
本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness
政府类型 HM's Government (will turn into a absolute monarchy in the first 2 months)
执政党 Realistas (reactionary)
首都 Havana
人口 234.000
主体民族 Caribeno
识字率 10,1%
国家价值观 Order
科研学派 Traditional Academia
地位 Civilized Nation
A picture of Cuba and the rest of the Caribbean Islands in 1836

Cuba is an island nation in the Caribian that starts as a colony of Spain Spain.

Cuba has a decent production of Resource tobacco.pngtobacco which is their best source of money. Haiti Haiti and the Danish West Indies are the best possibilities to expand for an independent Cuba.

Even though Cuba starts off as a HM's Government, it has no voting. This means that the Government will turn into a presidential dictatorship if Realistas remains in power. One can choose another ruling party. (conservative or liberal) In this case, the government form will be Absolute Monarchy. Not good, but one will have a little more room for different policies.

An American decision Ostend Manifesto will give USA USA (and later possibly CSA) cores on Cuba, and lower the relations between USA and the European Great Powers by 150. The decision will be a major threat for Cuba, but USA will however not take it, unless it has less than 25 prestige.


Cubas only production is Resource tobacco.pngtobacco, which does give a lot of cash, but does not help with industry at all. Annexing provinces with Resource timber.pngtimber, Resource coal.pngcoal or Resource iron.pngiron is more or less a must to start any decent industry.

Cubas literacy rate is atrocious and thus Clergymen mini.png must be promoted. They start with Spains technologies which are not great, but alright compared to e.g. USCA or Brazil. Industrial technology that improves the production of tobacco is of course best to improve the economy of Cuba. Otherwise Social Thought to improve the education is a good choice.

Possibilities for expansion


Haiti is a small island nation just next to Cuba. It has a small population with poor literacy. On the bright side, it wont have any allies for a long time and it would be almost free to take. It produces more Resource tobacco.pngtobacco, which Cubas technology should specialize in producing.


The Danish West Indies is like Haiti; a relatively safe bet considering its distance from the Danish homeland. It has a small population but its RGOs will help in your development.

Latin America

One of the more daring strategies is to take some of the South American mainland. Venezuela Venezuela, Ecuador Ecuador and Colombia Colombia have decent populations, but also larger militaries than Cuba. Brazil Brazil has cores on Colombia, so they will attack at some point, often in the early Game. A well timed attack can make some easy provinces.


Now for the more daring ways. Mexico Mexico has a good population and some provinces that looks good under the Cuban flag. On top of that they have enough trouble with USA. One can use the Mexican-American War as an opportunity to take some of the southern provinces.

Other targets

Uncivilised African and South East Asian states are good targets for military conquest, with certain RGOs such as Resource rubber.pngrubber and Resource oil.pngoil being established in the late game.

One should also look out after an independent Californian Republic Californian Republic, Texas Texas or Panama Panama, in the rare event of a loss by the United States.

One can try to profit from the American Civil War and take some provinces from CSA, but the time frame of this conflict may preclude you from intervention.