
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness
政府類型 Presidential Dictatorship
執政黨 Partido Nacionalista (Reactionary)
首都 Santo Domingo
人口 30.440
主體民族 Caribeno
識字率 8%
國家價值觀 Order
科研學派 Traditional academia
地位 Civilized
A picture of Haiti and the rest of the Caribbean Islands in 1836

Dominican Republic is a nation releasable from Haiti Haiti. It is placed on the island Hispanola east of USA USA. The Dominican cores covers the eastern half of the Island. It is a nation in North America and thus it receives a lot of immigrants from Europe, but that does not take away the fact that Dominican Republic is a very small nation. Furthermore they are a presidential dictatorship, which is not good for immigration. So one should consider switching to democracy.

It is independent in the 1861 scenario.

It has a bad, but not completely catastrophic literacy, which will increase with European immigrants. The natural targets of conquest are Haiti, Danish West Indies, or the minor nations, which came out of USCA USCA.