
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness
政府類型 絕對君主制
執政黨 N/A
首都 華沙
人口 N/A
主體民族 波蘭人
識字率 N/A
國家價值觀 秩序
科研學派 傳統學術界
地位 開化國家
Poland was split among Austria, Prussia and Russia in 1771
—— 齊格蒙特·克拉辛斯基(1812-1859)


波蘭的土地曾在1772年被 普魯士 普魯士, 俄羅斯帝國 俄羅斯帝國奧地利 奧地利 三國瓜分。波蘭的土地到現在仍被這三國佔有。波蘭在這三國, 以及 File:克拉科夫.png 克拉科夫內擁有核心領土. 在遊戲的開始, 克拉科夫是唯一一個可以選擇成立波蘭的獨立國家. 如果要遊玩波蘭,從以上三國中釋放波蘭也是可以的.


克拉科夫是唯一一個可以成立波蘭的國家,當它位居列強並擁有全部波蘭的核心領土,便可以成立波蘭. 成為列強已是一個難已完成的任務,但更加困難的是擁有所有波蘭的領土.


波蘭可以被奧地利,俄羅斯,普魯士任意一個釋放出來. One gets the land owned by the releasing nation including their invented technologies. Therefore, one have to consider pros and cons of each possibility. When released as Russia, one will have more land and larger population, but worse tech and literacy. When released as Prussia one have better tech, better infamy but less land and smaller population. Austria can be seen as a midway among the two other.

If one releases Poland, one can consider to start sphering Kraków and take it out of Austria's sphere of influence. When that happens you declare war on Kraków to conquer it, when it's conquered go to politics screen and you will be able to release Poland with Krakow Included. Austria can just remove Krakow from its sphere and attack it.

It is also worth considering that the Prussia polish land is needed for Prussia to form Germany Germany and/or NGF, and Prussia knows it. Therefore, they can be aggressive.


波蘭有着相當多的可以支撐良好工業的人口. 波蘭有幾個遍佈全國的Resource coal.png煤礦,煤炭可以生產Resource glass.png玻璃和 Resource cement.png水泥,這也是最值得投資的工業. If the choice is made to form Poland by breaking off from Russia, one will begin with many Resource grain.pnggrain-producing provinces, making Resource liquor.pngliquor distilleries a strong possibility in the early game, depending on how well liquor is selling. If breaking off from Russia, you won't have access to much coal, so the early game can be rough. Depending on the situation, and if you remain close to Russia, you may be able to get them to help you reclaim Polish provinces from Prussia or Austria, but this is highly situational.

Poland have a workable but not great literacy so promotion from Farmers mini.pngfarmer to Craftsmen mini.pngworker might take a while.


Poland can form Poland-Lithuania Poland-Lithuania if it succeeds in releasing Lithuania Lithuania from Russia. This is not an easy task and one will probably need help from Austria or Prussia/NGF/Germany.

The only non-Polish Lithuanian cores are controlled by Russia, so it is actually only a single war that is needed if one already have control over all of Poland's cores.