
本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness
(重新導向自Webster–Ashburton Treaty
Daniel Webster one of the signers of the Webster–Ashburton Treaty.

The Webster–Ashburton Treaty is a decision the United Kingdom United Kingdom can enact. It transfers control of Caribou, an American core in Maine, to the United States of America United States of America. In return, the UK receives +21 prestige, −2 infamy, and +100 relationship with the US. To enact the decision, the UK must be at peace with the United States and of course Great Britain must actually own Caribou. The AI will always do so unless it has less than 0.2 infamy. Furthermore Canada Canada loses its cores on Caribou as well as Bangor, Maine, just south of Caribou.

The decision is available from the start of the game.

Caribou will be ceded to USA even if New England New England exists.

Illogically, in the game files the decision is placed in the USA-file in the decision folder instead of the Great Britain-file.

Ingame description

Following the events of the (undeclared) Aroostook War, The Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842, between the United Kingdom and The United States of America, delimited with finality the borders between Maine and New Brunswick, regulated the shared use of the Great Lakes, reaffirmed the 49th parallel border and called for a mutual commitment toward ending the Atlantic slave trade.