
本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness
政府类型 Absolute Monarchy
执政党 Royal Faction (conservative)
首都 Lvov
人口 946.94 thousand, 3.78 million in total
主体民族 Ukrainian
被接受民族 Russian, Byelorussian, Ugrian
识字率 10.4 %
国家价值观 Order
科研学派 Traditional Academia
地位 Civilized nation

Ruthenia is an eastern european nation that can be released by Austria Austria.

It has cores on the Austrian regions of East Galicia and Austrian Moldavia as well as the easternmost province in Slovakia, Uzgorord. When released it will be squised between Austria and Russia Russia. The latter might be Aggressive since Ukrainian is an accepted culture in Russia. A lot of countries hold cores on Ruthenian land including Hungary Hungary, Slovakia Slovakia, Poland Poland and Ukraine Ukraine. If any of them gain independence, they are likely at least as powerful as Ruthenia, and can be a great threat to them.

They have one of the lowest literacy rates in all of Europe. Their starting tech is however alright, as they adopt Austrias.