
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness

Farmers mini.png農民是一種人群類型,代表在農場或牧場從事體力勞動的工人。農民和Labourers mini.png勞工相似,並且在省份資源改變為非農產品會立刻轉化為勞工。農民數量會增加他們從事的資源生產作業的吞吐率,進而直接增加資源產出。他們只能得到資源生產收入的一小部分,除非國家最低工資高於他們的正常收入,然後他們就會得到最低工資。


Life Needs
Resource grain.png Grain 2.5
Resource fish.png Fish 1
Resource fruit.png Fruit 1
Resource wool.png Wool 1
Resource cattle.png Cattle 0.75
Everyday Needs
Resource tea.png Tea 4
Resource liquor.png Liquor 3
Resource regular clothes.png Regular Clothes 1.2
Resource furniture.png Furniture 1.1
Resource coal.png Coal 1
Resource fertilizer.png Fertilizer 0.5
Luxury Needs
Resource furniture.png Furniture 3
Resource regular clothes.png Regular Clothes 3
Resource liquor.png Liquor 1.5
Resource paper.png Paper 1
Resource radios.png Radio 1
Resource telephones.png Telephones 1
Resource tobacco.png Tobacco 0.95
Resource automobiles.png Automobiles 0.5
Resource coffee.png Coffee 0.45
Resource fuel.png Fuel 0.1

Ideological tendencies

Ideology BCM
Anarcho Liberal.png Anarcho Liberal 1
Communist.png Communist 1
Conservative.png Conservative 1.1
Fascist.png Fascist 1
Liberal.png Liberal 1.1
Reactionary.png Reactionary 1.05
Socialist.png Socialist 1

Social mobility

National migration factors

The following factors affect the likelihood of a Farmers mini.png Farmers migrant pop choosing to migrate to a particular country.

Modifier Factor
Unemployment[1] Per 5% up to 35% 0.9%
≥ 50% 0.1%
Country has pop's culture 2%
Country is a Great Power 1.2%
Country voting law Wealth 1.05%
Weighted Universal 1.25%
Universal 1.5%
Country is in North America, South America or Oceania 4%
Any of the country's provinces:
  • Has life rating at least 30
  • Labourers mini.png Labourer or Farmers mini.png Farmer unemployment < 10%
    State has factories andFarmers mini.png Farmer unemployment < 10%

Provincial migration factors

The following factors affect the likelihood of a Farmers mini.png Farmers migrant pop choosing to migrate to a particular province.

Modifier Factor
State has no factories and unemployment is at least 10% 0.1%
Population[1] ≥ 150k 1.2%
≥ 250k 1.2%
≥ 500k 1.2%
≥ 750k 1.2%
  • State has no factories
  • The country can't build factories
  • Farmers mini.png Farmer or Labourers mini.png Labourer unemployment is at least 10%
Has this pop's culture 1.2%
has_culture_core = no[2] 0.25%
State has factories 2%
Province has this pop's religion 1.2%
Province has a core of a country whose
primary culture is this pop's culture
State is a slave state 0.75%
Province is state capital 2%
Province is the country's capital 1.5%
Province is coastal 1.05%
Terrain Mountains 0.6%
Desert 0.1%
Marsh 0.6%
Arctic 0.1%
Life rating ≥ 40 2%
≥ 50 2%

Promotion and demotion

The following factors affect the likelihood of a Farmers mini.png Farmers pop choosing to change jobs to a particular pop type.

To Artisans mini.png Artisans
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Low Literacy ≤ 10% 1%
≤ 20% 1%
≤ 30% 1%
≤ 40% 1%
≤ 50% 1%
Proportion of
Clergymen mini.png Clergymen in province
Per 0.8%
up to 3.2%
(max 4%)
Proportion of
Bureaucrats mini.png Bureaucrats in province[3]
Per 0.1%
up to 0.5%
(max 5%)
Proportion of
Soldiers mini.png Soldiers in province[3]
Per 1%
up to 5%
(max 5%)
Work available in the state for Clerks mini.png Clerks −5%
State has no factories and
the country can't build factories
To Bureaucrats mini.png Bureaucrats
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Is not of primary or accepted culture −100%
Literacy[3] ≥ 40% 0.25%
≥ 50% 0.25%
≥ 60% 0.5%0
≥ 70% 0.5%0
≥ 80% 1%.00
≥ 90% 1%.00
100% 2%.00
Proportion of Bureaucrats mini.png Bureaucrats in province Per 0.2%
up to 3.8%
(max −38%)
≥ 4% −100%
Health care law Trinket Health Care 4%
Low Health Care 8%
Acceptable Health Care 12%
Good Health Care 16%
Public schools law Basic School System 4%
Acceptable School System 8%
Good School System 12%
Safety law Minimal Safety Regulations 4%
Limited Safety Regulations 8%
Acceptable Safety Regulations 12%
Excellent Safety Regulations 16%
Work hours law 14 Hour Work Day 4%
12 Hour Work Day 8%
10 Hour Work Day 12%
8 Hour Work Day 16%
Minimum wage law Symbolic Minimum Wage 4%
Low Minimum Wage 8%
Acceptable Minimum Wage 12%
Good Minimum Wage 16%
Crime fighting efficiency Per 10%
up to 99%
(max 20%)
To Soldiers mini.png Soldiers
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Percentage of possible
battalions recruited[4]
< 25% −4%
< 33% −3%
< 40% −2%
< 50% −1%
< 60% −0.5%
Military spending slider[3] Per 10%
up to 99%
(max 20%
Proportion of
Soldiers mini.png Soldiers in province[3]
Per 0.5%
up to 4.5%
(max −18%)
≥ 5% −100%
To Craftsmen mini.png Craftsmen
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Low Literacy ≤ 10% −5%
≤ 15% −3%
≤ 20% −2%
≤ 25% −2%
≤ 30% −2%
High Literacy 30% 1%
Per additional 10% 1%
State has factories 10%
State has no factories and
country can't build factories
No work available in state for Craftsmen mini.png Craftsmen −100%
Province is part of a protectorate or colony −100%
To Clergymen mini.png Clergymen
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Literacy[3] ≥ 30% 0.5%
Per additional 10% 0.25%
Education spending slider Per 10%
up to 99%
(max 20%)
Proportion of
Clergymen mini.png Clergymen in province
Per 0.4%
up to 3.6%
−2% (max −18%)
≥ 4% −100%
Consciousness[3] ≥ 2 −0.5%
≥ 4 −0.5%
≥ 5 −0.5%
≥ 6 −1%
≥ 7 −1.5%
≥ 8 −2%
To Aristocrats mini.png Aristocrats
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Proportion of Aristocrats mini.png Aristocrats in state ≥ 2% −100%
Luxury needs fulfilled 0< 10% −100%
< 100% 1%
Low Literacy < 50% 2%
富裕階級: 貴族資本家
中產階級: 手工業者官僚神職人員職員軍官

貧窮階級: 技工農民勞工奴隸士兵

  1. 1.0 1.1 These factors apply separately.
  2. Unknown what this means. Possibly "doesn't have a core of a country of this pop's culture group".
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 These factors are added to the total modifier.
  4. Only the worst of these applies.