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===== Navy: =====
===== 海军: =====
Don't bother making a huge Navy until you have steamships.  Still, a small fleet of sailing ships is recommended for transporting invasion forces and enacting blockades. Such a fleet proves especially useful against Dai Nam.

===== Industry: ===== 
===== Industry: ===== 

2020年11月1日 (日) 17:20的版本

政府类型 绝对君主制
执政党 皇帝派(保守主义)
首都 北京 (ID 1612)
人口 5178万
主体民族 满族
被接受民族 北方汉人
识字率 3.5%
国家价值观 秩序
科研学派 未开化国家
地位 未开化国家

1836年的中国处于清朝统治下,虽然科技十分落后,但却坐拥着庞大的人口与巨大的财富。这个曾经的亚洲文明中心这时甚至已经不如日本 日本发达。保留下她地区性大国地位的仅仅知识她庞大的人口和数量巨大的军队。但在完成西化开化之后,中国毋庸置疑的会成为世界上最强大的国家之一。被一心殖民扩张的西方列强包围的中国必须要和这些潜在的殖民侵略者们搞好关系,尤其是要注意联合王国 联合王国俄罗斯帝国 俄罗斯帝国


中国会被割据出数个视同大清附庸国的次国家广西 广西云南 云南新疆 新疆满洲国 满洲国蒙古 蒙古青海 青海。在西化完成时他们会被中国自动吞并,除非他们已经完全独立。西藏 西藏则视为大清的附庸国而不是次国家,因此无法通过西化吞并。









通过获得土地可以有效的推动西化进程。越南 越南旁遮普 旁遮普朝鲜 朝鲜是良好的用于获取大量研究点数的征服对象。


如果中国的觉醒度超过3,太平天国运动事件可能导致一场和太平天国 太平天国的内战。尤其是在1865年之后,每个月会有83.33%的概率发生。





中国拥有着无与伦比的工业容纳能力。随着大量的财富流入国库,建设新的设施会越来越简单。西化后中国会有数以万计的失业Craftsmen mini.png工人嗷嗷待哺,因此需要尽快不分种类的大量建造工厂。中国的工业更多被工厂的建造速度而不是工人数量而限制。当然,不要建设罐头食品厂,他们只会夺走人民的口粮,逼他们起义。









You will never employ all your craftsmen, no matter how many factories you build and expand. Give one a job, three more come of age.


Post westernisation Japan Japan should be no match to China, and they have a big population with a great literacy, and most likely also a lot of industry to take. Note that China might not be able to match Japan's fleet just after westernising. Otherwise British-controlled Australia Australia or Dutch Indonesia.¨

Russia has usually taken Outer Manchuria with the decision The Peking Convention. When westernised China should have no problem to take the province back.


Medicine might be a priority to even further boost China's enormous population and avoid losing them in war. Otherwise Cultural tech to give more National Focuses and catching up with industrial and navy techs might be priority.

Naval China

The Chinese navy starts out incredibly weak, so it must become the immediate focus after westernisation if a naval China is to become a viable option. Your army will mostly take care of itself due to your massive population and the sheer size of it should be enough to push around most smaller nations, even if your army is outdated.

One should therefore prioritise Naval technology over Army technology. A partially neglected army can be brought up to speed fairly quickly, but a neglected industry can prevent China from growing to its full potential. In addition to researching your navy, build as many naval bases as possible.

Land Military

In 1836 China has the world's largest standing army, Guangxi Guangxi will have the third-largest and Yunnan Yunnan will have the fourth-largest. Even though it's in control of insane amounts of manpower, it's lacking the proper technology and will do so as long as it's not westernised. Russia and Great Britain can easily take one or two states if they are provoked.

If China ends up in a war with one of the two nations, it should NOT occupy anything. Quickly take control over the substates troops as they will wander into enemy territory and will be eradicated.

But all other uncivilised nations besides Japan will not stand a chance.


  • Obscene population size; you will never run out of manpower for both factories and armies
  • Resources extremely plentiful
  • Lots of weak uncivilised neighbours ripe for conquest
  • Isolated from the large Great Wars in Europe later on in the game


  • Extreme amounts of micromanagement required to run the country late game
  • Rebellions long lasting and almost impossible to put down
  • Shares large border with Russia, which makes for a very dangerous early game enemy
  • Cholera epidemics and emigration cause massive population loss unless you change government type and social policies
  • Very low literacy rate and expensive education cost, so lagging behind on the small amount of techs you start with is easy

Chinese decisions

China has two native decisions:

On top of that the decision, Burn the Summer Palace requires an enemy great power to occupy Beijing during a war.

China in Vanilla

In Vanilla, China is one big unified country without the substates. The substates are instead called Cliques, and they are releasable nations. This does however not make China an easier nation to manage. Tibet Tibet is also an independent nation instead of a Vassal, but on the other hand Korea is a vassal instead of an ally.