- 你的大使被另一個和你競爭的列強驅逐(通過下文列出的外交動作)。
- 你與目標國正在交戰。
- 你與目標國之間有停戰協定。
- Power: The percentage of the influencing nation's total score that it is higher than the target nation's total score is given as a bonus to the influencing nation. This has a maximum +100% bonus, against nations with a score of zero, but can become a penalty in the rare case that a great power has a lower score than a non-great power.
- Vassals: A nation gets +100% bonus to influence with its puppets and dominions.
- Relations: A nation's relations with the target nation is divided by ten and applied as a bonus or penalty (allowing for a maximum +20% bonus, or a minimum -20% penalty).
- Neighbor: A nation that shares a border with the nation attempting to influence it grants a +50% bonus.
- Other Continent: A nation on a different continent than the nation attempting to influence it gives a -50% penalty. Note that it is possible to have both the Neighbor bonus and Other Continent penalty.
- Other Foreign Investors: If a nation has invested in the target nation, a -50% penalty will be applied to all other influencers, unless they reduce the penalty by investing in the target nation themselves. If multiple nations have made investments, each suffers a penalty equal to -50%*(1 - Nation'sInvestment/TotalForeignInvestment). For example, if Nation A has invested £10,000 and Nation B has invested £20,000, then Nation A will suffer a 33.3% penalty, and Nation B a 16.6% penalty. Once a nation is suffering from this penalty, the only way it will ever disappear completely is if the other nation's investment is somehow removed e.g. by the decision Seize the means of production.
- Population: Influencing nations get tremendous penalties in target nations with populations over 10 million (such as China and its larger substates), making them effectively impossible to sphere.
Opinion is a measure, separate from relations that ranks how close or far a great power is from adding a nation to its sphere of influence.
The tiers, in descending order:
- In Sphere
- Friendly
- Cordial
- Neutral
- Opposed
- Hostile
Secondary powers that break free of a sphere of influence via the decision Leave Sphere of Influence will immediately drop down to "Opposed" opinion.
If a country has friendly opinion towards a great power and is on the losing side of a defensive war, the great power may intervene in the war. This automatically adds the "Status Quo" war goal and usually causes the great power to become a war leader.
Diplomatic Actions
As you gain influence with a nation, you can use that influence to do the following diplomatic actions. Note that any actions affecting other great powers can only be done if you have equal or higher opinion than that great power(as an example, you cannot discredit a great power that has cordial opinion with a nation unless you also have cordial or higher opinion of that nation). Unlike other diplomatic actions, actions regarding influence to not require any diplomatic points.
- Increase Opinion (50 Influence) - increases a nation's opinion of your nation to the next tier. Also gives +20 relations.
- Decrease Opinion (50 Influence) - decreases a nation's opinion of another Great Power to the tier below. Also gives -10 relations with the great power.
- Add to Sphere (100 Influence, requires Friendly opinion and the nation not to be in any sphere of influence) - Adds a nation to your sphere of influence.
- Remove from Sphere (100 Influence, requires Friendly opinion and the nation to be in another great power's sphere of influence) - Removes the nation from a great power's sphere of influence. Also gives -10 relations with that great power. You can use this action to remove a nation from your own sphere as well. Removing a nation from your own sphere gives you a penalty of -10 prestige and +1 infamy.
- Expel Advisors (50 Influence) - Removes all the influence of another Great Power. Particularly effective if they have a high amount of influence. Also gives -5 relations with the great power.
- Ban Embassy (65 Influence) - Removes all the influence of another Great Power, and prevents them from influencing that nation for 1 year. Also gives -10 relations with the great power.
- Discredit (25 Influence) - Slows the rate of influence gain of another Great Power by 75% (additive with other bonuses) for six months. Also gives -5 relations with the great power.
把一個國家加入勢力範圍可以通過點擊 "add to sphere" 這個外交選項來和平完成,或者通過釋放國家。也可通過各種戰爭藉口宣戰,用軍事手段納入勢力範圍。 領一個大國可以通過"remove from sphere"外交選項將處在你的勢力範圍的國家移除,如果那個國家成為超級大國,它也將退出你的勢力範圍。 一個國家爆發的一場 革命 也將重置國家關係, 並且退出某個國家的勢力範圍。
- If a nation is part of a great powers sphere of influence, a portion of its internal market is joined with its master country and all other members of that sphere of influence, making a larger and more versatile common market. The size of the portion depends on the status of the sphered nation. For uncivilized countries you get access to 100% of their market, for civilized countries 75% and for secondary powers 50%. For civilized and secondary powers, you can increase the percentage by investing in the country.
- Provides prestige when a nation is added to your sphere of influence
- Nations that are sphered are likely to accept all diplomatic requests, such as alliances and military access.
- A sphered nation won't be called into war against its sphere leader, even if it is an ally or satellite of the nation being attacked.
- Enables some unification events and decisions.
- 將國家納入勢力範圍會削減一部分關稅收入,因為內部交易不需要繳納關稅。
- 有眾多手工業者者的國家 (例如中國) 會傾軋工廠,並將這些工廠從市場中擠出。