
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness
(重新導向自Ionian Islands
政府類型 Presidential Dictatorship
執政黨 Nationalist Faction (Reactionary)
首都 Corfu
人口 188,420
主體民族 Greek
識字率 22%
國家價值觀 Order
科研學派 Traditional academia
地位 Civilized
A picture of Ionian Islands of the coast of Greece

Ionian Islands is a small nation in The Meditaranian Sea west of Greece Greece. It is a puppet of United Kingdom United Kingdom, and during the game Great Britain will most likely take the decision, Treaty of London (1864), that gives Ionian Islands to Greece. This will be the end of Ionian Islands and the game. The only realistic way to prevent it is to rise to great power status to break free of Britain. On the other hand, if Ionian islands becomes independent it will most likely face an invasion from Greece, as they have cores on the islands. One way or the other it is very hard to stay independent, and it is without a doubt one of the most difficult nations to play in the game.

Ionian Islands only production is Resource fish.pngfish, which is not very good.

One way to stay independent is to sphere Greece fast enough. You should take prestige techs, quickly become a great power and start sphering Greece. Raise the opinion of them if you can and add them to your sphere of influence. That should secure your independence. It is however very difficult.

Another solution is to build up relations with a great power and hope, that they will protect Ionian Islands. That is however also very difficult, since Ionian islands most likely will need a revolution to become independent, and that will reset all relations and alliances.