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(SphinX1633移动页面Metis Confederacy梅蒂联盟

2022年5月25日 (三) 17:16的最新版本

政府类型 Democracy
执政党 Royal Faction (conservative)
首都 Churchill
人口 8000 (22.080 in 1861)
主体民族 Metis
识字率 10 % (16,2% in 1861)
国家价值观 Liberty
科研学派 Traditional academia
地位 Civilized

The Métis Confederacy is a minor civilised nation in the northern Canada Canada controlled by United Kingdom United Kingdom in modern day Manitopa and Seskatschewan. It cannot be released, and thus it is not possible to play as Métis Confederacy without manipulating with the console and/or the game files.

The Métis Confederacy has a very very small population and the country is torn in two with uncolonised land in the middle. Half of the country is placed at Hudson Bay while the other is placed on the border to North Dakota, USA USA. The primary culture Metis makes up roughly half of the population, with the other half being part North American minor and Iniut. With immigration and assimilation, Metis will however soon be a large majority.

Alternatively, one can start in 1836 as Great Britain, colonize the rest of Canada, and then release Metis.

The Métis Confederacy is only near two of the greatest powers in the world, namely USA and Great Britain. The only way to possibly expand is to ally one of them and either attack the other, or attack someone far away from your homeland. Great Britain is probably the best ally of the two as Métis start with very good relations with them, and they are the most powerful. The downside is that an AI controlled Britain is very bad at managing troops on multiple continents, so you might find that they don't have any at all in North America. If Canada somehow gains their independence, it will be a major threat, as they have cores on all of the Metis land. In that situation an alliance with United States or United Kingdom is basically a requirement. It is luckily not very likely.

Metis Confederacy has cores on the uncolonized parts of Canada, but that does not help a lot, since they will be colonized by Great Britain right away.

The 1861 starting date

The 1861 is arguably a better starting date as Metis as the entirety of Canada is now colonized. This means that Metis Confederacy will gain all of its cores and the country is no longer split in two. This means that the population is 22.000 instead of 8.000, and on top of that the literacy is better.

Still the population is absolutely tiny and everyone around Metis is threatening.