
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness
政府類型 HM's Government
執政黨 Rhodesia Party
首都 Salisbury (Harare) (ID 2068)
人口 120.95 thousand
主體民族 British
被接受民族 Boer
識字率 10%
國家價值觀 Order
科研學派 Traditional Academia
地位 Civilized Nation
Southern Rhodesia is uncolonized north of South Africa

Southern Rhodesia is one of the only civilized nations in Africa. It does however not exist, nor can it be released at the start of the game. It is along with Congo Congo Free State and Israel Israel the only country, that can only be created through decisions. It does not even have any cores in the beginning of the game. The country of Southern Rhodesia was historically formed through British colonisation of Africa.

Southern Rhodesia can be created only by United Kingdom United Kingdom through the decision, British South Africa Company. Great Britain has to colonize the area of Rhodesia that is equal to modern day Zimbabwe and thus make the decision available.

After the creation of Southern Rhodesia if a player chooses to play as it, there will be significant challenges if most of the surrounding territory is owned by any of the great powers or secondary powers. Transvaal Transvaal, Oranje Oranje and Zulu Zulu are the natural targets for conquest if they are still independent and not in a sphere. Otherwise Mozambique owned by Portugal Portugal or a particularly weak secondary power like Denmark Denmark or Belgium Belgium might be possible, although very risky.

One should seek out an alliance with UK, as Southern Rhodesia has no realistic way of challenging them anyway.