
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness
政府類型 絕對君主制
執政黨 皇室派(保守主義)
首都 布拉提斯拉瓦
人口 826.69 thousand, 3.30 million in total
主體民族 斯洛伐克人
識字率 11.7 %
國家價值觀 秩序
科研學派 傳統學術界
地位 開化國家

Slovakia is a small European nation that can be released by Austria Austria. It will initially only border Austria all the way around, which is a serious problem for future expansion.

Slovakia can form Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia, if it grows strong enough. To do so one needs to be a great power, and have control over Austrian Bohemia-Moravia Bohemia-Moravia. Both of these are very hard to achieve.

It has good RGOs (mainly Resource coal.pngcoal) and a good sized population to start an industry, but a lackluster literacy by European standards.


In order to form Czechoslovakia, one needs to be a great power, which is only possible if Slovakia controls more than one state. Although Slovakia is a decent-sized country it only controls 1 (namely; Slovakia) when it is first released.

The logical choice for another problem, is of course the other provinces needed to form Czechoslovakia, Bohemia and Moravia, both owned by Austria. Another alternative is to annex Krakow Krakow, Serbia Serbia or a province from Switzerland Switzerland. One needs either another nation to do the fighting for Slovakia, and/or military access through Austria for all possible targets.