Aldjazair | |
政府類型 | Absolute Monarchy |
執政黨 | Bey Faction (conservative) |
首都 | Constantine |
人口 | 310.100 |
主體民族 | Maghrebi |
被接受民族 | |
識字率 | 7.0% |
國家價值觀 | Order |
科研學派 | Uncivilized |
地位 | Uncivilized nation |
Al Djazair (Algeria) is a north African uncivilized nation, blocked off the sea by France. It's likely to be swallowed up by the French early on in the game.
Occasionally, an AI Algeria will survive with only single-state status, sometimes as far as the 1870s or further. A human player can do much better. It may be a good idea for Algeria to make friends with France as soon as possible, and focus primarily on civilizing. From there, Sokoto makes a good conquest (it rarely gets attacked successfully before 1880 due to its inland position, but its military can be overwhelmed by superior technology) so you have a springboard for colonies later on.
The ultimate test of Algeria is to reclaim that land lost to France and form Algeria in the form it is today, as Africa's largest nation.
Al Djazair is replaced by Algeria in AHD and HOD.
Your biggest concern is the Western Great Powers, France and Spain who make very early conquests into the Sahara desert. The large French Army have a toehold on your core territory and would like to expand further into your land. Your best chance is to resist by building up your forces, focusing your research points on Military Technology and increase military funding as the French AI will on most games attempt to conquer your nation and no other Great Powers have enough influence on you to 'Protect You'.
Your population is mainly poor, uneducated miners who really wear down on your research points which you need to build up. Your best choice is to wisely use the Clergy NF, if you leave it on for too long your miners will dry up and move along taking away your main sources of riches(iron), or you could increase Education wages and decrease Middle Class taxes to encourage promotion to Clergy. Though this comes with rather the same problem.