
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness
政府類型 Absolute Monarchy
執政黨 Konservative Partei (conservative)
首都 Oldenburg
人口 67.02 thousand
主體民族 North German
識字率 80 %
國家價值觀 Order
科研學派 Traditional Academia
地位 Civilized nation

Oldenburg is one of the smaller German nations. It can form North German Federation North German Federation and Germany Germany if it rises to great power status. Oldenburg borders Hannover Hannover and Bremen Bremen and is in Prussia Prussia's sphere of influence. It will be annexed once Prussia takes the decision The North German Federation, so the entire game is a race against time. One has to get to secondary power so Oldenburg can take the decision Leave sphere of influence as well as get a good ally other than Germany. It has high literacy like all north German nations.

It is hard for Oldenburg to form Germany as it one of the smaller German nations, and one can not invade nations that have the same sphere leader, which is the case with every bordering nation except Hannover, which is in the United Kingdom United Kingdom's Sphere Of Influence.

Allying with Prussia for now and attacking Denmark Denmark to get some coastline, might be the best bet. One has to leave the alliance soon, but it is good for a start. Once secondary power is achieved, one has to look for the strongest ally one can get other than Germany. France France, Russia Russia or Austria Austria is the best choices, but even ones like Sweden Sweden is helpful.