Xinjiang Clique

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Pokewiz讨论 | 贡献2020年9月26日 (六) 18:34的版本 (merge from offical wiki)
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Xinjiang Clique
政府类型 Absolute monarchy
执政党 Zenxin Faction (Rectionary)
首都 Urumqi
人口 339.120
主体民族 Beifaren
被接受民族 Uighur
识字率 9.7%
国家价值观 Order
科研学派 Uncivilized nation
地位 Uncivilized nation

The Xinjiang Clique is an uncivilized nation releasable from China China. While its population base is decent, Xinjiang province covers a vast area making defences difficult. It must be wary of Russian, British and Chinese aggression. Unlike what seems most natural, Uighur is only an accepted culture in Xinjiang, while Beifaren is the primary culture. It is by far the smallest of the chinese states.

Xinjiang Clique is only available in the vanilla edition and is in AHD and HOD replaced by Xinjiang Xinjiang, an relatively independent puppet state of china.