
本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness
政府类型 N/A
执政党 N/A
首都 建立国的首都(一般是柏林)
人口 N/A
主体民族 南德意志人或北德意志人
被接受民族 北德意志人或南德意志人
识字率 N/A
国家价值观 秩序
科研学派 N/A
地位 开化国家



德国拥有一系列专属决议,例如黑尔戈兰岛之问下瓦尔德纪念碑威廉皇帝领地。此外,普鲁士 普鲁士巴伐利亚 巴伐利亚的很多专属决议也可以由德国完成。但是,德国无法完成黑森-达姆施塔特 黑森-达姆施塔特汉诺威 汉诺威利珀亲王国 利珀亲王国的决议,即使德国是由其中的一个国家成立的。




任何以北德意志或南德意志文化国家都可以成立德国。要想成立德国,符合条件的国家必须征服全部的南北德意志邦国或将他们纳入势力范围。卢森堡 卢森堡 and 奥地利 奥地利 are however optional.

其中一个成立德国的条件是拥有原本属于法国 法国的阿尔萨斯-洛林地区或将其纳入势力范围。可以以“夺取领土”的宣战理由随时取得这片土地,但需要承受极高的恶名惩罚。在研究完成民族主义与帝国主义之后则可以使用“统一国家”这个无恶名惩罚的宣战理由。(当然理论上也可以把法国纳入势力范围,不过想把法国踢出列强之列基本上必需要通过战争彻底击败法国,相比之下还是夺取阿尔萨斯和洛林地区比较容易一点)。









Großdeutschland (Greater Germany)

Great Germany with Luxembourg and Austria annexed. Notice that Eastern Siebenburgen is held by Hungary.

Historically Großdeutschland, or Great Germany, was a dream of uniting all the German speaking peoples of Europe into one nation. In Victoria II this is represented by a union of the German and Austrian Empires which has potential to become the most powerful country in the world even under the AI. In the hands of a skilled player Greater Germany is unstoppable.

Greater Germany will always be formed if Germany is created by Austria.

It will also be formed if Austria or Austria-Hungary Austria-Hungary is in the sphere of the nation taking the decision to form Germany. A common tactic is to postpone taking the decision until Austria has fallen to Secondary Power status. One can start a war with the "Assert Hegemony" CB (or "Humiliate", for minimal infamy, if Nationalism & Imperialism hasn't yet been researched) and add the "add nation to sphere" wargoal after Austria has fallen from Great Power status (this necessarily takes at least a year after they fall to rank 9). If one destroys Austria's armies and occupies its territory it will have no military nor industrial score. This technique can be used to form the greater German Empire by 1846.

Annexing Austria after the formation

Many people do not realize that Austria can be annexed quite easily at any time after Germany has formed. There are two requirements to make this happen:

  1. Austria must be in Germany's sphere of influence
  2. Hungary must exist

The second condition is the tricky one because there is no such requirement for most union nations to annex their member states.

Hungary can be created by nationalist rebels or by crisis, but the easiest way is a war using either the Free People or Liberate Country goals.

Hungary itself has low literacy, a diverse population, and mediocre resources making it less attractive for annexation than Austria's western states. For these reasons Germany may wish to use the Liberate Country goal which has the added benefit of depriving Austria much of its land and population, helping to push it down into secondary status so that it may be sphered.

On the other hand, these challenges are not insurmountable and a Greater Germany with Hungary can be quite impressive. In this case, Germany should use the Free People war goal to carve off one of the less valuable states of southern Hungary. Eastern Siebenburgen is a good choice. It is out of the way and contains no valuable resources. One disadvantage of Free People is that it does not remove Austrian cores, so Germany should move quickly to annex Austria before it decides to reclaim the lost territory.

In Heart of Darkness a massive influence penalty was added to prevent sphereing nations with large populations. This prevents Germany from adding the full sized Austria to its sphere peacefully. The "Add to Sphere" wargoal will still work, but this is only available once Austria has lost its Great Power status. First attack Austria with any CB, then occupy the entire country until it loses GP status, then add the wargoal. Note that GP status cannot be lost during a Crisis war or Great War, but it can be during a regular war.

Once Austria has been added to the German sphere and Hungary exists an event to annex Austria should fire within a few years.

This method works even if Austria has already changed its name to Austria-Hungary. The key is that an independent nation named Hungary must exist.

A word of warning, however, Hungary Hungary and other countries released from Austria CANNOT be diplomatically annexed by Germany because they are not members of the German cultural union. This includes Bohemia-Moravia Bohemia-Moravia/Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia which can create an ugly blob in the middle of a united Greater Germany if it manages to get free. In order to form the largest nation possible, Germany must ensure that these countries do not become independent.

When Germany is formed, they can take the decision The Heligoland Question to gain cores on the British owned Heligoland in the North Sea.


As an important Great Power, the unified Germany has a lot of potential to acquire its own colonial empire, assuming that it is formed by the early 1870s.

  • 非洲: To prepare for the Scramble for Africa, it is recommended that Germany/Prussia go to war and acquire some colonies from minor European powers on or near the African continent. For example: ally with Belgium Belgium early on and when the Netherlands Netherlands attacks them, use that as an opportunity to acquire Dutch Ghana. During France's attempts at reclaiming Alsace-Lorraine from Germany, if the player is overwhelmingly winning they might want to acquire a French colony in Africa such as the Mauritius islands, which can be used to colonize Somaliland if there is a second-tier naval base there. Another option is taking Ghana from Denmark Denmark during the war for Schwelsig-Holstein. Researching culture techs will allow you as much as 6 national foci, which can make colonization much more effective. If such steps are taken then Germany has the potential to claim a significant portion of Africa.
  • 亚洲: To follow the historical route of German expansion in Asia, it may be good for the player to acquire Johore Johore or Brunei Brunei, or both, and build naval bases in the latter. Then it will be possible to colonize northeastern Guinea (which gives you the Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land decision, giving prestige) and various other small islands in the Pacific, such as Micronesia, Tonga, and Fiji. In addition, if the player builds up enough troops in Asia it is quite possible to take a region or two from China China as colonial concessions.