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SphinX1633讨论 | 贡献2023年9月16日 (六) 00:37的版本
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政府类型 绝对君主制
执政党 保守党 (保守主义)
首都 哥本哈根 (ID 372)
人口 437.35 thousand
主体民族 丹麦人
被接受民族 冰岛人
识字率 77.2%
国家价值观 秩序
科研学派 传统学术界
地位 次强
Denmark in 1836

丹麦 是斯堪的纳维亚小却古老的王国, 在 普鲁士 普鲁士的北部. 它位于斯卡格拉克海峡这一战略位置,该海峡连接着波罗的海与北海和大西洋。从历史上看,这使它得以控制通过这个要塞的大量贸易。然而到了1836年,斯卡格拉克失去了这种战略优势,丹麦被削弱为三流强国。然而,让它再次强大并非不可能。

丹麦只有一个独特的 决议: Danmarks Riges Grundlov,但有不少独特的事件:


作为丹麦,玩家有很多思路破局,但这些思路都各有挑战。有一件事一定要注意,无论是通过事件还是决议变身 斯堪的纳维亚 都需要你是一个列强,这对丹麦来说还是不太简单。你可以转而去征服 Sweden 瑞典,但是 Russia 俄罗斯 经常把瑞典拉进势力范围。或者,你也可以通过事件(the 'Gutter Crown')拿到斯堪的纳维亚的王冠,如果不想拿也可以不拿。

丹麦想变列强,最明显的方式肯定是研究拿 威望文化科技,因为丹麦有着高识字率,很容易就可以领先科技。 这不仅会给你机会将瑞典拉入势力范围并且成立 斯堪的纳维亚,这也能帮你结盟上另一个列强来对抗 普鲁士Austria 奥地利.


Denmark's army is small when compared to its neighbors, and not likely to suddenly become a lot larger. This means that, by itself, Denmark will have great difficulty defeating Prussia. Copenhagen, however, lies on an island, and can be defended by ship. This will require a massive investment in the navy and naval infrastructure. Prussia has cores on Denmark and will try to reclaim them. Holstein Holstein at the beginning of the game is a satellite of Denmark. To prevent a Prussian invasion early on, break your alliance with Holstein. Then it will be impossible for Prussia to get to Denmark in the event of a war for the early years, as then Holstein will be neutral and—as the only country with a land border with Denmark on the Jylland peninsula—will block Prussia's armies from reaching you over land. Prussia starts off with a small and weak navy, so the Danish Royal Navy will be capable of preventing them from landing troops. Thus it is possible to avert war with Prussia for a number of years.

However, the Danish economy is very poor at the beginning and maintaining the Danish Army of 30,000 men and the Royal Navy of 10 ships will become difficult. But a sizable military is necessary considering the Prussian and Austrian menace, so the first research targets should be Practical Steam Engine, which will increase farming output and revenue. It will take a few years for this to be accomplished so one should expect to go into a large debt in the early period. But after this is accomplished, keeping taxes and tariffs at or near 100%, it will be possible to eventually pay off your debt and begin making progress. Early goals can include starting to build up factories and also expansion, for example taking Johore Johore and it precious metals would help the economy. The player should be careful to not send away the entire navy when attacking Johore as then Prussia will declare war, so only sending the transports is advisable.

For a state of its size, Denmark has very good global reach, with a base both in West Africa and the Americas (the puny island of Saint Thomas). If you were to decide to play very expansionary, this could be great launching pads for your conquests (Sokoto Sokoto in Africa, some Latin American states or Haiti Haiti in the Americas). Danish Ghana can also be great base to start colonizing from, provided you have the naval capacity required.

Denmark in Heart of Darkness is in a much better starting position than before: because Prussia Prussia doesn't gain the Casus Belli to take Schleswig Schleswig from you until it researches Nationalism and Imperialism, you have quite some time to prepare, and maybe even find a proper ally to withstand the German brutes. Denmark starts as an absolute monarchy, but have the decision Danmarks Riges Grundlov which allows it to change to HM's government relatively quickly if the player wishes. If one intends on democratic reforms, it is a good idea to delay voting reforms, as the decision gives 5 prestige, which is lost if Denmark transitions to HM's government to conventional way.


Danish Ghana together with Sokoto as well as Dutch, French and English Ghana

Denmark's best and most obvious way to expand is through colonization: Sokoto Sokoto, close to your base in Danish Ghana can be easily subjected, and is wealthy in both goods (Resource coal.pngcoal and Resource cotton.pngcotton, excellent for getting an Industry going) and manpower: you could easily raise an army here to defend the motherland and maintain your Global ranking. The coastline south of Sokoto is even more important: it contains even more Coal, not to mention an abundance in Rubber late game.

There are, of course, plenty of other targets, both in the Americas as in Africa or even Asia, it all depends on what you decide to do. Denmark is ultimately small, compared to its neighbours (specifically Germany Germany), so you will probably have to expand beyond Europe.


Normally Sweden Sweden is the only country Denmark needs to sphere to form Scandinavia Scandinavia. It is recommended to focus on Prestige techs early on if one intends to form Scandinavia. Of two reasons. It is a quick way to reach Great power status and Denmark needs 40 prestige which is by far enough to secure a lower great power position early in the game.
One has to compete with Russia Russia to influence Sweden. Russia is missing Freedom of Trade from the beginning and they don't have good relations with Sweden. if one keeps good relations with Sweden from the start of the game, it should be easy. It is very important to hold on to Schleswig-Holstein to begin with as Prussia intends to take it and make the Scandinavian unification impossible. If Iceland Iceland, Norway Norway, Jan Mayen Jan Mayen or Schleswig Schleswig are independent these must be put in Denmarks Sphere.

One should consider the possibilities of giving Schleswig its independence. It will be a puppet of Denmark and easily sphered and put back into Scandinavia. It prevents Prussia/NGF/Germany from attacking Denmark as they no longer have the War of Unification casus belli and it prevents them from attacking Schleswig as it is a puppet.

The only risky thing about this trick is if Prussia gets Schleswig in its sphere, Schleswig can be inherited in NGF