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2022年5月25日 (三) 16:26的最新版本

政府类型 Absolute Monarchy
执政党 Royal Faction
首都 Nagyszeben (ID 657)
人口 1.17M
主体民族 Hungarian
被接受民族 Romanian
识字率 12.9%
国家价值观 Order
科研学派 Traditional academia
地位 Civilized

Siebenbürgen is a nation placed in the Austria Austrian controlled provinces Western Siebenbürgen, Eastern Siebenbürgen and Alfond. It can experience a lot of aggression as the provinces has Siebenbürgenian, Hungary Hungary, Romania Romanian, Moldavia Moldavia and Ukraine Ukraine cores. It has a decent population, but a very bad literacy rate compared to the rest of Europe.

Siebenbürgen has Hungarian as primary culture and Romanian as Accepted culture. It does not however make it possible to form neither Romania nor Hungary.

Expansion can be difficult as one borders the Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empires two puppets to the south east and Austria to the north west. Allying with Austria or Russia Russia is the best choice. If one has either of them on their side, it should be possible to annex Moldavia and Wallachia Wallachia. They have more Romanian POPs. Afterwards annexing Dobrudja from The Ottomans should be possible. Then Siedenbürgen will have a decent population base of accepted culture.

Then you can turn on Austria and start annexing Hungarian provinces with the help of either Russia or Prussia Prussia/North German Federation North German Federation/Germany Germany.