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在与普鲁士的停战期间,奥地利应该开始继续发展。奥地利也应该扩充军力。一旦奥地利拥有大约150-200个旅的部队,就能对抗[普鲁士]以及最后的[法国]这些强大的对手。 | 在与普鲁士的停战期间,奥地利应该开始继续发展。奥地利也应该扩充军力。一旦奥地利拥有大约150-200个旅的部队,就能对抗[普鲁士]以及最后的[法国]这些强大的对手。 | ||
留给普鲁士任何喘息的空间和时间来恢复是不明智的(1850年以前不要这样做,因为你需要这样研发 “民族主义和帝国主义”的技术,) ,所以最好休战一结束就宣战。向普鲁士的一个边境州宣战,西里西亚因为人口众多而成为首要目标。如果[[法国]]仍然是盟国,那么请随时召集他们,不过普鲁士应该不是奥地利军队的对手。不要接受普鲁士的和平,即使他们提供西里西亚。这里的目标是占领普鲁士所有的土地,这样就能得到100% 的战争分数。但是,还是不接受和平。再加上”承认霸权”迫使普鲁士把所有德国邦国转移到你的势力范围。一旦兄弟之战结束,就是时候集结帝国军队对抗法国了。 | 留给普鲁士任何喘息的空间和时间来恢复是不明智的(1850年以前不要这样做,因为你需要这样研发 “民族主义和帝国主义”的技术,) ,所以最好休战一结束就宣战。向普鲁士的一个边境州宣战,西里西亚因为人口众多而成为首要目标。如果[[法国]]仍然是盟国,那么请随时召集他们,不过普鲁士应该不是奥地利军队的对手。不要接受普鲁士的和平,即使他们提供西里西亚。这里的目标是占领普鲁士所有的土地,这样就能得到100% 的战争分数。但是,还是不接受和平。再加上”承认霸权”迫使普鲁士把所有德国邦国转移到你的势力范围。一旦兄弟之战结束,就是时候集结帝国军队对抗法国了。 | ||
=== | === 阿尔萨斯洛林 === | ||
形成[[ 德国] 的决议要求拥有阿尔萨斯- 洛林地区,该地区最初由[ 法国] 拥有。[ 法国] 的策略会随着博弈而变化。有时他们首先致力于建立法国的经济和工业基础,而其他时候,法国建立了一支强大的军队。希望他们会选择经济路线。一种方法是在游戏早期就宣战。在对抗法国的战争中,奥地利应该进行防御性战斗,小心不要让法国人突破防线,向德国或者奥地利本土派遣军队。如果战争进展顺利,法国将交出领土,奥地利将离统一大德国更近一步。 | |||
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== After the formation== | == After the formation== |
2021年3月24日 (三) 15:04的版本
奥地利 | |
政府类型 | 绝对君主制 |
执政党 | 梅特涅派(保守主义) |
首都 | 维也纳(ID 619) |
人口 | 8.84 million |
主体民族 | 南德意志人 |
被接受民族 | |
识字率 | 16.1% |
国家价值观 | 秩序 |
科研学派 | 军工复合体 |
地位 | 列强 |
"Let others wage wars, but you, happy Austria, shall marry." - Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor (1415 - 1493)
维多利亚2开局时,奥地利正处于她的巅峰时期。奥地利坐拥庞大的人口,但其民族关系十分紧张,要领导奥地利走向世界舞台的中心必须付出巨大的牺牲。奥地利帝国位于中欧东部,拥有大约884万人口。她的北部与 俄罗斯帝国、 File:克拉科夫.png 克拉科夫、 普鲁士、 萨克森、 巴伐利亚 以及 符腾堡接壤,西部与 瑞士以及 File:萨丁尼亚-皮埃蒙特王国.png 萨丁尼亚-皮埃蒙特王国接壤,南部与 帕尔马、 摩德纳、 教宗国、 奥斯曼帝国、 塞尔维亚 以及 File:瓦拉几亚.png 瓦拉几亚接壤,东部与 摩尔达维亚和俄罗斯帝国接壤。
历史上,奥地利在哈布斯堡家族的统治下逐渐崛起,哈布斯堡家族将神圣罗马帝国的皇冠收入囊中,并将统治扩展到德意志和中欧的大部分地区,包括 波西米亚-摩拉维亚 (现捷克共和国)、 匈牙利 (包括其它几个现代国家的部分领土)、斯洛文尼亚、 克罗地亚 以及达尔马提亚。奥地利逐渐成为欧洲最强大的国家之一。
奥地利取得霸权的其中一条道路是通过与普鲁士的战争成立 File:德意志.png 德意志 (为德意志三呼万岁!)。但奥地利也可以选择成立 奥匈帝国 (Austro-Hungarian Compromise), 通过缓解紧张的民族关系、让匈牙利人进入军队增强实力。
奥地利是一个庞大的多元文化帝国,快速浏览一下人口界面,就会发现很大一部分人口不是南德人,而南德人是奥地利的主要文化。此外,低识字率阻碍了奥地利的科技进步。为了解决这个问题,所有的国家焦点都应致力于鼓励神职人员。直到他们占到每个州人口的4% ,这将确保识字率的最快提高,但神职人员至少要占人口的2% 。 最初的行动将主要取决于你是否选择与普鲁士人作战。联合普鲁士意味着你将失去承认霸权的[ 宣战借口 ] ,放弃任何成立大德意志的想法,换取一个友好的军事和工业的北方强国。
如果你选择与普鲁士作战,你必须在欧洲大陆寻找一个盟友。法国或俄罗斯是很好的的选择,但同时结盟不太可能。{flag | 联合王国 |}}不是在大陆上非常有用的盟友。
如果选择与普鲁士作战,最优先的技术应该是军事技术。[军队专业精神]和[医学]是非常重要的。如果你选择不和普鲁士人作战,你应该把重点放在获得意识形态思想和国家和政府上。由于奥地利是一个如此庞大的帝国,从长远来看,拥有更多的(国家焦点)将是极其重要的。哲学也很重要,要跟上研究的步伐,但是其他的[文化技术]都可以很先放弃,甚至美学也可以。 奥地利有各种文化的解放运动。为了避免因为奥地利的多元文化而陷入战争,玩家应该选择能提高同化率的事件。此外,可以考虑“[奥匈妥协]”的决决议。这将使匈牙利成为一个被接受的文化,这是至关重要的,因为匈牙利是奥地利最大的文化之一,尽管很容易引起紧张局势。但是,要知道,选择奥匈妥协,会增加非奥地利,非匈牙利地区的斗争性。
在德国统一的过程中,一场关于德国统一方式的辩论。第一个建议,被称为“ kleindeutsche lösung”(小德意志解决方案) ,是在奥地利帝国之外的德国领土统一成一个单一的民族国家。第二个被称为“大德国解决方案” ,提议将奥地利和德国联合在一起,并就帝国的非德国部分是否会合并或给予独立进行了进一步的辩论。 在维多利亚2,奥地利是[欧洲]最强大的国家之一。为了形成德国 ,有必要让[[[普鲁士]]失去[[[列强]]]地位。防止{flag | 北德联邦}的形成是一个迫在眉睫的关键目标,因为统一的北德将更难对付。为了防止这种情况,奥地利必须守住它的势力范围[萨克森]。
形成Großdeutschland(大德意志)的第一步 ,是形成{flag | 南德联邦}。这样就把[巴伐利亚][符腾堡][巴登][奥地利]统一为奥地利一个国家。一定要集中精力防止萨克森落入普鲁士手中,这样他们就不能组成北德联邦。攻击普鲁士最简单的方法就是尽快与{ flag | 法兰西 }}或{ flag | 俄罗斯 }结盟。接下来,以“夺取普鲁士的符腾堡地区”为借口向普鲁士宣战(普奥战争)。当普鲁士被击败时,奥地利将能够组成[南德意志邦联]。随着游戏的进行,普鲁士会迅速扩张其经济和军事,所以在奥地利和普鲁士势均力敌时与他们交战是明智的。 在与普鲁士的停战期间,奥地利应该开始继续发展。奥地利也应该扩充军力。一旦奥地利拥有大约150-200个旅的部队,就能对抗[普鲁士]以及最后的[法国]这些强大的对手。 留给普鲁士任何喘息的空间和时间来恢复是不明智的(1850年以前不要这样做,因为你需要这样研发 “民族主义和帝国主义”的技术,) ,所以最好休战一结束就宣战。向普鲁士的一个边境州宣战,西里西亚因为人口众多而成为首要目标。如果法国仍然是盟国,那么请随时召集他们,不过普鲁士应该不是奥地利军队的对手。不要接受普鲁士的和平,即使他们提供西里西亚。这里的目标是占领普鲁士所有的土地,这样就能得到100% 的战争分数。但是,还是不接受和平。再加上”承认霸权”迫使普鲁士把所有德国邦国转移到你的势力范围。一旦兄弟之战结束,就是时候集结帝国军队对抗法国了。
After the formation
From here your route is up to you. Options include “Balkanizing” The Ottoman Empire (using the “Free People” war goal excessively), invading Russia (be careful, it will be a war of attrition), or perhaps settling on claiming all of Africa for the Habsburg's. That is the beauty of Victoria 2; there is no specific guidelines for winning.
The Eastern Strategy
Austria has fought long enough for Germany. From Charlemagne to the Holy Roman Empire to the German Confederation, the Hapsburgs or their lands have tried to defend Germany. And what has she gotten? The loss of Silesia, the breaking up of the Holy Roman Empire, enemies to the North, East, South, and West. Poland has been crushed but sentiments in Italy and Germany turn against you. The minorities want independence at any cost. It is time that the Hapsburgs focus on themselves instead of on others. First up, reclaim Silesia!
Opening Moves
The brute up north, called Prussia, is your worst enemy. Until you crush it. Ally France as soon as possible and start justifying retaking Silesia with an Acquire State Casus Belli. Make sure your spherelings are allied to you and attack Prussia for Lower Silesia. Remember to mobilize and fully fund the army, you are not yet ready for war with just a professional army. Defend your borders while France fights their way to you. Prussia will be overwhelmed but make sure the German minors on your side do not peace out by sending troops to assist. Do NOT peace out of the Northern German minors, they give you free warscore. Also take Upper Silesia and free the people of Sigmarinen. Encourage Clergymen in your most populous states and impose a slight tariff so your people can get the goods into the market.The first step to Hapsburg victory is complete.
Crush the Sick Man of Europe
Once Austrias most fearsome rival, the Ottoman Empire is falling apart. You should take advantage of this. After most of your infamy has burned off, declare war for Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Ottomans should have no Great Power allies and if they do, it does not matter. Prussia is now a mere secondary power, Great Britain just sits on their island, and any other country will lose to Austria and France. Liberate Bulgaria. They make for a decent ally. After this, Russia should pounce on them for Kars so the Southern Front is secure. If not, crises will wreck the Ottoman Empire.
Northern Italy
Now, Austria looks unstoppable. And then a small, evil nation in {Italy, called Sardinia Piedmont comes in. France will probably desert you for them when they declare on you to "liberate" Lombardia. Do not give in or else they will also want more of your Italian lands. The South German minors will be no match for France and your armies are still too weak to take on such a juggernaut. So this is what you do, send an army straight to their capital from South Germany. This is a doomstack. Engage any French army on the way, you will gain warscore. When you finish sieging Paris after beating up their army, they should White Peace. Get your alliance back. Now for the Eastern Question.
The South German Confederation should've been formed by now. They will be your most loyal ally until they too, become arrogant like the Prussians did. But for now, they will be your greatest friend (besides France). Russia can grow strong in the late game. It is not too late yet to make sure that never happens. Use a Liberate Country casus belli. It should be a quick, decisive war in the 1890s. The Hungarians have joined your country so you are now a pleasant brown color, representing the fact that Austria- Hungary, like the earth, is unstoppable. Russia falls quickly yet bitterly. Russia, when fully mobilized, has a vast amount of troops. Only attack during the summer, attrition will massacre more troops then the Russians can. Beat back their armies and siege Russia. France may be unable to help because of lack of military access. Ukraine is released and let your allies take what they want. The frontier everywhere is secure. The world is at your fingertips, the Hapsburg dominate Europe once again.
An Alternative 'Hermetic' Route
Austria becomes far easier to manage if the player adopts a stance similar to the popular British strategy of ignoring the rest of Europe. First, simply removes all German minor states from Austria's Sphere of Influence. Doing so allows the German Empire to form quickly and peacefully in regards to Austria, and the two nations can quickly become fast allies. In order to accomplish this, remove all minor German states from the Austrian Sphere of Influence, followed immediately by an alliance with Prussia - they will quickly form the North German Federation, followed by the German Empire, and shouldn't lead to the Austro-Prussian War. After this point, try to ally with Great Britain (as long as they seem not to be declaring war on European states too much) and break the alliance with Germany. After Great Wars are discovered in 1890, you may ally with another generally neutral Great Power, such as France - just don't go to war with Germany with them. The result of this course of action will find Austria holding mostly indigenous cores of countries like Hungary, lowering the chances of another power declaring war on you massively, since nobody else wants what Austria owns, except internal separatists. As such, the only policy for Austria in such a situation is simply to avoid war and encourage liberalism to ensure consciousness and separatists do not get overwhelming. The possibility exists to release Venice in order to lower the risk of Italy dragging you into a destructive war with Germany or Russia, but the Italians normally don't do such things. In addition, the risk of repeated wars between European powers tends to be lessened by Austria simply giving away their Sphere of Influence in the minor German states, since everyone ends up with everything they have a claim on. Exceptions to this include Alsace-Lorraine, which may cause some wars between France and Germany, and the aforementioned Venice. Keep an eye on these areas and Europe becomes an immediately safer place to live.