
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness
(重新導向自Frankfurt am Main
政府類型 Democracy
執政黨 Konservative Partei (conservative)
首都 Frankfurt
人口 16.22 thousand
主體民族 North German
識字率 80%
國家價值觀 Order
科研學派 Traditional academia
地位 Civilized

Frankfurt am Main is a minor civilized country located in central Germany. It is in the Prussian sphere of influence and may form Germany Germany if it raises strong enough.

From 1815 - 1866 Frankfurt was the seat of the German Confederation.

The threat of Prussia Prussia forming North German Federation North German Federation is always there, and one have to quickly remove Frankfurt from Prussias sphere. Doing so is very difficult since Frankfurt doesn't border any other major nation, and doing opens to the new threat of an all out war with Prussia.

Austria Austria looks like the best contender to find as an overlord, but they are also involved in the German situation. France France and Russia Russia are the ideal allies for Frankfurt. Whatever alliance one chooses to gamble on, it is important to invest all diplomatic points in achieving this.