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{{version|Heart of Darkness}}
{{version|Heart of Darkness}}
|Government Type= Adopts the forming nations government
|Government Type= 取决于成立国的政府类型
|Ruling Party= Adopts the forming nations ruling party
|Ruling Party= 取决于成立国的执政党
|Capital= Varies (Stockholm, Copenhagen, Christiania, Helsinki, Flensburg or Iceland)
|Capital= 不定( 斯德哥尔摩,哥本哈根,克里斯钦尼亚,赫尔辛基,弗伦斯堡或冰岛)
|Population= N/A
|Population= N/A
|Primary Culture= Varies
|Primary Culture= 多样(北欧文化)
|Accepted Cultures= Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Icelandic, Finnish, Sami.
|Accepted Cultures= 挪威,瑞典,丹麦,冰岛,芬兰和萨米
|Literacy= N/A
|Literacy= N/A
|National Value= Order
|National Value= 秩序
|Tech School= N/A
|Tech School= N/A
|Status= Civilized
|Status= 开化国家
[[File:scandinavia overview.png|thumb|Scandinavia in 1836]]
[[File:scandinavia overview.png|thumb|1836 年的斯堪的纳维亚地区]]

'''Scandinavia''' can be unified by {{flag|Sweden}} or {{flag|Denmark}} (or {{flag|Norway}}, {{flag|Iceland}}, {{flag|Jan Mayen}}, {{flag|Schleswig}} or {{flag|Finland}} if they are independent). To do so one must reach [[great power]] status and gain control over all the [[cores]] of Scandinavia via either conquest or the countrys sphere of influence. Then one can take the decision  ‘[[För Brödrafolkens Väl!]]’.
''' 斯堪的纳维亚''' 可以被{{flag|Sweden|瑞典}} {{flag|Denmark|丹麦}} (或{{flag|Norway|挪威}} {{flag|Iceland|冰岛}} {{flag|Jan Mayen|扬马延}} {{flag|Schleswig|石勒苏益格}} {{flag|Finland|芬兰}} ,前提是她们是完全独立的国家)。要成立她,以上的国家之一必须是[[great power|列强]] 并拥有斯堪的纳维亚的所有[[cores|核心省份]] (或将其纳入势力范围)。之后你可以点击决议 ‘[[För Brödrafolkens Väl!]]’ 来成立这个国家。

{{flag|Holstein}}, while not a Scandinavian core, can be kept as a puppet, but be aware of {{flag|Prussia}} and {{flag|Austria}} as they may well attempt to take the area it has [[Germany|German]] cores and is needed for the formation of {{flag|North German Federation}}/{{flag|Germany}}.
{{flag|Holstein|荷尔斯泰因}} 并不是斯堪的纳维亚的核心省份,因此你可以使其继续成为你的附庸国。但要注意 {{flag|Prussia|普鲁士}} {{flag|Austria|奥地利}} 时刻觊觎着这块土地,因为她是{{flag|Germany|德意志}} 的核心省份,是成立[[NGF|北德意志邦联]]/{{flag|Germany|德意志}} 的必要条件。

== Research ==
== 科研 ==
The Scandinavian countries are all blessed with some of the highest [[literacy]] ratings in the game, and very few non-accepted [[POPs]]. The only non-accepted cultures once Scandinavia is formed are in the Scandinavian West Indies, Greenland and Ghana and really really few in Copenhagen. This makes Scandinavia ideal for [[research]].
蒙奥丁保佑,斯堪的纳维亚诸国在1836年开局时拥有游戏中数一数二的[[literacy|识字率]] ,并且几乎没有不可接受的[[POPs]] 。斯堪的纳维亚成立后,不可接受民族主要分布在斯堪的纳维亚属西印度群岛(原文如此),格陵兰岛,加纳(原文Ghana),哥本哈根也可能有极少的不可接受民族,但这并不阻碍斯堪的纳维亚成为理想的科研国度。

== Industry ==
== 工业 ==
Scandinavia can easily become one of the largest industrial powerhouses in the game. By first researching some [[culture techs]] to increase research points and education efficiency, one can easily have [[literacy]] rate near 100%, which will allow to quickly research [[Industrial technology]]. From here, one can build as many [[railroads]] and [[factories]] as possible. Money is rarely a problem unless one is losing a war, so feel free to go all out on new and more advanced factories as you discover them.
游戏中,斯堪的纳维亚可以轻而易举的成为世界工厂。如果开局时首先研究一些[[culture techs|文化科技]] ,那么将近100% 的识字率将允许你飞速研究[[Industrial technology|工业科技]] 。在那以后,科技将不会成为你大规模建设[[railroads|铁路]] [[factories|工厂]] 的阻碍。如果你没有输掉一场战争,你的财政几乎不会出现问题,因此你可以放心大胆的修建新工厂或扩建工厂。此外,挪威和芬兰有大量的{{icon|iron}}[[RGO|iron]] {{icon|coal}}[[RGO|coal]] ,瑞典则出产{{icon|timber}}[[RGO|timber]] 。这可以为你提供客观的收入,同时也是重要的工业原材料。以丹麦属加纳为据点殖民非洲可以给斯堪的纳维亚的工业提供[[RGO|cotton]]和后来的[[RGO|rubber]]。斯堪的纳维亚也可以保持很高的威望分,从而在一整局游戏中都保持你的列强地位。
In addition, Norway and Finland have {{icon|iron}}[[RGO|iron]] and {{icon|coal}}[[RGO|coal]], while Sweden has {{icon|timber}}[[RGO|timber]]. These provide a decent income, and are useful when it comes to industry. Colonizing Africa around Danish Ghana provides a source of cotton and later rubber which further improves Scandinavian industry. With some prestige events and research techs, Scandinavia's prestige can high as well, thus keeping your great power status safe throughout the whole game.

Scandinavia does however has a relatively low population for its vast size, so {{icon|Craftsmen}}craftsmen will be spread out over more states making it harder to effectively build factories.

==Targets of war==
== 战争策略==
The weakness of Scandinavia is its military, which is small compared to its border countries of {{flag|Russia}} to the east and [[Germany]] to the south. Both have a larger military than Scandinavia ever will in Europe, and winning wars with them is difficult. War with other European Great Powers in general should be avoided unless forced in a crisis or if backed by another Great Power with a strong military such as the {{flag|United Kingdom}}.
斯堪的纳维亚的军事实力相对较弱,尤其是相对于东方大国{{flag|Russia|俄罗斯}} 和南方的[[Germany|德意志]] 而言。鉴于这两个国家都有凌驾全欧洲的军事实力,想要打赢他们绝非易事。即使是面对的是其他列强,斯堪的纳维亚也应尽量避免战争,除非在一场危机中退无可退或是拥有一个像{{flag|United Kingdom|联合王国}} 一样的强力盟友。
而在[[Africa|非洲]]和[[Asia|亚洲]],她可以肆无忌惮地对那些化外蛮夷们重拳出击,从而获得土地和利益,以及为将来瓜分非洲做准备。其他列强如果没有捷足先登,那么[[Oman|阿曼]],[[Yemen|也门]],[[Nejd|内志]],[[Hedjaz|汉志]],和[[Abu Dhabi|阿布扎比]]都可以利用建立保护国的方式吞并。在早期{{flag|Sokoto|索科托}}是一块毫无自保能力的肥肉,[[Brunei|文莱]]可以作为殖民太平洋诸岛的跳板。

Instead, one should look for targets for conquest in [[Africa]] or [[Asia]] in order to prepare for the Scramble For Africa or for just land and supply bonuses. [[Oman]], [[Yemen]], [[Nejd]], [[Hedjaz]], and [[Abu Dhabi]] are always great choices for establishing protectorates if not already conquered by another Great Power. [[Sokoto]] is also a good early target, and so is [[Brunei]] for a chance to colonize in the Pacific.
你也可以通过“增进紧张”这个国家焦点来挑起一场关于芬兰问题的国际危机(但这可能需要玩家故意失去列强地位)。尤其是当玩家扮演[[Sweden|瑞典]] 时玩家可以立即这样做因为瑞典拥有芬兰的核心,前提是瑞典没有通过“[[Abandon Finland|放弃芬兰]] ”的决议。

== 殖民==
Most likely Finland will not be included when first forming Scandinavia. Scandinavia has cores on Finland, so one can take it from Russia in war, but make sure to have powerful allies since Russia will have a stronger army than Scandinavia. One can also free Finland from Russia and make them independent. Upon sphering an independent Finland, they will soon petition to become a part of Scandinavia.
One can also start a crisis by using the 'increase tension' national focus to force a crisis in Finland, and if backed by enough other Great Powers one can free Finland without any war effort. However, only non-Great Powers can do this, and one will likely need to purposefully fall out of GP status to do this as Scandinavia. It is much more preferable to do this when starting the game out as [[Sweden]] as one can do it right away due to the Swedish cores before the ‘[[Abandon Finland]]’ decision.
[[File:Sokoto Screenshot.jpg|thumb|Danish Ghana will become Scandinavian Ghana upon formation]]
[[File:Sokoto Screenshot.jpg|thumb|Danish Ghana will become Scandinavian Ghana upon formation]]
[[Denmark]] starts with a chunk of Ghana, which Scandinavia will inherit when formed. From there one can take large parts in the scramble for Africa. As Scandinavia is more or less all coastal provinces however, one can have many more naval bases and ships, and thus a very big amount of Colonial Points. Consider taking [[Brunei]], Sokoto, [[Oman]]i Zanibar, or [[Ethiopia]] to give Scandinavia more colonization vectors. Scandinavia is perfectly capable of locking down a large portion of Africa if properly prepared!
[[Denmark|丹麦]] 在开局时拥有一块加纳的领土,斯堪的纳维亚成立后会继承这块领土。以丹麦属加纳为跳板,斯堪的纳维亚可以在瓜分非洲时可以获益良多。因为斯堪的纳维亚拥有大量的沿海省份,玩家可以拥有一支庞大的舰队,从而获得海量的殖民力加成。玩家如果占领了[[Brunei|文莱]] ,索科托,[[Oman|阿曼]] ,桑给巴尔或者{{flag|Ethiopia|埃塞俄比亚}},那么玩家拥有的殖民力点数将再上一个台阶。如果玩家已经准备好了,那么来自北欧的舰队将轻而易举拿下大半个非洲!

====Other colonial targets====
Since Scandinavia has a lot of coast, one does not need to limit oneself when colonizing.
One can consider making a foothold in South East Asia to colonize Micronesia, Oceania, Rest of Borneo and those areas.

==Decisions and events==
==== 其他的殖民策略====
Scandinavia does not have any unique [[decision]]s on its own.
All of [[Sweden]]s unique decision can however also be taken by Scandinavia if Scandinavia has been formed by Sweden.
[[Denmark]]s single unique decision [[Danmarks Riges Grundlov]] can not be taken by Scandinavia, even if Scandinavia is formed by Denmark.
如果她由[[Sweden|瑞典]] 成立,后者的所有事件都会被前者继承。
[[Denmark|丹麦]] 唯一的独有决议[[Danmarks Riges Grundlov]] 不能被斯堪的纳维亚继承,即使后者由丹麦成立。

All of the [[events]] unique to Denmark cannot happen to Scandinavia.
所有丹麦的独有[[events|事件]] 都不会为斯堪的纳维亚所触发。

{{Country list}}
{{Country list}}

2022年11月5日 (六) 14:16的最新版本

政府类型 取决于成立国的政府类型
执政党 取决于成立国的执政党
首都 不定(斯德哥尔摩,哥本哈根,克里斯钦尼亚,赫尔辛基,弗伦斯堡或冰岛)
人口 N/A
主体民族 多样(北欧文化)
被接受民族 挪威,瑞典,丹麦,冰岛,芬兰和萨米
识字率 N/A
国家价值观 秩序
科研学派 N/A
地位 开化国家

斯堪的纳维亚可以被Sweden 瑞典Denmark 丹麦(或Norway 挪威Iceland 冰岛Jan Mayen 扬马延Schleswig 石勒苏益格Finland 芬兰,前提是她们是完全独立的国家)。要成立她,以上的国家之一必须是列强并拥有斯堪的纳维亚的所有核心省份(或将其纳入势力范围)。之后你可以点击决议‘För Brödrafolkens Väl!’来成立这个国家。

Holstein 荷尔斯泰因并不是斯堪的纳维亚的核心省份,因此你可以使其继续成为你的附庸国。但要注意 Prussia 普鲁士Austria 奥地利时刻觊觎着这块土地,因为她是Germany 德意志的核心省份,是成立北德意志邦联/Germany 德意志的必要条件。




游戏中,斯堪的纳维亚可以轻而易举的成为世界工厂。如果开局时首先研究一些文化科技,那么将近100%的识字率将允许你飞速研究工业科技。在那以后,科技将不会成为你大规模建设铁路工厂的阻碍。如果你没有输掉一场战争,你的财政几乎不会出现问题,因此你可以放心大胆的修建新工厂或扩建工厂。此外,挪威和芬兰有大量的Resource iron.pngironResource coal.pngcoal,瑞典则出产Resource timber.pngtimber。这可以为你提供客观的收入,同时也是重要的工业原材料。以丹麦属加纳为据点殖民非洲可以给斯堪的纳维亚的工业提供cotton和后来的rubber。斯堪的纳维亚也可以保持很高的威望分,从而在一整局游戏中都保持你的列强地位。 与其巨大的体量相比,她的人口相对较少,这使各个省份都缺少Craftsmen mini.png技工,进而成为你工业发展的一大阻碍。


斯堪的纳维亚的军事实力相对较弱,尤其是相对于东方大国Russia 俄罗斯和南方的德意志而言。鉴于这两个国家都有凌驾全欧洲的军事实力,想要打赢他们绝非易事。即使是面对的是其他列强,斯堪的纳维亚也应尽量避免战争,除非在一场危机中退无可退或是拥有一个像United Kingdom 联合王国一样的强力盟友。 而在非洲亚洲,她可以肆无忌惮地对那些化外蛮夷们重拳出击,从而获得土地和利益,以及为将来瓜分非洲做准备。其他列强如果没有捷足先登,那么阿曼也门内志汉志,和阿布扎比都可以利用建立保护国的方式吞并。在早期Sokoto 索科托是一块毫无自保能力的肥肉,文莱可以作为殖民太平洋诸岛的跳板。


在大多数时候,斯堪的纳维亚成立时并不包含芬兰。芬兰是斯堪的纳维亚的核心领土,因此玩家可以通过战争从俄国手里夺回芬兰,但要确保你和你的盟友有和俄国军队抗衡的实力。你也可以从俄国手中解放Finland 芬兰并保障她的独立,在把她纳入你的势力范围后,她不久就会主动寻求加入这个北欧的大家庭。 你也可以通过“增进紧张”这个国家焦点来挑起一场关于芬兰问题的国际危机(但这可能需要玩家故意失去列强地位)。尤其是当玩家扮演瑞典时玩家可以立即这样做因为瑞典拥有芬兰的核心,前提是瑞典没有通过“放弃芬兰”的决议。


Danish Ghana will become Scandinavian Ghana upon formation

丹麦在开局时拥有一块加纳的领土,斯堪的纳维亚成立后会继承这块领土。以丹麦属加纳为跳板,斯堪的纳维亚可以在瓜分非洲时可以获益良多。因为斯堪的纳维亚拥有大量的沿海省份,玩家可以拥有一支庞大的舰队,从而获得海量的殖民力加成。玩家如果占领了文莱,索科托,阿曼,桑给巴尔或者Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚,那么玩家拥有的殖民力点数将再上一个台阶。如果玩家已经准备好了,那么来自北欧的舰队将轻而易举拿下大半个非洲!


斯堪的纳维亚辽阔的海岸线使得她在殖民时无需担心殖民力的问题。 玩家也可以考虑在东南亚寻找一块跳板,殖民密克罗尼西亚群岛,大洋洲,婆罗洲剩余的部分或者附近的地区。


斯堪的纳维亚并没有任何独有的事件 如果她由瑞典成立,后者的所有事件都会被前者继承。 丹麦唯一的独有决议Danmarks Riges Grundlov不能被斯堪的纳维亚继承,即使后者由丹麦成立。
