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[[Category:Population type]]
[[Category: 人群类型]]

2020年10月20日 (二) 14:25的最新版本

For information on the units and army see: units

Soldiers mini.pngSoldiers are the POP type, which represent the fighting men of a nation. They are used for raising armies, with 3000 soldiers being used in each brigade. However, only 1000 soldiers are needed to create the first brigade from a province. Soldiers are also used for reinforcing damaged brigades, and the soldier POP will take damage when men are killed in action. The amount of people lost can be reduced via the nation's "military hospitals" level, which can be increased by researching certain technologies and obtaining certain inventions. Brigades have the potential to revolt, and will do so whenever the POP they stem from does.

Like Officers mini.pngofficers they're paid directly from the military spending slider, so if spending is too low they won't meet their needs and demote, while if spending is high promotion to the POP-type will be increased.


Life Needs
Resource grain.png Grain 2.5
Resource fish.png Fish 1
Resource fruit.png Fruit 1
Resource wool.png Wool 1
Resource cattle.png Cattle 0.75
Everyday Needs
Resource tea.png Tea 4
Resource liquor.png Liquor 2
Resource coal.png Coal 1
Resource furniture.png Furniture 1
Resource regular clothes.png Regular Clothes 1
Resource ammunition.png Ammunition 0.5
Resource small arms.png Small Arms 0.35
Luxury Needs
Resource furniture.png Furniture 3
Resource regular clothes.png Regular Clothes 3
Resource liquor.png Liquor 1.5
Resource paper.png Paper 1
Resource radios.png Radio 1
Resource telephones.png Telephones 1
Resource tobacco.png Tobacco 0.95
Resource automobiles.png Automobiles 0.5
Resource coffee.png Coffee 0.45
Resource fuel.png Fuel 0.1

Rebel Units

Unit Type Chance
Resource artillery.png Artillery ≈1.2%
Cavalry.png Cavalry ≈24.7%
Cuirassier.png Cuirassier ≈6.2%
Dragoon.png Dragoon ≈6.2%
Guard.png Guard ≈18.5%
Hussar.png Hussar ≈6.2%
Infantry.png Infantry ≈37%

Ideological Tendencies

Ideology BCM
Anarcho Liberal.png Anarcho Liberal 1
Communist.png Communist 1
Conservative.png Conservative 1
Fascist.png Fascist 1
Liberal.png Liberal 1.1
Reactionary.png Reactionary 1.1
Socialist.png Socialist 1

Social Mobility

National migration factors

The following factors affect the likelihood of a Soldier pop choosing to migrate to a particular country.

Modifier Factor
Base factor 1
Country has pop's culture 2%
Is a Great Power 1.2%
Has voting law Wealth 1.05%
Has voting law Weighted Universal 1.25%
Has voting law Universal 1.5%
Country is in North America, South America or Oceania 4%
None of the country's provinces has:
  • Liferating at least 30
  • Labourer or farmer unemployment less than 10%[1]

Provincial migration factors

The following factors affect the likelihood of a Soldier pop choosing to migrate to a particular province. Notably, soldier pops are far more likely to congregate in state capitals. This is designed to increase the chance that soldier pops are large enough to support battalions.

Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Population is at least 150k 1.2%
Population is at least 250k 1.2%
Population is at least 500k 1.2%
Population is at least 750k 1.2%
Province has pop's culture 1.2%
has_culture_core = no[2] ×0.25
State has factories 2%
Has pop's religion 1.2%
Has a core of a country whose primary culture is this pop's culture 1.5%
Is part of a slave state 0.75%
Is the state's capital 20,000%
Is the country's capital 1.5%
Is coastal 1.05%
Terrain is Mountains 0.6%
Terrain is Desert 0.1%
Terrain is Marsh 0.6%
Terrain is Arctic 0.1%
Life rating is at least 40 2%
Life rating is at least 50 2%

Promotion and demotion

The following factors affect the likelihood of a Soldier pop choosing to change jobs to a particular pop type.

To Officers mini.png Officers
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Literacy is less than 30% −1%
Province has more than 0.2% officers −100%
Literacy is at least 50% 5%
Military spending slider is at least:[3] 30% 5%
50% 10%
70% 15%
To Farmers mini.png Farmers and Labourers mini.png Labourers
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Province has more than 3% soldiers 5%
Luxury needs less than 10% fulfilled 5%
No work available locally for Craftsmen mini.png Craftsmen 5%
To Craftsmen mini.png Craftsmen
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Literacy is less than 10% −5%
Literacy is less than 15% −3%
Literacy is less than 20% −2%
Literacy is at least:[3] 30% 1%
40% 1%
50% 1%
60% 1%
70% 1%
80% 1%
90% 1%
100% 1%
State has factories 10%
State has no factories and
the country can't build factories
No work available locally for Craftsmen mini.png Craftsmen −100%


  1. There is a third unemployment condition, that the state has factories and farmer unemployment is less than 10%. This is probably a bug and should check craftsmen unemployment instead.
  2. Unknown what this means. Possibly "doesn't have a core of a country of this pop's culture group".
  3. 3.0 3.1 These factors are added together before being applied.
富裕阶级: 贵族资本家
中产阶级: 手工业者官僚神职人员职员军官

贫穷阶级: 技工农民劳工奴隶士兵