
本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness


  • 殖民地是游戏中获取威望最有效的方式之一。
  • 殖民地为一个国家提供了稀有的贸易商品,并增加其他商品的丰富程度。
  • 殖民地可以提供相当多的士兵人群














当一个开化国家通过“索要租借地”或“建立保护国”(尽管名称如此,后者实际上创造了殖民地)的宣战理由从未开化国家征服了一个地区时,也会产生殖民地。注意,即使目标地区已经是获得它的国家的核心,它仍然会变成殖民地而不是本土(这种情况很少见,比如South Africa South Africa收复他们在Zulu Zulu的核心时)。


将殖民地转变为成熟的州需要在殖民地拥有至少1%的已接受文化Bureaucrats mini.png官僚人口。转变为州需要消耗殖民力量(游戏中显示如此,但是实际上州不会占用任何殖民力量,因此它只是要求你的可用殖民力量达到一定数量,而不会实际消耗任何殖民力量,反而还会因不再有殖民地而增加殖民力量)。



  • +100来自“后纳尔逊时代军事思想”科技。这项加成通常作为所有列强、次强的基础殖民力量。
  • +30来自每个在核心领土上建造的海军基地
  • +20来自每个在核心领土上升级的海军基地额外等级
  • 海军中的战斗舰只(如果海军数量超过了补给上限,超出部分的舰只会减少殖民力量):
级别 殖民力量 补给需求 每1点补给需求
护卫舰 2 1 2
风帆战列舰 5 2 2.5
破交舰 8 3 2.6
铁甲舰 12 3 4
低舷铁甲舰 10 3 3.3
巡洋舰 16 20 0.8
战列舰 15 50 0.3
无畏舰 22 60 0.36








  • 疟疾预防药物,来自药品科技(工业科技/化学与电学)
  • 开化使命,来自国家与政府科技(文化科技/政治思想)
  • 殖民谈判,来自后膛枪科技(陆军科技/轻武器)








Early colonization (before 1870)

A handful of provinces have life rating 35 and so their states can be colonized in 1836:

  • Alberta and British Columbia: Occasionally the USA USA grabs the parts of BC that the United Kingdom United Kingdom doesn't already have, but otherwise only the United Kingdom is in a position to colonize them, and almost always does so.
  • Oklahoma, Colorado, Oregon and Washington: These are contested between the USA and Mexico Mexico. They often go to war over them (when the USA takes the "Manifest Destiny" decision giving them cores on all of the continental US), and the USA usually wins.
  • Sakhalin: An island north of Japan Japan. Both Russia Russia and Japan have cores, but Japan starts uncivilized and so can't colonize for at least a couple of decades, leaving Russia free to grab it after building a Pacific naval base.
  • Turkmenia: Initially inaccessible to any power, Russia can colonize by conquering Khivan Uzbekia; the Ottomans would have to conquer two states from Persia.
  • Bornu: Being in the interior of west Africa, colonizing this requires conquering part of Sokoto Sokoto. This is a strategically important location that can give the player a big advantage during later colonization.
  • Lourenço Marques, Zambezia (not to be confused with Zambezi) and Mocambique (sic): Inaccessible to anyone but Portugal, they will start colonizing these from day 1.
  • South Madagascar: Portugal Portugal and France France can try for Comoros and Mayotte (despite the state name these islands are north of Madagascar), and the United Kingdom can build a naval base in the Seychelles or Mauritius; anyone else probably won't have range.

A few more have life rating 30 and can be colonized with only Prophylaxis against Malaria. With luck, a quickly westernizing uncivilized country may be able to take some of these, but they are still mostly restricted to an exclusive club.

  • Manitoba and Saskatchewan: Only the United Kingdom has access here, unless the USA manages to seize BC.
  • Alor, Sunda Islands: Bordering the Netherlands' and Portugal's colonial possessions in Indonesia, this can also be picked up by Spain Spain. The United Kingdom will have to build a naval base first.
  • Darfur: Even the AI will conquer Dongola from Egypt Egypt to get access to both this and a coastal province for a port. Only Fasher in the south has life rating 30, but this allows colonizing the entire state.
  • Amhara and Oromia: These states border (and are partially owned by) Ethiopia, who can get them immediately if they somehow become a secondary power in time; anyone else will have to conquer land from Ethiopia.
  • South Georgia: Usually taken by the United Kingdom, this island, historically only ever used as a whaling station and never permanently inhabited, can also be taken by Brazil Brazil or Argentina Argentina if they become a secondary power at the right time.
  • South Island and North Island, New Zealand: Only the United Kingdom has anywhere near the range to get these.

The following can be colonized from 1850, once the country has Mission to Civilize:

  • East Angola and South Angola: More African states that only Portugal will have access to. These are also the only provinces that can be colonized with only Mission to Civilize and without Prophylaxis against Malaria, but you will want Medicine anyway.
  • Interior of Australia: In 1836 the United Kingdom has already colonized the entire coast of Australia, so only they get access here.
  • Northwest Territories: Part of Canada, only the United Kingdom is likely to have access.
  • Etorofu and Shumshu (the Kuril Islands): Like Sakhalin, both Japan and Russia have cores here; unlike Sakhalin, Japan stands a chance of colonizing them if they're quick to westernize and get colonization tech.

The Scramble for Africa (1870s)

All other uncolonized provinces, including almost all of Africa, have life rating 15 or 10 and can only be colonized with both Mission to Civilize and Colonial Negotiations. Since most powers who have researched Breech-Loaded Rifles get Colonial Negotiations at almost the same time, there is a rush of colonization activity soon after any great power has discovered it. Those with life rating 10 also require Prophylaxis against Malaria, but any savvy power will have it anyway. A more in depth guide can be read here: Guide for Scramble of Africa

In the base game and in A House Divided


To colonize an uncolonized area, the following requirements must be met:

  • Have a country status of at least secondary power (i.e. civilized and rank 16 or better);
  • A naval base in range OR share a land border with the target colony;
  • Have the technology to tolerate the life-rating of the area.

All nations start with a life-rating minimum of 35. Most colonial areas only have a life-rating of 15. However, you can lower your minimum allowed life-rating through research:

Once all the requirements are met, select the "Colonize" national focus on your target to began the colonization process. Since most uncolonized areas are out of reach until both Machine Guns and Nationalism & Imperialism are researched, large scale colonization will not begin until 1870 at least. However for a colonial power to succeed, it would be important to prepare naval bases and rack up focus points in the years prior.

Conversion to a full state

To convert a colony to a full state it is necessary to have 1% Bureaucrats mini.pngbureaucrats in the colony state in your accepted culture. In general, having this number of bureaucrats is achievable once an acceptable culture makes up approximately 5% of the population of the colony. There is a greyed out button next to the national focus icon that tells you your progress, when that number is reached, you may press the button to convert the colony into a state. A colony may only be converted to a state when you are not at war. Note that due to these requirements, the vast majority of colonies in the game will never be able to convert to states.

Factories can only be created in states, so creating states can help a country's industry.