日本 | |
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政府类型 | 绝对君主制 |
执政党 | 佐幕派(反动派) |
首都 | 江户 (ID 1649) |
人口 | 708 万 |
主体民族 | 日本人 |
被接受民族 | 阿依努人 |
识字率 | 40% |
国家价值观 | 秩序 |
科研学派 | 未开化国家 |
地位 | 未开化国家 |
- 日本在开局时有着高达40%的 识字率 。 实际上在1836年剧本里它只比识字率最高的美国低了2%。 作为一个未开化国家,这为日本提供了绝好的西化条件,其速度高于除了 夏威夷 之外的任何未开化国家 (作为对比, 识字率次高的
Abu Dhabi 只有30%。低了有10%。)。
- 日本的科研不仅得益于其识字率,也受益于它的两个独有 决议 : 早期明治维新 和 明治维新, 后者只有在日本被划入列强势力范围时才能执行。这两个决议大大增加了日本可获取的科研点。
- 日本是一个岛国,与世隔绝。唯一可能构成威胁的国家是{ flag | 大清} ,{ flag | 俄罗斯} ,和{ flag | 英国 }。可怜的入侵 ai (即小型的,无护卫的运输舰队)使{ flag | 美利坚合众国}}在早期不过是一个讨厌的东西,而{ flag | 尼德兰}和{ flag | 西班牙}可以安全地忽略。
- 由于他们的识字率和体面的人口基数,日本有潜力在几年内(如果不是更少的话)成为一个西方化的(列强)。
- 由于日本的地理位置,有很多扩张的可能性。值得注意的是朝鲜,文莱,柔佛,大南和暹罗。
- 尽管[俄罗斯]一开始的识字率非常糟糕,但他们开始的游戏已经西化了。与他们过早开战对日本不利。
- 日本开始只能训练非正规军。没有抓住允许步兵的改革,日本在试图解放/征服{ flag | 朝鲜}时,将与大体上统一的[[[中国]]]的力量作斗争。
- 尽管(早期明治维新)的决议带来了丰厚的奖励,但它也将(斗争性)提高到了天文数字的水平。一场对抗反动派的失败战争的到来,将导致所有西化进程的失败。
早期明治维新 vs 明治维新
明治维新发生在戊辰战争之后,明治天皇(emperor meiji)实施了各种社会和军事改革,以便更好地效仿欧洲和美国的同行。这一事件可能是日本历史上最重要的事件之一,因为它不仅统一了全国(由于天皇赢得了 boshin 战争,废除了幕府,恢复了有效的帝国统治) ,而且还把一支相对落后的军队变成了一支现代军队。这种改革的效果将是大规模的工业化和军事征服。二战初期,日本本身就是一个超级大国。然而,维多利亚2号并没有准确地模拟 boshin 战争的斗争(除非安装了新国家模型或者流行分区模型) ,而且明治维新被降级到只是一个给予免费研究分数的决议。
从1836年开始,日本唯一的选择就是[早期明治维新] ,因为他们不在任何强国的势力范围之中。明治早期与正常明治的区别在于,早期明治维新免费给予土地改革,代价是为了[保守派] ,[反动派]和[[自由派]的{红色 | 0.5}而给予土地改革,而正常明治维新既不给予土地改革,也不给予土地改革。
一个需要等待成为列强的日本。这是值得考虑的,因为早期的版本给予了巨大的斗争性。 从1861年开始,日本已经进入了{ flag | 美利坚合众国 }的势力范围 ,所以采取正常的明治维新决策是显而易见的。这将给日本足够的研究点,采取土地改革,或等待,直到其中一个20% 的改革是可行的。
无论日本做出何种决定,他们都将获得{ green | 5}年的研究点数分和{ green | 10}[ 威望 ]]。
[西化]是一条漫长而令人沮丧的道路。值得庆幸的是,日本的高(识字率)每天直接转化成的研究分数比其它任何未开化国家都多。在人口最密集的地区打开[国家焦点]鼓励[神职人员]将进一步加快这一进程。一旦神职人员人数达到2% ,就转移到下一个地区。其他未开化国家需要等到4% 才能获得最大的识字福利,但日本已经和许多文明国家平起平坐了。一旦人口数量达到2% ,将国家重点从一个地区转移到另一个地区,比等待一个地区达到4% 要好得多。日本当然也应该 资助教育尽可能多,最好是100% 。
关于西方化改革,在1836年,日本只需要一样东西: 步兵。当进口武器可以使用时,将大大有助于日本征服东南亚。如果要吞并朝鲜的话,步兵也是至关重要的。在此之后,改革变得更具有环境性。土地改革在资金短缺时总是一个好的选择,而进口船只将使日本能够建设重要的海军基地,以修理运输部队所需的运输船只。然而,有一项改革没有被提出,那就是改革体制(教育)。日本的识字率已经很高了,所以这项改革毫无价值。西化,即使改革不够完善,最迟也要到1860年左右才能完成。最有可能的是,日本在1852年左右西化了。即使没有为了研究点而发动战争的日本,在1855-56年间仍然可以西化。如果从1861年开始,日本将有足够的改革,可以达到80% 的西化程度,由于明治维新,日本有能力免费进行土地改革。从那里开始,只是一个跳跃,跳跃,跳跃到文明世界。
文莱: 文莱是一个容易被兼并的国家,而且往往是第一个被日本兼并的国家。它可能没有太多的早期,但后来在游戏中文莱成为亚洲最重要的地区之一,由于[ rgo 石油]它持有的储量。相邻的[殖民地]省份也有石油,但几乎总是会被荷兰吞噬。尽早采取文莱将阻止荷兰获得在该地区的这一宝贵资源的垄断。
Johore: Johore is full of Precious Metals. Unfortunately, Johore borders the United Kingdom, and the UK will likely go to war with Japan to claim the region for their own. Keeping relations with the UK high can prevent an early disaster.
Siam: Siam doesn't really have much in the way of resources in its coastal provinces, and is too big to annex outright, but the Chang Mai region has Opium, a precious resource to keep their Clerks and Capitalists happy. Obtaining Chang Mai is easy enough, but will require two separate Acquire State Casus Belli to get a coastal route to it, for easy troop access.
Dai Nam/
Cambodia: Dai Nam has Cambodia as a puppet, and often allies itself with China, making conquest pretty hellish. However, the rewards of winning such a war are valuable stocks of Tropical Wood, which will later turn into the extremely valuable Rubber resource.
- Korea: Taking the historical path of conquest will net Japan both a sizable population from which they can build more brigades from, as well as more Iron. The disadvantages to a Korean conquest are two-fold: China and militancy. Korea starts the game as an ally of China, so China should be neutral in Japanese-Korean War. After the war, expect tons of rebellions and Crises. It does, however, give Japan a land route into Manchuria and Russia, should the Japanese decide to continue their historical conquests.
- China/Chinese Substates: It may be crazy and suicidal, and breaking the back of the Big Dog of East Asia will be extremely tough, but the rewards are astronomical. First, and foremost, if China westernizes, it will automatically annex any substate it has. Removing said substates from China's influence will reduce their land capacity which, in turn, will result in a much slower Chinese rise to Great Power. Second, the population of the Chinese regions is second to none. Japan can field tons of brigades from a single conquered region. Third, the resources of quite a few Chinese regions far outstrip Japan's own. In particular, Tea and Silk are in absolute abundance in the coastal provinces, and the inland Shanxi is stuffed full of coal and three and a half million labourers to work the mines.
- Arabian Peninsula: Crazy? Possibly. Lucrative? Absolutely. Taking the Arabian nations early on, when they are ignored by the rest of the world, will result in a massive monopoly of Oil later in the game, a monopoly that only the USA can match. Not only does an Arabian conquest give Japan lots of Oil, but it will also help their eventual diplomatic influence with Egypt, due to sharing borders, when trying to build the Suez Canal. Oman's African provinces will also give access to the interior of Africa for later colonization.
Hawaii: Taking Hawaii will prevent the USA from annexing it later on. There is no other reward for a Hawaiian conquest than to throw a monkey wrench into the plans of the US, but this is a huge reward on its own. Leaving Hawaii alone will result in the US steamrolling through Oceania with their colonists. Prevent this from happening.
- Spanish
Philippines: Spain usually remains in control of the Philippines throughout the game, but it falls behind the other European powers and has a minimal military presence in the archipelago thanks to its severe economic problems. The problem is they are often sphered by a European Great Power, but if it is
France, as it often is, they don't have a major presence in East Asia so they should not be a threat. The Philippines are divided into three regions and mainly contain grain and iron in the way of resources, but could boost your population and serve as a base for expansion further south into southeast Asia.
Once Japan has properly westernized, which shouldn't take more than the 1860s if starting in 1836, the game becomes pretty standard. Japan often becomes a Great Power right after Westernization thanks to their huge literacy rate helping with the promotion of Capitalists and the building of factories. However, there are still some routes Japan can take:
When Japan reaches great power status, the event The Empire of the Sun will trigger, which will give prestige and fully cement the status.
- Colonization: Seeing "Japanese Africa" on the map is an extremely rare sight, but can be done. It just requires some single-minded research focus toward Medicine, Machine Guns, and Nationalism & Imperialism. A little luck also helps, as the great European nations will likely halt their attempts at colonization if they are involved in a big war. Taking Mombasa from Oman/Zanzibar will aid the colonization effort. If dreams of a Japanese Africa seem dashed, all of Oceania is still their playground. While not as lucrative as Africa, Oceania will provide plenty of prestige to a colonizing Japan.
- Monopolize the Canals: If colonization isn't in Japan's near future, they can rush toward the techs required for building the Suez and Panama Canal. Specifically, Iron Steamers, Inorganic Chemistry, and Interchangeable Parts (and Medicine for the Panama Canal). Don't even bother with the Kiel Canal; Prussia/North German Federation has a stranglehold on it, and the last thing Japan needs is a border with the biggest European nations in the world. Diplomatic influence for Panama is easy enough to get (the US usually ignores Colombia), but expect an all out brawl on the diplomacy table from the European nations for diplomatic control of Egypt. If it seems impossible to get control of Egypt through diplomacy, then conquest of the Dumyat region will fulfill this requirement quite nicely. Just don't expect the European nations to take kindly to it.
- Start the Russo-Japanese War: By the time Japan westernizes, Russia will be leagues ahead of them in technology. However, thanks to Russia's poor literacy rate (one of the worst in a civilized nation), Russia will lag behind during the late game. Exploit this for all its worth and reclaim the Japanese cores on Sakhalin and Hokkaido. A war with one of the largest nations on Earth will require a lot of tactics and planning, but if Japan can beat down the massive mobilized army, Russia will eventually collapse under its own weight. Just remember to build up a strong navy; Russia can't invade Japan if their ships are still stuck in port.
One can however consider not to retake Sakhalin and Hokkaido, as they are not very valuable, and unclaimed cores will drive up the populations desire for jingoism.
Japan doesn't play all that differently in A House Divided as opposed to Heart of Darkness, but there are a few notable exceptions:
- Korea is a puppet state, which means Japan have to deal with China. On the other hand crises will not be a problem.
- The different ticking war score system will no longer allow Japan to reclaim Sakhalin and Hokkaido without ever setting foot on Russia proper. Japan will need to build a sizeable fleet and army to fight Russia.
- Uncivilized nations does not have the ability to gain copious amounts of research points from conquering in AHD.
- Colonizing the Pacific and Africa will always come after 1870 with no chance of it happening earlier. This is a slight help, for a slowly developing Japan