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Vistakdl讨论 | 贡献2022年8月13日 (六) 10:56的版本
政府类型 绝对君主制
执政党 N/A
首都 成立阿拉伯的国家的首都
人口 N/A
主体民族 Varies
被接受民族 贝都因人,柏柏尔人(Berber),马什里奇人(Mashriqi), 埃及人(Misri),马格里布人(Maghrebi)
识字率 N/A
国家价值观 秩序
科研学派 N/A
地位 Varies
Arabian Peninsula in 1836

阿拉伯可以被任何一个阿拉伯国家成立. 使用内志 内志成立阿拉伯所需要的要求少于用其他阿拉伯国家成立内志. 成立阿拉伯必须是一个great power并且有至少一个其他阿拉伯国家作为势力范围. Nejd只需要侵略汉志 汉志, 并且无需西化或作为一个列强,便可以成立阿拉伯. 内志成立的阿拉伯将或多或少与今天的沙特阿拉伯相似.

If one decides to Form Arabia it will most likely result in many wars against the other Arabian countries and Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire. Arabia has cores in all of the Arabian countries and therefore free restore order-casus belli, which is the easiest path to success. If one is westernized before the 1870s, it is in an ideal position to colonize Africa, but it suffers from low literacy.

In addition to the cores and CBs, Arabia also has more accepted cultures than most nations.

Guide to Arabia formed by Nejd

Arabia is still an uncivilized nation and still have lots of problems associated with Nejd and Hedjaz. It has low literacy, a small population and no army to speak of.

On the other hand, one now have reconquest casus bellis against all other Arabian states and The Ottoman Empire. It will give a lot of research points to put Arabia on the course to westernization.

Initial Conquest

The first viable target is Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi. It has no allies, and no army, so it is more or less a question of just placing your troops and declaring victory.

Afterwards, one have to turn towards Oman Oman and Yemen Yemen. Oman will often be attacked by Portugal Portugal, so if one can time the invasion, it might be an easy job. After one have acquired and rebuild the armies of Nejd, Hedjaz, Abu Dhabi and Oman, Yemen should pose no threat.

Usually there are none of these countries, which will have any allies.

Moving On

Now it all depends on what the European Powers have decided to do. Algeria Algeria, Morocco Morocco and Tunis Tunis are often attacked and annexed by European powers. Tripoli Tripoli is likewise often re-annexed by The Ottoman Empire. If that is the case, then there is not a lot Arabia can do. If not, they are good targets at this point.

At some point one have turn to Egypt Egypt. The Ottoman Empire usually attack them, so one can time the attack, and almost meet no resistance at all.

After those have been annexed, one can move on to Ethiopia Ethiopia, Sokoto Sokoto or Sindh Sindh until Arabia is ready to Westernize. Then one have to face The Ottoman Empire for Iraq Iraq and what they have taken of Eqypt and Tripoli.