
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness
政府類型 Absolute Monarchy
執政黨 Konservative Party
首都 Lübeck
人口 10,000
主體民族 North German
識字率 70%
國家價值觀 Order
科研學派 Traditional Academia
地位 Civilized nation

Lübeck is a city in northern Germany Germany. The Hanseatic trading capital, the glorious trading city of Lübeck! During the glory days of the Hanseatic Trade League, Lübeck was a city on par with Venice, Pisa, Rome, and Florence. It thrived from the wealth and trade benefited from the League. However the Hanseatic League gradually declineddue to European transatlantic colonization, which meant that Lübeck loss its importance to Europe. In the 19th Century, Lübeck lost most of its power and devolved to a petty little German state with little hopes of competing. Once Otto Von Bismarck of Prussia formed the North German Federation, Lübeck was finally annexed. In Victoria, it is an independent monarchy and is in Prussia Prussia's sphere. It can form North German Federation North German Federation and Germany like any other German nation.

Lübeck has the smallest population of any nation in the game.



Lübeck has a doom clock of sorts, Prussia, your sphere leader, can form NGF if it spheres Saxony Saxony, Hannover Hannover, Denmark Denmark,Schleswig Schleswig and Holstein Holstein. Luckily you have until the start of the mid games to become a great power and get out of the sphere. What isn't lucky is that to become a great power, you need to have two states. Abuse Prussian alliance to attack likely targets and use your army to occupy at least one province in a war. You should research prestige techs to increase prestige while getting a second state. You are a German OPM which means high literacy for faster research for your country.

Your Location

Your situation...

Lübeck early on can't build navies because it's poor and don't have the kind of budget to spare on an Imperial Hanseatic Navy. What this essentially means is making your state conquest a lot more miserable. To avoid this issue early, use diplomacy to gain military access from your southern neighbors. Once you're out of the NGF provincial range you can move and occupy a province if the Austro-Prussian Brothers War ever happens. Also your "likely targets" are very distant from you, but if you want to dare, Netherlands Netherlands would be good, assuming Prussia or United Kingdom United Kingdom doesn't have a good relation with them.

Early Moves


The most obviously choice would be Prussia, your sphere leader. Not only are they powerful, but they're ripe for exploitation. They might sometimes build a navy, a navy that's amateurish and unprofessional. There's also UK, the world's only superpower. If Prussia and UK are friendly, you'll have a chance of British alliance. If you're successfully allied, you can engage in overseas colonization.

Netherlands-Belgium Conflict