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Spqrspidy讨论 | 贡献2020年10月31日 (六) 14:11的版本 (Spqrspidy移动页面Luxembourg卢森堡

政府类型 Absolute Monarchy
执政党 Conservative
首都 Luxembourg (397)
人口 44 thousand
主体民族 North German
被接受民族 French
识字率 45%
国家价值观 Liberty
科研学派 Traditional Academia
地位 Civilized
Luxembourg is a Dutch puppet

Luxembourg starts as a small puppet state of the Netherlands Netherlands. It has one province, its capital, that produces iron. It can take part in North German Federation North German Federation if gets influenced by Prussia Prussia before the unification or when the complete Germany Germany is formed if it gets influenced by North German Confederation or South German Federation South German Federation. The Unification can happen without Luxembourg as well.

Luxembourg has the third lowest population of all the civilized nations after Lübeck Lübeck and Montenegro Montenegro.

Breaking free

As a puppet state Luxembourg is unable to declare war on any nations. It can however be freed by other countries or break free in a rebellion. Luxembourg has a big struggle in becoming a great power while it is puppet, because they only have 1 state (Wallonia). During the Dutch reconquest of Belgium Belgium, Belgian troops will likely take over Luxembourg which will crush the army.


If Luxembourg is free it will be in a difficult position as it is surrounded by France France, Belgium and Prussia/NGF/Germany. Taking land from any country is best done while that country is already at war. For example, during the Franco-Prussian war.

If Luxembourgs succeeds in forming Germany, it will have North German, South German and even French as accepted culture. This could potentially be one of the strongest versions of Germany that could be formed.