瓦拉幾亞 | |
File:瓦拉幾亞.png | |
政府類型 | 絕對君主制 |
執政黨 | 保守主義 |
首都 | 布加勒斯特 (ID 664) |
人口 | 307.30 thousand |
主體民族 | 羅馬尼亞 |
被接受民族 | |
識字率 | 10.0% |
國家價值觀 | 秩序 |
科研學派 | 傳統學術界 |
地位 | 開化國家 |
「瓦拉幾亞」是東歐一個較小的開化國家,是 奧斯曼帝國的衛星國。瓦拉幾亞是羅馬尼亞文化,如果它成為一個列強或有45點威望,就有能力組建羅馬尼亞。然而,這是一項艱巨的任務,涉及從[奧斯曼] ,{{flag |俄羅斯}和{{flag | 奧地利}手中奪取土地。 不打破奧斯曼帝國的統治,想要提升地位可不容易。如果瓦拉幾亞獲得獨立,它就有可能與瓦拉幾亞的孿生鄰國 摩爾達維亞.一起組建 羅馬尼亞 。
軍隊是瓦拉幾亞缺少的另一樣東西,鼓勵士兵直到你能集結15k 部隊或21k。確保你的軍事預算100% 用於戰爭,25% 用於和平。瓦拉幾亞需要他們的保護,因為它與 奧斯曼帝國接壤和 奧地利。
瓦拉幾亞只有10% 的文化水平,工業化註定要失敗。提高識字率,完成鼓勵士兵的工作,並開始鼓勵瓦拉幾亞全國人口中的4% 的神職人員。你的日常研究會因此而上升。
為了自給自足,首先關注你們的經濟。研究[工業技術] ,然後是商業,最後是軍事。
工業 -
- Mechanized Mining - increases coal rgo production
- Practical Steam Engine - increases RGO production period
- Mechanical Production - increases factory output
- Experimental Railroad - allows you to build railroads
Commerce -
- Freedom of Trade - increases RGO production and diplomatic influence
- Market Structure - increases RGO production and diplomatic influence
- Stock Exchange - increases money gain from tax
Military -
- Army Professionalism - increases troop morale and military tactics while decreasing mobilization impact
- Muzzle-Loaded Rifles - allows engineers while increasing supply consumption
- Strategic Mobility - increases fort level and troop various troop improvement
- Military Staff System - increases troop organisation and unlocks cuirassier, hussar, and dragoon units.
你是[奧斯曼帝國]的附庸,和你的兄弟摩爾達維亞一起。你臨近[奧地利] , 塞爾維亞,[摩爾達維亞] ,和奧斯曼帝國。你從一開始就有兩個外交要點。奧地利有15個關係點,摩爾達維亞有60個關係點,奧斯曼帝國有124個關係點,俄羅斯有30個關係點,塞爾維亞有10個關係點。
Diplomatic Priority
- Austria - As your closest great power and the bearer of the most Romanian cores, you should at least be allied for the next few years.
- Russia - Your other close great power but, with more relation points and bigger military. The reason why Russia is second because they're unreliable, which is important later on.
- Ottoman Empire - Keep her mad and angry, so that you can declare war and declare independence! Don't damage relations too bad as they're still a valuable asset.
- Serbia or Greece - Laying foundations to future expansions will be pivotal in creating a successful state. Oddly, you have 30 relation points in Greece to start with.
- Moldavia - You'll conquer it soon...
Forming Romania
This is your number one priority! Make sure you're ready for countless wars and ask lady luck for help, as you'll certainly need all the blessing she gives you. Romania is definitely the hardest nation to form. Why? Because your core provinces belongs to The Ottomans, Austria, and Russia! Only 2 nations can form Romania in the 1836 scenario, you and Moldavia.
War for independence and Moldavia
Decrease relations with the Ottomans until you can declare independence/war. Prepare for a defensive war while letting Austria do the attacking. Take at least 30% of your army to Moldavia and occupy her. Wait until Austria takes enough land for a second casus belli, use this opportunity to take Ottoman controlled Romanian regions. Your infamy will be high, so after you've annexed Moldavia, research prestige gaining technologies and begin achieving the Great Power status. Industrialize or militarize Moldavia to your liking.
- the war on Ottomans will not increase infamy.
Dissolve your alliance with Austria immediately after the war on the Ottomans. Increase your relations with Russia and eventually an alliance treaty will be made. Declare war on Austria with the war of unification casus belli. Grab core provinces and use hit and run tactics to wear Austria down. Russia or maybe France if they're allied, will be your main safe haven should the Austrians bite you too hard. If your population is jingoistic enough, try getting all Romanian core provinces all at once.
- This war will not increase your infamy.
Now for the hardest part of this unification. Dissolve the alliance with Russia, make sure you're allied with 3 Great Powers mainly Prussia, United Kingdom, and France. But if France, allies herself to Russia, then try allying yourself to Austria again. When you're ready for the war, declare war on Russia using war of unification casus belli. Use hit and run tactics to get core provinces, wait for your allies to do the dirty work. Try your best to occupy the Budjak region in Russia. When your side has enough war score, UK or Russia will propose a peace treaty. Form Romania if you have 45 prestige points.
Crisis system
Now with HoD, you can ask great powers to pressure another great power to give you free provinces. Always target Austria first because they have the most core provinces. Next, target the Turks because they're weak and they'll always agree with Britain, should the British be on your side. Finally, target Russia's Budjak region last, obviously because Russia is the most powerful of the three. If you've managed to get all Romanian provinces successfully and without war, you'll still have three angry great powers bordering you...
Post Romanian Unification
You're a great power, but only in prestige. You have a decent population base, but it's not fit for a great power. Your population has been emigrating to the Americas like crazy after unification. Your economy is dying because of coal shortages and you lose population by overtaxing. How do you solve these problems?
Emigration Problem
Homestead Act decision which increases America's immigrant threshold to an insane level of numbers will leave you empty. Encourage socialist parties and socialist ideas in your country to pass a few socialist reforms. Once emigration has been turned down to a workable level, turn your attention to the economy.
The Economy
Horrible! Even though you have three coal producing provinces, you still find yourself struggling to meet factory input requirements. Your rgo is poor with most being grain and wool with few being fruits and cattle provinces. Build reliable factories like canned food, wine, and liquor factories and close unprofitable ones. If you have a laissez faire economy, hope your capitalist make smart decisions.
Taxation too High!
Your horrible economy will probably lead you to overtax your people. You lose even more population and now you're in a vicious, inescapable prison of population loss from taxation and emigration. Your solutions can be, encouraging clerks, encouraging bureaucrats, and focusing in commerce technology.
The Turks should be weak by now, you can target their Balkan holdings. You can target Austria a naval port. By now colonialism is limited to a few places in Africa, East Asia, and Persia.
If you've sphered Serbia, Greece or both, ally with them and grab a few Turkish provinces. Your border should be awful, but you have room for further expansion. Keep taking Turkish provinces until you've bordered Greece.
- First, be aware that you will be in conflict if colonial nations like France and UK owns 60-85% of Africa, so if you don't want to fight, don't go for Africa.
- Do you have a good navy and a few good ports? If You're landlocked, you can get ports from Austria and Turkey. Once you've gained access to ports, build man o wars until you have 500+ colonial points.
- Egypt should be available, Tunisia maybe available, and Morocco should be taken over but if they've got a good chance to be alive.
East Asia
Not recommended, except if you're looking for wealth. They're too far away and have very populated regions and they cost so many colonial points to maintain. You have to be Great Britain if you want to get East Asia.
- 如果奧地利/奧匈帝國站在你們這一邊,那麼它將成為一個埃以消耗戰爭,因為奧地利和羅馬尼亞都不能單獨甚至有時候聯合起來打敗德國人!如果俄國和奧地利站在你們這邊,那就考慮攻擊德國。
- 德國不可能贏得與法國,俄羅斯和奧地利的三線戰爭。搶奪一個德國作為戰利品,併集中在另一個對立的列強。
- 不要太依賴英國,因為人工智慧有時候會很奇怪。他們是軍事強國,通過他們龐大的海軍,把印度的死亡堆棧帶到了德國。但是,如果AI不升級它的海軍,那就和印第安死亡堆棧說再見吧。
- 如果德國站在你這邊,除了奧地利的突然襲擊,你什麼都不用擔心。如果人工智慧忽略了德國,這是不太可能的,並且瞄準了你們,歡迎你們動員起來,生存下去,直到德國回來。
- 如果奧斯曼帝國加入奧地利,那麼希望德國和你的肇事逃逸策略來保釋你。
- 如果義大利加入奧地利,他們有時候會出於某種原因加入,會攪亂你對德國戰役的依賴。如果法國站在你這邊,利用她對抗義大利。
- 德國可以選擇東線或者西線,所以如果你運氣好的話,德國選擇東線,你就可以上了。
- 奧地利和俄國聯合起來對付你們,你們唯一的選擇就是鼓勵士兵,繼續動員,但是如果你們有德國,依靠他們。
- 法國和俄國很可能在戰爭期間成為盟友。德國可以摧毀俄國,但是他們和法國有點麻煩,幫助德國,因為你真的不想失去他。
- 如果英國海軍升級並準備戰鬥,「調動」 !如果土耳其前線不那麼緊張,他們肯定會帶上99k 印第安人死亡書架,或者完全無視你。總的來說,先關注土耳其人,然後再關注厄運堆棧。
- 俄羅斯和中國一樣,但是更強大更好。他們很可能會通過入侵布德賈克省來進攻,如果你加強了這些省份的防禦,你很有可能在俄羅斯倖存下來。不要只關注俄羅斯,土耳其軍隊可能已經入侵,但你可以摧毀他們。
- 奧地利真的很煩人,他們有很大的空間來侵略你,而且還有一支強大的軍隊。奧地利是你們的首要目標,但也要駐軍對抗土耳其人。