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Nozomi讨论 | 贡献2020年10月27日 (二) 00:37的版本 →‎非洲

Victoria 2有6个不同的大洲

如果一个great power试图影响另一个大陆上的国家,进程将延缓50%。如果一个great power对本大洲上的crisis选择置身事外,它将会失去prestige。如果发生在另一个大洲上,它便可以选择是否插手。



Africa in 1836

非洲 是有着最多的未殖民地块的大洲。非洲大部分国家都是uncivilized。只有Oranje OranjeTransvaal Transvaal在1836年是civilizedSokoto Sokoto, Zulu Zulu, Morocco Morocco, Algeria Algeria, Tunis Tunis, Tripoli Tripoli, Egypt Egypt, Liberia Liberia, Madagascar MadagascarEthiopia Ethiopia是所有的独立的uncivilized国家。 Arabia Arabia 可以被北非国家成立。

United Kingdom United Kingdom, France France, Denmark Denmark, Spain Spain, Portugal Portugal,Ottoman Empire Ottoman EmpireNetherlands Netherlands都在非洲大陆或其周边岛屿上有着小块殖民地。大约1870年后, 一旦Machine Guns研发完成,BritainFrance 及其他欧洲国家就会在几十年内colonize,瓜分整个非洲。



Central Asia in 1836

Asia is a continent full of uncivilized nations. There is not a single westernized independent nation in Asia. Philippines will be a civilized nation if they are released from Spain.

The most powerful and notable nations in Asia are China China, Japan Japan, Panjab Panjab and Persia Persia. But several other nations will do fine should they manage to westernize. Asia is also dominated by several European nations. United Kingdom has control over India, and The Netherlands and Spain have a fair share of South-East Asia. A large part of Russia Russia and The Ottoman Empire is located in Asia.

There are several provinces in Central Asia and Siberia that are open for colonization and will almost certainly be snapped up by Russia. Some provinces in South East Asia can be colonized as well, usually done by Spain, Netherlands or United Kingdom.

Asia has a 50% reduced assimilation rate, which is the worst in the game.


Southern and Central Europe in 1836

Europe is, in 1836, the most powerful continent in Victoria 2 and a focal point of the game. It will likely experience the most wars. It holds 7 of the 8 initial great powers and several secondary powers. United Kingdom, France, Prussia Prussia, Russia, Austria Austria, The Ottoman Empire, Netherlands and Spain all have their capitals in Europe. Furthermore all independent nations is civilized, and only Crimea Crimea if released are uncivilized.

Major wars that will often occur on European soil include the Austrian-German Brothers' War and the Franco-Prussian War. It will almost certainly be the epicentre of any Great War.

Europe has a 25% reduced assimilation rate.


North America in 1836

North America starts off in 1836 with the independent countries of the USA USA, Mexico Mexico, Texas Texas, Hawaii Hawaii and the United States of Central America United States of Central America. Russia, Spain and United Kingdom hold colonies in the North American region as well in Canada, the Caribbean and Alaska. Cuba Cuba, Canada Canada, Deseret Deseret, Californian Republic Californian Republic, Costa Rica Costa Rica, Cherokee Cherokee, Manhattan Commune Manhattan Commune and Newfoundland Newfoundland are releasable nations, while the Confederate States of America Confederate States of America will form via the Civil War event chains.

The continent is very dominated by the presence of USA, and they will have a say on most affairs.

The typical wars in North America are the Texan Independence War, The American-Mexican War and the American Civil War. Due to the American Civil War, the CSA is independent from the "A House Divided" bookmark in 1861.

Every nation in North America gets a 10% bonus to Immigrant Attraction and assimilation, resulting in population booms in most of these countries.

North America has a 25% increased assimilation rate, which is the best in the game together with South America and Oceania.


South America in 1836

South America is a continent south of North America. The countries in South America are Brazil Brazil, Argentina Argentina, Colombia Colombia, Peru Peru, Chile Chile, Ecuador Ecuador, Venezuela Venezuela, Bolivia Bolivia, Paraguay Paraguay and Uruguay Uruguay. United Kingdom, Netherlands and France have colonies on the continent. Brazil starts as a secondary power and is the continent's most powerful nation. All nations on the continent is civilized.

All the countries with their capital in South America share many of the same problems and difficulties. Lack of population, low literacy and behind in tech.

Many countries have cores on the same land, which results in many wars. Brazil and Chile are particularly militaristic. Every country in South America receives a 10% bonus to immigration attraction and assimilation, which is a great boon for players in South America.

South America has a 25% increased assimilation rate, which is the best in the game together with North America and Oceania.


Oceania in 1936

Oceania is the only continent in the game where there isn't a single independent nation. Great Britain controls most of it, as they have Australia Australia and New Zealand New Zealand under their control. The continent consists of scattered islands, many of which are uncolonized at the start of the game. This is the least populated part of the world and has numerous disadvantages.

All independent nations in Oceania will get a 10% bonus to immigration and a assimilation. On top of that, Oceania has a 25% increased assimilation rate, which is the best in the game together with South and North America.