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(SphinX1633移动页面Wiang Chhan万象

2022年5月26日 (四) 17:15的最新版本

政府类型 Absolute Monarchy
执政党 Royal Faction (Conservative½
首都 Vientiane
人口 38.620
主体民族 Lao
识字率 4 %
国家价值观 Order
科研学派 Uncivilized
地位 Uncivilized
Wiang Chhan starts as a part of Siam

Wiang Chhan is a small releasable nation in Northern Siam. They will border Luang Prabang Luang Prabang, Siam Siam and Chinese Guangxi Guangxi. They are very small and will most likely never have an army if heavy investments are not made. Even Luang Prabang will seem dangerous to Wiang Chhan. All in all, it is one of the most difficult nations to play as.

Luang Prabang has cores on Wiang Chhan, and that threat should be dealt with immediately. Promoting Soldiers mini.pngsoldiers to deter them is a possibility, although Clergymen mini.pngclergymen is also heavily needed.

Other notes

If one plays as a civilized nation, one can attack Siam with the demand concession casus belli and release Wiang Chhan as a puppet. It would be infamy free conquest as one looses 5 infamy for releasing a vassal and gets 5 infamy for demanding concession.