
本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness
(Mikus1239移动页面National value国家价值观
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[[File:Liberty.jpg|thumb|200px|"Liberty Leading the People" is a romanticized depiction of the French Revolutionary ideal of liberty. Shared national ideals are the basis of the national value system.]]
[[File:Liberty.jpg|thumb|200px| “[[wikipedia:Liberty Leading the People|自由引导人民]]”是法国革命自由理想的浪漫化描述。共同的民族理想是民族价值体系的基础。]]
A country's '''national value''' is a representation of the paramount value upheld throughout the common cultural experience of the nation. The national value system is a carryover from [[Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun]], and has been changed and reduced somewhat to accommodate Victoria 2's changed mechanics. [[Tech schools|Schools of thought]] have taken over the old role of national values. National values now affect:
一个国家的''' 国家价值观''' 是在整个民族的共同文化经历中所坚持的最高价值观的代表。国家价值观系统是从《[[ 维多利亚:太阳帝国]] 》中继承而来的机制,并稍作修改以适应《维多利亚2》的游戏机制。[[ 科研学派]] 代替了国家价值观原本的位置。现在,国家价值观将影响:
*[[POPs]] tendencies towards certain [[Ideology|ideologies]] and dominant [[Party issues|citizenship policy]]
*[[ 人群]] 对特定[[ 意识形态]] 和主流[[ 政见]] 的倾向
*Mobilization capabilities and effects.
* 动员规模和动员影响
*The likelihood of several [[inventions]]
* 某些[[ 发明]] 的出现概率
*The possibility or likelihood of certain [[events]]
* 某些[[ 事件]] 的出现概率

==The Three National Values==
== 三种国家价值观==
There are three national values in Victoria 2: Liberty, Order, and Equality.

=== 自由===
The Liberty national value represents a common national interest in the propagation and defense of human liberty. A liberty-focused nation is often filled with intensely independent people who do not easily bow to their government's demands—or to foreign invaders. Liberty also produces a robust economy that will not buckle under the weight of war.

*Liberty increases the likelihood that Pops will favor the following ideologies: Liberal (if the ruling party is not Anarcho-Liberal), Anarcho-Liberal (only if they are already in power)
* 自由增加了人群倾向于以下意识形态的可能性:自由主义(如果执政党不是无政府自由主义)、无政府自由主义者(当他们已经掌权)

*Liberty increases the likelihood that Pops will have the following dominant issues: Full Citizenship (especially with high CON)
* 自由增加了人群倾向于以下政见的可能性:完整公民权(特别是在高觉醒度时)

*Liberty sets the country's base mobilization rate at 2% and the base mobilization impact at 75%. This makes liberty the weakest value early on, as most countries will not be able to mobilize any significant force at 2%. As the game progresses, techs allow an increased mobilization pool, and the player's economy becomes larger and more important.
* 自由将国家的基础动员比例定为{{green|2%}},基础动员影响为{{red|75%}}。这使得自由在早期成为最脆弱的价值观,因为大多数国家将无法以2% 的比例调动任何重要的力量。随着游戏的发展,科技可以增加动员规模,玩家的经济也变得越来越强大、重要。

Liberty is an excellent National Value for countries that desire expansion through immigration. Pops' increased tendencies towards Liberal government types increase the likelihood that their governments will pass many of the [[Political reforms]] necessary for maximum immigrant attractiveness. The reduced economic impact of mobilization makes Liberty militarily the strongest value to have middle-to-late game, as techs make up for the low mobilization rate and the reduced impact of mobilization makes mobilizing less economically painful.
对于那些希望通过移民实现扩张的国家(比如{{flag|USA|美利坚合众国}})来说,自由是一个极好的国家价值观:人群越来越倾向于自由主义政府类型,这就增加了他们的政府实施那些增加移民吸引力的[[ 政治改革]] 的可能性。动员的经济影响减少使自由在军事上成为中后期游戏的最强价值观,因为科技可以弥补低动员率,而动员的影响减少使得动员对经济造成的痛苦减少。

=== 秩序===
The Order national value represents a common national interest in an orderly, law-abiding society. Order-based societies value tradition, law, and hierarchy above all else. A nation that values order is usually filled with people that will fulfill their duty if called upon, but are less diverse and economically competent.

*Order increases the likelihood that Pops will favor the following ideologies: Conservative (if the ruling party is neither Reactionary nor Fascist), Reactionary (only if they are already in power), Fascist (only if they are already in power)
* 秩序增加了人群倾向于以下意识形态的可能性:保守主义(如果执政党既不是反动主义也不是法西斯主义)、反动主义(仅当反动主义已经掌权)、法西斯主义(仅当法西斯主义已经掌权)

*Order increases the likelihood that Pops will favor the following dominant issues: Residency (only if the pop is of a Primary culture)
* 秩序增加了人群倾向于以下政见的可能性:居留权(仅当该人群是主流文化)

*This value sets the country's base mobilization rate at 4% and the base mobilization impact at 100%.
* 秩序将国家的基础动员比例定为{{green|4%}},基础动员影响为{{red|100%}}。

It is by far the most common national value and the middle of the road option so far as effects are concerned.

=== 平等===
The Equality national value represents a common national interest in an equal society. The definition and extent of this equality may be different from place to place, but the idea that the nation is one of equals, each with common stake in its survival, is a powerful one. These populations can be readily shaped into large conscript armies, but their economic prowess and organization is dulled by their zealous focus on equality over efficiency.

*Equality increases the likelihood that Pops will favor the following ideologies: Socialist (only if the Socialist ideology has been founded and Communists are not the ruling party), Communist (only if they are already in power)
* 平等增加了人群倾向于以下意识形态的可能性:社会主义(仅当社会主义意识形态已经建立,且执政党不是共产主义)、共产主义(仅当共产主义已经掌权)

*Equality increases the likelihood that Pops will favor the following dominant issues: Limited Citizenship (only if the pop has <5 CON)
* 平等增加了人群倾向于以下政见的可能性:有限公民权(仅当人群的觉醒度低于5时)

*This value sets the country's base mobilization rate at 6% and the base mobilization impact at 125%.
* 秩序将国家的基础动员比例定为{{green|6%}},基础动员影响为{{red|125%}}。

Undoubtedly the most powerful value early game, when the armies of the world are small and easily overpowered by a large mobilization, and the economic impact is minimal. Late game it losses some of its luster, as technology and the growth of industry make the other values more attractive by comparison.

== 参阅==
*Data on ideologies can be accessed by locating the Paradox folder in the drive to which it is saved, then navigating to Victoria 2/common/nationalvalues.txt.
*[[ 科研学派]]
*Data on the effects of National Values on Pops' ideology and issue selection can be access by locating the Paradox folder in the drive to which it is saved, then navigating to Victoria 2/poptypes
*[[ 动员]]
*[[ 意识形态]]
==See also==
*[[Tech schools]]


2020年10月20日 (二) 16:40的最新版本







  • 自由增加了人群倾向于以下意识形态的可能性:自由主义(如果执政党不是无政府自由主义)、无政府自由主义者(当他们已经掌权)
  • 自由增加了人群倾向于以下政见的可能性:完整公民权(特别是在高觉醒度时)
  • 自由将国家的基础动员比例定为2%,基础动员影响为75%。这使得自由在早期成为最脆弱的价值观,因为大多数国家将无法以2%的比例调动任何重要的力量。随着游戏的发展,科技可以增加动员规模,玩家的经济也变得越来越强大、重要。

对于那些希望通过移民实现扩张的国家(比如USA 美利坚合众国)来说,自由是一个极好的国家价值观:人群越来越倾向于自由主义政府类型,这就增加了他们的政府实施那些增加移民吸引力的政治改革的可能性。动员的经济影响减少使自由在军事上成为中后期游戏的最强价值观,因为科技可以弥补低动员率,而动员的影响减少使得动员对经济造成的痛苦减少。



  • 秩序增加了人群倾向于以下意识形态的可能性:保守主义(如果执政党既不是反动主义也不是法西斯主义)、反动主义(仅当反动主义已经掌权)、法西斯主义(仅当法西斯主义已经掌权)
  • 秩序增加了人群倾向于以下政见的可能性:居留权(仅当该人群是主流文化)
  • 秩序将国家的基础动员比例定为4%,基础动员影响为100%




  • 平等增加了人群倾向于以下意识形态的可能性:社会主义(仅当社会主义意识形态已经建立,且执政党不是共产主义)、共产主义(仅当共产主义已经掌权)
  • 平等增加了人群倾向于以下政见的可能性:有限公民权(仅当人群的觉醒度低于5时)
  • 秩序将国家的基础动员比例定为6%,基础动员影响为125%

