
本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness
Spqrspidy讨论 | 贡献2020年11月21日 (六) 12:05的版本 (Spqrspidy移动页面东罗马帝国拜占庭帝国
政府类型 Absolute monarchy
执政党 Komma Ethnikofronon (conservative)
首都 Constantinople (ID 860)
人口 N/A
主体民族 Greek
识字率 N/A
国家价值观 Order
科研学派 Traditional Academia
地位 Civilized

The Byzantine Empire is a country that can be formed by Greece Greece. Istanbul, the initial capital of the Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire, is needed to form the Byzantine Empire. This makes forming the Byzantine Empire virtually impossible until the Turks move their capital to Ankara with the event Flight from Istanbul. It is one of the hardest nations to make by decision.

The decision requires you to be a great power before becoming visible, and it is considered an easter egg.

How to form the Byzantium Empire

To form the Byzantine Empire with the decision King of Kings, Ruler of Rulers, a country needs to have Greek as its primary culture, own all Greek cores, and the Thrace, Konya, Bursa and Izmir regions. Once the Byzantine Empire is formed, Istanbul will be renamed Constantinople, and the country's political parties will be renamed.

The Thrace region holds the Capital of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul. Therefore, to form Byzantium, one has to wait for the Ottoman Event Flight from Istanbul which moves the capital to Ankara. This will however happen as soon as The Ottoman Empire does not own the two regions just east of Istanbul. Technically one can also annex the entire Ottoman empire, but that is virtually impossible.

Afterwards one have to fabricate casus belli to annex the states, that Greece does not have cores one. Once that is done, great power status should be secured from all the prestige from conquest alone.