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=== 马来西亚 ===
=== 马来西亚 ===
[[File:Dutch Indonesia.jpg|thumb|Malaysia and Indonesia in 1836]]
[[File:Dutch Indonesia.jpg|thumb|Malaysia and Indonesia in 1836]]
At the start of the game the country of {{flag|Johore}} in Malaysia is uncivilized and owns the Singapore state. This state contains several gold provinces and if acquired early will greatly bolster the spending abilities of the UK. If a UK player does not possess the current ability to attack Johore for whatever reason it can be very useful to begin influencing them and adding them to your sphere to prevent foreign gains here.
在游戏的开局{{flag| 柔佛}} 位于马来西亚:它尚未开化,并占据着新加坡。这个小国拥有几个金矿,如果能早早获取将提高英国的收入。如果没有进攻柔佛的能力或者欲望,玩家也需要将之纳入势力范围,阻止他人捷足先登。
Otherwise {{Flag|Atjeh}} and Dutch colonies {{Flag|Java}} and Sumatra is valuable provinces, that one might consider.
此外,{{Flag| 亚齐}} {{Flag| 尼德兰}} 殖民的{{Flag|爪哇}} 和苏门答腊岛都很有价值, 可以进行考虑。

=== 南非 ===
=== 南非 ===

2022年10月21日 (五) 13:01的版本

United Kingdom.png
政府类型 议会君宪制
执政党 辉格党(自由主义)
首都 伦敦 (ID 300)
人口 3196万
主体民族 不列颠人
被接受民族 英裔加拿大人
识字率 43.3%
国家价值观 秩序
科研学派 海权与商船队
地位 列强

我们对失败的可能性不感兴趣,因为它压根就不存在。 维多利亚女皇 (1837-1901)
We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist. Queen Victoria (1837-1901)








联合王国的初始军队十分强大,在扩张之路上值得注意的绊脚石仅有外交问题,即外国以“遏制”为目标的战争(参考恶名)。帝国若是在短期内四处开战,其他列强就会合伙阻拦你。 因此,联合王国要合理运用势力范围来规划扩张路线,并避免吸引欧陆的注视。将影响力放置于关键国家,例如日本 日本,可以在其他势力进攻时有效干预并支援他们。


英国也可以为了国家利益选择协助 File:德国.png 德国意大利 意大利 的成立。尤其在多人游戏中,利用英国的影响力对 法国 法国奥地利 奥地利 在小邦进行诋毁和封锁使馆来协助意大利与德意志的成立对英国十分有利。倘若意大利被允许成立,她将得到一些属于奥地利的核心宣称,给予奥地利一个欧陆上有力的敌人,使之在西部边境上有所顾虑;同样的,成立德意志可以牵制法国与俄罗斯帝国 俄罗斯帝国,让他们不得不在同德国的边境线上保持数量庞大的陆军。作为联合王国,这些事情将让欧洲诸国聚焦于欧陆而放松对殖民地的管控,使游戏更加容易。



The British Raj in 1836

对于帝国而言,保卫 印度 这项措施拥有巨大意义。庞大的RGO和众多的省份给予帝国的好处主要有三:首先,印度生产的巨额 Resource cotton.png棉花和 Resource dye.png染料 使得英国只需要较低的价格就能在本土大规模建立纺织业。其次,印度能提供充足的 Soldiers mini.png士兵 :随着科技的进步,许多人会被赶出生产(或者说,他们得到了灵活的就业空间),投身于保卫帝国的事业,让更多本土的人口进厂。第三,印度如此巨大的人口可以轻易的生产不可计数的移民,前往帝国的其他殖民地,例如加拿大,南非。

在开局英国能利用印度其他小邦的两个弱点。其一是当地土邦极为弱小的实力与相当落后的科技。若是英国愿意,碾碎他们易如反掌。当地唯一能称得上“强大”的土邦是 旁遮普 旁遮普, 若是英国迅速的大规模进攻,它很快就会垮台。此外, 决议 印度女皇 也将在征服旁遮普的首都后可用。


联合王国能吞并她的印度 附庸国 ,利用 事件 失效原则。不过在 印度女皇 被执行后将不再发生。


Malaysia and Indonesia in 1836

在游戏的开局柔佛 柔佛位于马来西亚:它尚未开化,并占据着新加坡。这个小国拥有几个金矿,如果能早早获取将提高英国的收入。如果没有进攻柔佛的能力或者欲望,玩家也需要将之纳入势力范围,阻止他人捷足先登。 此外,亚齐 亚齐尼德兰 尼德兰 殖民的File:爪哇.png 爪哇 和苏门答腊岛都很有价值, 可以进行考虑。


British South Africa in 1836

There are a series of scripted events that trigger the Boer War, but since they are around 1900, you'll probably get impatient. The uncivilized Zulu Zulu does unlike Transvaal Transvaal and Oranje Oranje not cost a lot of infamy to annex. They are all worth it though, with these areas full of gold and diamonds. United Kingdom has several smaller colonies in Africa and a large navy, so one can easily colonize all of Congo Congo and Southern Rhodesia Southern Rhodesia and large parts of central Africa


Venezuela Venezuela is a good target for expansion. It becomes one of the largest producers of Resource oil.pngoil in the world. Economics 101: Oil = Money. Venezuela lacks protection from any major power, and has a land border with British Guyana.


It is vital for the UK to maintain a much larger and more advanced navy than its competitors. The fleet will allow the player to dominate the seas and makes fighting all other countries, even the other Great Powers, much easier. The UK already starts out with many naval technologies unlocked, and with the UK's strong economy, it allows the player to build up a technologically advanced but also large navy. Initially, the greatest rival for the UK will most likely be France, but they are still behind at the beginning of the game.


Now is the time to make some major decisions for how to play the game from here on. When Queen Victoria is crowned (Half of 1837), Hannover Hannover breaks free. This removes the main foothold on the continent. You should decide whether expansion from here on will be focused on Europe or colonial acquisitions.

Taking colonies and destroying uncivilized nations is easier, and the more historical option, but taking European territories will give you more prestige and a higher industrial ranking.

If you decide to go colonial, the best option would be to try and keep the balance of power in Europe as equal as possible. If you go for Europe, you will incur lots of infamy, and even the UK can't beat a coalition of France France, Prussia Prussia, Austria Austria, Russia Russia, the Ottomans and America.

If one plans to take on USA USA, it is a good idea to take them on early. The further along in the game, the stronger America gets. within 30 years its population goes up by millions. They are very weak during the American Civil War (ACW).