
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness
(重新導向自Heavenly Kingdom
Heavenly Kingdom.png
政府類型 絕對君主制
執政黨 東王(反動主義)
首都 南京 (ID 2221)
人口 706萬
主體民族 南方漢人
被接受民族 北方漢人
識字率 7%
國家價值觀 秩序
科研學派 未開化國家
地位 未開化國家

太平天國是大清 大清境內的一個反叛國家, 代表着洪秀全領導的太平天國運動的第二個階段(定都南京階段), 洪秀全宣稱自己是耶穌的弟弟以及中國真正的皇帝 (他說 -- 在中國古典文獻的支持下 -- 太平天國已經具有基督教的基礎教義, 但隨後被一些腐朽的外國人偷走了,最近的一群外國人便是滿族人). 當太平天國宣佈獨立並與大清開戰時, 他們互相都有互相吞併的 宣戰理由, 這場戰爭將會在一方吞併另一方時結束.

為了遊玩太平天國, 玩家必須以大清的身份開始遊戲, 等待內戰並且在內戰中選擇太平天國.

大清的衛星國將不會加入戰爭,並且勝利者將會繼承衛星國並被視為中國真正的皇帝. The fact that the winner will inherit annex the other, (re)gain control over the substates, and that Heavenly Kingdom will have the same techs and reforms as China, means that all the advantages, that the player have gained while playing China, will be preserved, when one continues as Heavenly Kingdom.

This is a very difficult nation to form on your own and even harder to start as, however, with a friend in multiplayer, it can be done much more easily.


事件太平天國運動會使太平天國出現在地圖上。這是一個當中國的平均覺醒度達到3時就會觸發的主要事件。此事件有12個月的 平均發生時間,在1845年到1855年之間增加10倍。此外,此期限在1855年到1865年之間會縮短到6個月,且之後會逐漸縮短至1.2個月。

Forming Heavenly Kingdom in Multiplayer in the Grand Campaign.

First of all, your coop player will need to begin the game as the Russia Russia and ally with you immediately because you will need to throw its manpower and size around. While China focuses on Westernizing conquering the small weak nations in Asia (like Burma Burma and Dai Nam Dai Nam), Russia will need to begin expanding into Persia Persia and Kokand Kokand in order to increase the size of the front it will be using later and to build a path for Chinese troops. Russia should also fully mobilize before ending the war with Persia. China, since it is so large, may be put in charge of these Russian wars so just grab as much land as possible for the Slavs. As Russia bites off pieces for Persia, there is a chance that an international crisis will occur; This is the best thing you can hope for. As the Great powers line up against Russia, there is almost certainly a world war coming, again, Russia needs to be mobilized.

The next stage of the plan is the greatest war you will ever know. Most, if not all of the Great Powers will declare war on Russia as its infamy has been growing and they have an opportunity. China must be added to these wars and it must call all of its allies and satellites, you'll need them. Now the Europeans will push Russia back to the East, the most Russia can hope for is to slow them down and let China advance its technology as much as possible before they are hit. China must at this point supply Russia with all of its troops. Literally all of them. Keep making more.

The goal has now moved from westernizing to making as many rebels spawn as possible by taxing everyone and making more troops. Rebels will spawn soon and they will revolutionize China once or three times, this cancels all the vassals China had and cripples her greatly. You'll then get an event stating that Taiping has risen and the Heavenly Kingdom is upon us. You must select to play as the Heavenly Kingdom and fight what is left of China which shouldn't be hard. Then Unite the Nation, you're no longer at war with the great powers, good luck with your nice royal blue China.

This will however greatly damage how powerful Heavenly Kingdom can become.