
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness
政府類型 Democracy
執政黨 Blancos (conservative)
首都 Montevideo
人口 50,300
主體民族 Platinean
識字率 10%
國家價值觀 Order
科研學派 Traditional academia
地位 Civilized
Uruguay in 1836

Uruguay is a small nation in the southeastern part of South America, bordering Brazil Brazil to its north and Argentina Argentina to its west. In 1836 it has the fourth lowest population of all civilized nations other than German city-states, in four provinces comprising a single state. Although it is a New World country, its national value is order and it is ruled by a presidential dictatorship, thereby discouraging immigration from Europe. Three infantry brigades make up a standing army that is unlikely to become bigger any time soon (your neighbours can field armies bigger than your entire population), and the land they guard produces Resource wool.pngwool and Resource cattle.pngcattle.


Uruguay’s weakness is also its best security. It has no territorial disputes with its neighbours, while the fact that all of its provinces are concentrated in a single state means that the only territorial gain that can be gotten out of it is through complete annexation, which comes at a discouragingly high infamy price for very low returns. Paraguay Paraguay, Chile Chile and possibly other nations tend to offer alliances. Uruguay can choose whether to honour them in hopes of gaining the upper hand against Brazil or Argentina in a conflict (which would be very difficult) or to withdraw into isolation, which will ensure its survival, if nothing else.

Isolationist policy and colonization

If it chooses an isolationist policy in South America, Uruguay can still expand colonially. A level 1 port in one of its coastal provinces will put it in range of South Georgia, in the South Atlantic, which has a life rating of 30. Upgrading the ports to level 3 will place the Ivory Coast and its surrounding regions within colonization range of Melo (in Uruguay) and Namibia within colonization range of South Georgia. The prerequisite technologies for colonizing those regions can be researched in time to compete in the scramble for that continent.

South american confrontation

If the player decides to focus in South America an alliance with Brazil and Chile should be enough for you to secure a victory against Argentina, wait until they are in war against Bolivia Bolivia and declare war for two states the most POPs they have the better, after your infamy low and the truce expires you should declare another war for more provinces specially the one with timber and grain also if you manage to border Paraguay conquering them could be a good move, after you are strong enough you could coquer the rest of Argentina and then even Bolivia could become a target.

In order for the country’s economy to sustain itself in the buildup to colonization, the technology 『Freedom of Trade』 is a minimum necessity.


In Heart of Darkness, Uruguay is in a much better position as it starts the game as a Democracy with some political reforms, meaning the country can get immigration right off the bat. 2 more reforms are able to be passed as the Upper house is controlled by liberals. Slavery is allowed in the country, and it is recommended to keep it that way until it is the only reform left as the player can use the militancy from it to pass other reforms.

In AHD and Vanilla

The country starts out as a presidential dictatorship. It is possible to make a peaceful transition to a democracy, but it takes some patience. The first step is to wait for 1837, when the upper house will become completely reactionary, allowing the reversal of reforms. Changing the upper house system from 『two per state’ to 『appointed』 will make it representative of the ideologies of the upper class. If the aristocrats do not meet their luxury needs, which should be the case even at the lowest level of taxation, they will steadily become more liberal, at a rate of roughly 0.2% per month. Depending on events that affect the number of liberals in the upper house, the latter should have a liberal majority by around 1850. Two conditions are necessary to form a democracy – the vote franchise must be something other than 『no voting』 (so 『only landed』 at the very least) and political parties must be something other than 『only underground』 (so 『harassment』 or anything better). Once those reforms are made, the government type will change to 『democracy』 within months.