
本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness

This page is about the nation of Panama. For the canal & how to form it, see Panama Canal.

政府类型 Democracy
执政党 Partido Nationalist (Reactionary)
首都 Panama City (ID 2204)
人口 31.95K
主体民族 North Andean
被接受民族 Central American
识字率 10.1%
国家价值观 Order
科研学派 Traditional academia
地位 Civilized
A view of Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador. Panama is under Colombian control

Panama is a country on the border between North America and South America. It did not exist in 1836. It can be released by Colombia Colombia or formed following a successful revolution within or war against it. It borders the former owners of Colombia and USCA USCA. A nation holding Panama in its sphere of influence may construct the Panama Canal. If this occurs, Panama will lose control of the province containing it, which would cut the nation in two. Panama can also build the canal if it raises to great power status before the others invent Iron Steamers, Medicine, Machine Tools and Cheap Iron.

To become a Great power Panama needs to own at least two provinces, which they don't in 1836. Therefore, to build the canal themselves and to prevent the country torn in half they need to conquer at least one other province.

Panama can form Gran Colombia Gran Colombia if it becomes great power and spheres Colombia, Venezuela Venezuela and Ecuador Ecuador. Very uniquely for Panama, if they form Gran Colombia, It will have Central American as an accepted culture. Therefore, after forming Gran Colombia, annexing USCA is the natural goal.