游戏内文本: A cultural and ideological avantgarde within our country has, during the past years, been undertaking a long march through our academic institutions. By steadily working their way up the rungs of the academic ladder, these radical new ideologues are now in a position to completely subvert our academic institutions to better suit their ideological agenda. By supporting their cause, we can increase the speed of our cultural research, to the detriment, however, of other spheres of intellectual progress.
- 执政党: 自由主义,法西斯主义或共产主义
- 反战主义和世俗化至少5%
- 威望至少达到45
- 平均觉醒度至少4
- 科研学派变更为前卫知识界
- -15威望
- Academic Confusion modifier added(lasts 10 years)
游戏开始时属于此科研学派的国家: France,
Corporative Industrialism
Army Tech Research: -5%
Navy Tech Research: -10%
Commerce Tech Research: +5%
Culture Tech Research: +0%
Industry Tech Research: +15%
Unciv Economic Reform Bonus: +5%
Decision: Corporative Industrialism
Ingame description: Capital and government in our country have, for some time, been doing their utmost to weave between them an intricate web of personal relations, that has increasingly come to assume the forms of a symbiotic relationship of mutual dependence. By further promoting these connections between the public and private spheres of our society, we can vastly increase our technological progress in the fields of industry, at the expense, however of research in other fields.
- ruling party: Conservative, Socialist or Communist
- Interventionism and Protectionism at least 5%
- prestige at least 45
- industrial score at least 100
- Research Administration type changed to Corporative Industrialism
- -15 prestige
- Academic Confusion modifier added(lasts 10 years)
Countries that start the game with this Research Administration type: Bavaria,
Junkers, Heer & Krupp
Army Tech Researchs: +15%
Navy Tech Research: -15%
Commerce Tech Research: +0%
Culture Tech Research: +5%
Industry Tech Research: +15%
Unciv Economic Reform Bonus: +5%
Unciv Military Reform Bonus: +15%
Decision: Support The Krupp Family
Unique decision to Prussia,
North German Federation and
Ingame description: A peculiar Military-Industrial complex is emerging in the now heavily industrialized Ruhr-area, where several leading industrialists, notably from the Krupp family, are working together with Prussian Army & Government officials to develop, in coherence with Prussian state ideology, our military and industrial capabilities. Voltaire has said of Prussia that it is an army with a country, and nowhere is this more true than in the Ruhr.
- Encourage The Ruhr Boom decision has been enacted
- following technologies have been researched: Cheap Steel, Iron Breech Loaded Artillery, State And Government
- industrial score at least 500
- own provinces: Kleves, Düsseldorf, Siegburg, Aachen, Cologne
- have steel factory in Cologne(Nordrhein State)
- Research Administration type changed to Junkers, Heer & Krupp
- +5 prestige
Countries that start the game with this Research Administration type: None