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北境至高王讨论 | 贡献2021年3月26日 (五) 14:55的版本
政府类型 立宪君主制
执政党 法国派(保守主义)
首都 雅典 (ID 834)
人口 224.99k
主体民族 希腊人
识字率 22%
国家价值观 秩序
科研学派 传统学术界
地位 开化国家

希腊是一个在奥斯曼帝国 奥斯曼帝国以南,控制着大部分希腊文化土地的开化国家。希腊是一个非常有游戏体验的国家:开局时希腊狭小的国土上的人口以农民为主且极度缺乏资本家,却被强敌环绕。唯一的好消息是这个强敌正在衰弱而各小国都在寻求抱团和帮助。希腊开局时就在联合王国 联合王国的势力范围内,这一条件成为了希腊崛起的一个巨大助力。

设计师的其中一个彩蛋允许希腊重建东罗马帝国 东罗马帝国,虽然设计师认为在正常游戏中这是不可能的。



希腊有大量未取得的核心领土,包括埃及控制的克里特 克里特爱奥尼亚群岛 爱奥尼亚群岛和奥斯曼控制的马其顿。



那么希腊该如何走出经济困境呢?1836年的希腊是一个预算极度紧张的小国——紧张的都不好意思称其为经济。幸好希腊还有一个可以随便改变政党的政府:俄罗斯派是一个国家资本主义政党,可以让希腊在没有Capitalists mini.png资本家的情况下建工厂。

在未来的工业发展上,希腊生产的Resource cotton.png棉花可以用于Resource regular clothes.png衣物厂的生产,而Resource fruit.png水果可以用于Resource wine.png葡萄酒厂的生产。虽然不论如何Resource coal.png煤和Resource iron.png铁总是会稀缺的。



1836年的希腊最大的问题就是贫穷,但即便顶着国库空虚且缺乏资本家的巨大劣势,希腊也应该借钱来建工厂。 事实上,如果操作得当,并不需要做出任何牺牲以换取经济发展。


希腊起初是一个[[绝对君主制] ,但它有一个决议voule ton ellinon ,将政府改为hm’s government 。与绝对君主制不同的是,它允许各种政党参加,但对希腊政治的控制力有所减弱。一个人必须考虑这个机会。

Retaking the Greek cores


In the early years it is important to watch Egypt Egypt. The Ottoman Empire has cores on half of the Egyptian land so a war will eventually come. Because of this it is a good idea to take Crete while the Egyptians are distracted by the Oriental Crisis. The fleet will be vulnerable if Greece is the only one attacking Egypt, but they will ultimately offer little resistance if they are focusing on the Ottoman Empire. Egypt starts out with a navy that more than matches the Greek one, but they might choose to disband it to save money. If they choose to do so, retaking Crete will be even easier.

East and West Macedonia, Cyprus, Aegean Islands

Greece does at some point need to face the previously so mighty Ottoman Empire. The empire is however not the threat that it once was. The Greek provinces in the empire will likely cause several crises. Otherwise one can build up the strength to take action and attack.

A strong fleet will help tremendously in the war, as one can trap any Ottoman troops that are placed in the Asian part of the empire by blocking the Bosphorus Strait by Istanbul. One does however need a considerable stronger fleet, as one does also need transport ships to occupy islands while holding the strait.

A continued alliance with UK will help as they have the most powerful fleet in the world.

Ionian Islands

Ionian Islands start in the sphere and as a puppet of UK, which makes them impossible to take by war. The Ionian Islands cannot be considered exactly valuable, but Greece will most likely receive them for free. UK will at some point after they have invented Nationalism and Imperialism take the decision Treaty of London (1864) to hand them over.

The Megali Idea

After taking its initial cores, Greece can take a decision called The Megali Idea, which will give cores on several states in Anatolia and also Thrace. It should not be a problem to take those, if one have already proven that Greece can beat The Ottoman Empire. The Megali Idea requires all of Greece's cores and the discovery of National Fraternity.

In order to take Thrace, it must not be the Ottoman Empire's capital state (it contains Istanbul). If the empire loses Rumalia (Bulgaria) and East Macedonia, it gets a decision to move the capital to Ankara. So in addition to cores, it is advantageous to either conquer Rumalia or release Bulgaria.

Other targets of conquest

Once this is done, one can consider using the alliance with UK to establish a protectorate over Johore Johore, Burma Burma or any of the South Asian nations. Johore is home to two gold mines while the others have valuable resources like Resource tobacco.pngtobacco, Resource opium.pngopium, Resource tropical wood.pngtropical wood, Resource tea.pngtea, and, later on, Resource oil.pngoil. They will surely help the Greek economy. Taking coastal provinces in the region also opens the possibility of colonizing the unclaimed parts of Indonesia and South east Asia.

One can also go after specifically provinces with Resource coal.pngcoal as that is lacking in Greece proper.

Forming the Byzantine Empire

It is possible for Greece to form the Byzantine Empire! The conditions that need to be in place to be able to take this decision are that Greece should have Greek as the primary culture, be a great power, control all of Greece's cores, own Istanbul in the state of Thrace (Istanbul will become Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire) and the entirety of the Konya, Bursa, and Izmir regions, and have the government type either HM's Government or Absolute Monarchy.

However, Istanbul is the capital of the Ottoman Empire and capitals are not claimable by other nations. Luckily the Ottoman Empire will get the event Flight from Istanbul which moves the capital to Ankara, if they lose East Macedonia and Rumelia so dismantling the Ottomans entirely is not necessary.

All of the regions that are needed to control to refound the Byzantine Empire, except Konya, will be cored by The Megali Idea. Even though the Ottoman Empire generally tends to go into decline, they are nonetheless still a difficult nation to deal with.