
本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness

Clergymen mini.png神职人员是一种人群类型,代表国家中的教育者。尽管名字叫神职人员,但教育就是这种人群的主要职能。他们能提高人群的识字率,并降低人群的觉醒度,使得他们不会骚动不安。神职人员也会提供研究点数。要使神职人员提供的研究点数达到最大,国家中必须有至少2%的人口为神职人员。更多的神职人员也可以使人群的识字率增长更快,在神职人员比例4%时效果达到最大。在这之后,神职人员继续增加也不会带来任何效果。神职人员的工资由预算中的教育滑条提供。


Life Needs
Resource grain.png Grain 2.5
Resource fish.png Fish 1
Resource fruit.png Fruit 1
Resource wool.png Wool 1
Resource cattle.png Cattle 0.75
Everyday Needs
Resource liquor.png Liquor 5
Resource paper.png Paper 5
Resource regular clothes.png Regular Clothes 5
Resource tea.png Tea 5
Resource furniture.png Furniture 4
Resource tobacco.png Tobacco 3
Resource coal.png Coal 1
Resource glass.png Glass 1
Luxury Needs
Resource wine.png Wine 10
Resource coffee.png Coffee 2
Resource telephones.png Telephones 1.25
Resource automobiles.png Automobiles 1
Resource luxury clothes.png Luxury Clothes 1
Resource luxury furniture.png Luxury Furniture 1
Resource opium.png Opium 1
Resource radios.png Radio 1
Resource aeroplanes.png Aeroplanes 0.4
Resource fuel.png Fuel 0.2

Rebel Units

Unit Type Chance
Infantry.png Infantry 50%
Irregular.png Irregular 50%

Ideological Tendencies

Ideology BCM Modifiers
Anarcho Liberal.png Anarcho Liberal 1
  • 2 if Ruling Party = Anarcho-Liberal
  • 0.1 if militancy < 6
  • 1.1 for every 10% of political reform want
Communist.png Communist 1
  • 0.1 if militancy < 6
  • 2 if Ruling Party = Communist
  • 1.1 for every 10% of social reform want
Conservative.png Conservative 1
  • 0.5 if militancy > 6
  • 1.1 if militancy is below 4, and 1.1 for every point below that
  • 1.1 if consciousness is below 4, and 1.1 for every point below that
  • 1.5 if luxury needs = 100% fulfilled
  • 1.1 if luxury needs at least 10% fulfilled
  • 2 if all poor strata in state has everyday needs = 100% fulfilled
  • 1.25 if all middle strata in state has everyday needs = 100% fulfilled
  • 1.1 if the National Value is Order
  • 0.9 for every point of militancy of poor strata above 5
Fascist.png Fascist 1
  • 0.5 if militancy < 6
  • 1.1 for every 1% of revanchism, up to 5%
  • 2 if revanchism > 10%
  • 4 if revanchism > 15%
  • 8 if revanchism > 20%
  • 1.1 if percentage political reform want < 15%
  • 1.1 if percentage political reform want < 10%
  • 1.1 if percentage political reform want < 5%
  • 2 if Ruling Party = Fascist
  • 1.1 for every point of militancy of poor strata above 5 except 9
Liberal.png Liberal 1.1
  • 1.2 for every point of consciousness above 5
  • 0.5 if militancy > 6
  • 1.1 if Socialism ideology has not been discovered
  • 1.1 if Communism ideology has not been discovered
  • 1.1 if Anarcho-Liberal ideology has not been discovered
  • 1.1 if National Value is Liberty
  • 1.1 for every 2% of political reform want, up to 20%
  • 1.1 for every point of militancy of poor or middle strata above 5 except 9
Reactionary.png Reactionary 1
  • 0.5 if militancy < 6
  • 1.2 if Ruling Party = Reactionary
  • 1.2 if literacy < 30%
  • 1.2 if plurality < 20%
  • 0.5 if consciousness > 6
  • 1.1 if percentage of political reform want < 15%
  • 1.1 if percentage of political reform want < 10%
  • 1.1 if percentage of political reform want < 5%
  • 1.1 for every point of militancy above 6 and consciousness < 4
  • 1.1 for every point of militancy of poor strata above 5 except 9
Socialist.png Socialist 1
  • 1.1 if National Value is Equality and Ruling Party is not Communist
  • 0.5 if militancy > 6
  • 1.1 for every 2% of social reform want, up to 20%
  • 2 if poor strata everyday needs in state < 25%
  • 1.25 if middle strata everyday needs in state < 25%
  • 1.1 for every point of militancy of poor or middle strata above 5 except 9
  • 1.05 for every point of consciousness above 7
富裕阶级: 贵族资本家
中产阶级: 手工业者官僚神职人员职员军官

贫穷阶级: 技工农民劳工奴隶士兵