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2020年10月8日 (四) 22:36的版本

Craftsmen mini.pngCraftsmen are the POP type, which represent the unskilled workers at factories, as opposed to clerks representing the skilled workers. They increase the throughput of the factory they work at, increasing both the output of the factory and its input needs. They are paid a portion of the factory's profit, smaller than what clerks get, unless the national minimum wage level is higher than what they would earn normally, in which case they are paid the minimum wage.


Life Needs
Resource grain.png Grain 2.5
Resource fish.png Fish 1
Resource fruit.png Fruit 1
Resource wool.png Wool 1
Resource cattle.png Cattle 0.75
Everyday Needs
Resource tea.png Tea 4
Resource furniture.png Furniture 3
Resource liquor.png Liquor 3
Resource regular clothes.png Regular Clothes 3
Resource coal.png Coal 1
Luxury Needs
Resource furniture.png Furniture 3
Resource regular clothes.png Regular Clothes 3
Resource liquor.png Liquor 1.5
Resource paper.png Paper 1
Resource radios.png Radio 1
Resource telephones.png Telephones 1
Resource tobacco.png Tobacco 0.95
Resource automobiles.png Automobiles 0.5
Resource coffee.png Coffee 0.45
Resource fuel.png Fuel 0.1

Ideological tendencies

Ideology BCM
Anarcho Liberal.png Anarcho Liberal 1
Communist.png Communist 1
Conservative.png Conservative 0.8
Fascist.png Fascist 1
Liberal.png Liberal 1.1
Reactionary.png Reactionary 1
Socialist.png Socialist 1.1

Social mobility

National migration factors

The following factors affect the likelihood of a Craftsmen mini.png Craftsmen migrant pop choosing to migrate to a particular country.

Modifier Factor
Unemployment[1] Per 5% up to 35% ×0.9
≥ 50% ×0.1
Country has pop's culture ×2
Country is a Great Power ×1.2
Country voting law Wealth ×1.05
Weighted Universal ×1.25
Universal ×1.5
Country is in North America, South America or Oceania ×4
Any of the country's provinces:
  • Has life rating at least 30
  • Labourers mini.png Labourer or Farmers mini.png Farmer unemployment < 10%
    State has factories andFarmers mini.png Farmer unemployment < 10%

Provincial migration factors

The following factors affect the likelihood of a Craftsmen mini.png Craftsmen migrant pop choosing to migrate to a particular province.

Modifier Factor
State has no factories and unemployment is at least 10% ×0.1
Population[1] ≥ 150k 1.2%
≥ 250k 1.2%
≥ 500k 1.2%
≥ 750k 1.2%
  • State has no factories
  • The country can't build factories
  • Farmers mini.png Farmer or Labourers mini.png Labourer unemployment is at least 10%
Has this pop's culture 1.2%
has_culture_core = no[2] ×0.25
State has factories 6%
Has this pop's religion 1.2%
Has a core of a country whose
primary culture is this pop's culture
State is a slave state 0.75%
State capital 2%
Country's capital 1.5%
Coastal 1.05%
Terrain[1] Mountains 0.6%
Desert 0.1%
Marsh 0.6%
Life rating ≥ 40 2%
≥ 50 2%

Promotion and demotion

The following factors affect the likelihood of a Soldier pop choosing to change jobs to a particular pop type.

To Artisans mini.png Artisans
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Low Literacy[3] ≤ 10% 1%
≤ 20% 1%
≤ 30% 1%
≤ 40% 1%
≤ 50% 1%
Proportion of
Clergymen mini.png Clergymen in province
Per 0.4%
up to 3.6%
(max 8%)
Proportion of
Bureaucrats mini.png Bureaucrats in province[3]
Per 0.1%
up to 0.5%
(max 5%)
Proportion of
Soldiers mini.png Soldiers in province
Per 1%
up to 5%
(max 5%)
Work available in the state for Clerks mini.png Clerks −5%
State has no factories and
the county can't build factories
To Bureaucrats mini.png Bureaucrats
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Is not of primary or accepted culture −100%
Literacy[3] ≥ 40% 0.25%
≥ 50% 0.25%
≥ 60% 0.5%0
≥ 70% 0.5%0
≥ 80% 1%.00
≥ 90% 1%.00
100% 2%.00
Proportion of Bureaucrats mini.png Bureaucrats in province Per 0.2%
up to 3.8%
(max −38%)
≥ 4% −100
Health care law Trinket Health Care 4%
Low Health Care 8%
Acceptable Health Care 12%
Good Health Care 16%
Public schools law Basic School System 4%
Acceptable School System 8%
Good School System 12%
Safety law Minimal Safety Regulations 4%
Limited Safety Regulations 8%
Acceptable Safety Regulations 12%
Excellent Safety Regulations 16%
Work hours law 14 Hour Work Day 4%
12 Hour Work Day 8%
10 Hour Work Day 12%
8 Hour Work Day 16%
Minimum wage law Symbolic Minimum Wage 4%
Low Minimum Wage 8%
Acceptable Minimum Wage 12%
Good Minimum Wage 16%
Crime fighting efficiency Per 10%
up to 99%
(max 20%)
To Soldiers mini.png Soldiers
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Percentage of possible
battalions recruited[4]
< 25% −4%
< 33% −3%
< 40% −2%
< 50% −1%
< 60% −0.5%
Proportion of
Soldiers mini.png Soldiers in province[3]
Per 0.5%
up to 4.5%
(max −18%)
≥ 5% −100%
To Clerks mini.png Clerks
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Literacy ≤ 50% −50%
≥ 40% 2%
Per additional 10% 2%
(max 12%)
Proportion of
Clergymen mini.png Clergymen in province
Per 0.4%
up to 3.6%
(max 9%)
Proportion of
Bureaucrats mini.png Bureaucrats in province
Per 1%
up to 5%
(max 5%)
Proportion of
Soldiers mini.png Soldiers in province
Per 1%
up to 5%
(max 10%)
No work available in state for Clerks mini.png Clerks −100%
Luxury needs < 10% fulfilled 5%
Literacy at least 50% 1.2%
State has no factories and
the country can't build factories
Province is part of a protectorate or colony
or the country is uncivilized
To Clergymen mini.png Clergymen
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Literacy[3] ≥ 30% 0.5%
Per additional 10% 0.25%
Education spending slider Per 10%
up to 99%
(max 20%)
Proportion of
Clergymen mini.png Clergymen in province
Per 0.4%
up to 3.6%
−2% (max −18%)
≥ 4% −100%
Consciousness[3] ≥ 2 −0.5%
≥ 4 −0.5%
≥ 5 −0.5%
≥ 6 −1%
≥ 7 −1.5%
≥ 8 −2%
To Farmers mini.png Farmers and Labourers mini.png Labourers
Modifier Factor
Base factor 0.01
Proportion of
Soldiers mini.png Soldiers in province
≥ 30% 5%
Luxury needs < 10% fulfilled 5%
No work available in state for Craftsmen mini.png Craftsmen 5%


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 These factors apply separately.
  2. Unknown what this means. Possibly "doesn't have a core of a country of this pop's culture group".
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 These factors are added to the total modifier.
  4. Only the worst of these applies.
富裕阶级: 贵族资本家
中产阶级: 手工业者官僚神职人员职员军官

贫穷阶级: 技工农民劳工奴隶士兵