
本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness





Conservative.png Conservative


Conservatives value order as a social end. Conservatives are the old guard, the arbiters of the status quo, the defenders of tradition and enemies of change. Conservative parties in the Victorian era were markedly different from today's conception of conservative (at least the Anglo-American conception). Conservatives upheld tradition above all else, being reluctant to enact any reform that would threaten the old ways. This means different things for different societies. In an absolute monarchy, the conservatives are likely more "conservative", defending the crown and its values, likely leaning towards moralism, jingoism, residency, state capitalism, and protectionism. In a more liberal nation like Britain or America, conservatives may simply be defending the way things have always been, or perhaps defending the historic role of the state against new liberal ideas of freedom. Expect these parties to sometimes uphold more liberal principles such as free trade, limited citizenship, pluralism, and even laissez faire.

This is ideology most prevalent in the world at the start of the game. Most of the poor strata are conservative-oriented at first, though this usually changes with time. Aristocrats and officers are reliably conservative or reactionary, the more radical cousin of conservatives, detailed below. Other pops may be conservative depending upon their situations, but generally a pop is more conservative when its consciousness is kept low. Conservative is useful because its moderate statism allows a player to exercise some level of control over his country without most of the worst penalties.



  • 保护主义: 保守党倾向于保护主义,尽管这并非铁则,而且有许多保守党主张自由贸易。
  • 干涉主义: 干涉主义在保守党中最为常见,尽管也有少数主张自由放任或国家资本主义。
  • 道德主义: 保守党向来倡导道德主义,当然,有些主张多元主义。
  • 居留权: 居留权是保守党的基本观点,偶尔有主张有限公民权者。
  • 扩军主义: 到目前为止,扩军主义是保守党中最常见的立场,不过也有人主张沙文主义。裁军主义的保守党可能存在,但很少。

Political Reform Stance

Conservatives are generally against any political reforms, but can be persuaded to enact reforms as a stop-gap measure when militancy is high. If militancy is low, very few conservatives will support reform.

Each point of militancy, or each 10% of reform movement strength, makes 10% of the conservatives in the upper house willing to back reforms.

Social Reform Stance

Conservatives are swayed to social reform only with great reluctance. As with political reform, militancy and reform movement strength makes conservatives support reforms.


A typical reactionary party.

The more extreme cousin to the conservative party, the reactionaries do not stop at the defense of currently upheld tradition, but demand a return to the old ways. In Europe, reactionaries are most often monarchists that uphold the all-powerful state of the absolute monarchy as ideal. In the Americas their positions vary from nativists to monarchists and more. Often non-Western reactionaries are a reaction against Western influences or power within or around the nation in question, for example the Boxers in China.

Reactionaries are likely to be found among aristocrats and officers, but also among the broader population. In a way, reactionary is one of the best parties to play. They are available from the start. If the party is state capitalist, it allows the player a great deal of power over his economic destiny, while jingoism allows players to expand aggressively and protectionism allows high tariffs to fund these projects.

The reactionary ideology exists from the beginning of the game.

Typical Party Issues

  • Protectionism: Reactionaries are almost universally protectionists.
  • State Capitalism: State capitalism is the most common among reactionary parties, though interventionism is also common. Planned is occasionally seen.
  • Moralism: Reactionaries almost never stand for anything less than moralism, as national religious values are often central to their ideals.
  • Residency: Residency is the primary reactionary stance, limiting voice in government only to primary culture.
  • Jingoism: Jingoism is pretty standard for reactionaries, demanding a minimum level of defense spending. Pro-Military is also conceivable.

Political Reform Stance

Unlike their compromising brethren in the conservative wing, reactionaries will never, under any circumstance, support political reform. To the contrary, reactionaries will always support the repeal of political reforms, pushing the country back towards a more state-centered, anti-liberal position.

Social Reform Stance

As with political reforms, social reforms are anathema to reactionaries, and their support is never given to such movements. If given the chance, reactionaries will always support the reduction of social reforms.



Liberals favor liberty as the most valued social end. The liberal movement of the 19th century was an extremely important one. The liberals of America and Europe opened up these nations to trade, capitalism, and responsible government. Liberals were a diverse bunch, supporting a wide array of ideas and often conflicting with one another. Universal among them was some vague notion of expanding liberty, in a specific area or broadly. Liberals were often the forward-thinkers, the people who opposed the old state-dominated order and sought to unleash human potential by throwing off the chains the bound people down. Liberals were the cornerstones of the abolitionist movement, the Corn Law repeals in England, the end of the Second National Bank in America, and many more projects aimed at reducing government power over peoples' interactions with one another.

Liberals are often found among capitalists and clerks, and sometime clergy or artisans. Other pops can of course also be liberal, but this is circumstantial. Liberal parties can be difficult to play in Victoria 2, as they often severely limit player options in a variety of fields. This is counterbalanced by reductions in factory costs and a few other perks, but the advantages often seem to be outweighed by the disadvantages. Most players will probably avoid liberal parties because they basically remove economic management as a game component. This can be useful to new players though, or to experienced players who enjoy the idea of a liberal nation and want a bit of challenge.

The liberal ideology exists from the beginning of the game.


  • 自由贸易: Free trade was one of the first major liberal issues, and most liberal parties are free traders. Some liberal parties still favor protectionism, notably the Republicans in America.
  • 自由放任: Liberals uphold freedom above all else, so central economic management is usually shunned. Some liberal parties may mildly advocate interventionism, but nothing further.
  • 多元主义: Liberal parties are often in favor of religious pluralism, but are almost as often in favor of secularism. Moralism and atheism are not unheard of, but less common, as liberals generally advocate little to no government role in religion.
  • 完整公民权: Liberals tend to advocate full rights for immigrants and minorities on the basis of natural rights, but some liberal parties diverge from this standard and support only limited citizenship or even residency.
  • 扩军主义: The liberal parties vary wildly on the issue of military power. Some liberal parties go so far as to advocate jingoism, while others are pacifistic. Expect moderate pro-military or anti-military stances.


Liberals unfailingly support political reform, and under no circumstance will they support a roll-back of political reforms. Representative and transparent government was one of the linchpins of 19th century liberalism.


Liberals will only reluctantly support social reforms, usually in cases where militancy has soared. In the game, once reforms are in place, they do not support their repeal (though this is of debatable historical accuracy).

Anarcho Liberal.png无政府自由主义





  • 自由贸易:无政府自由主义者几乎普遍支持自由贸易,这严重限制了玩家对进口商品征税的能力。
  • 自由放任:无政府自由主义者最显著的特征是他们支持自由主义,所以不要期望在无政府自由党中看到除此之外的立场。尽管如此,一些无政府主义自由党却打破了常规,支持干涉主义,甚至(非常罕见)支持国家资本主义。
  • 世俗化:无政府自由主义者会支持各种宗教立场,但通常赞成世俗主义。多元主义和无神论也很普遍,而道德主义则几乎闻所未闻。
  • 完整公民权:无政府自由主义者在支持完整公民权方面非常一致,但有的政党也可能支持有限公民权。
  • 扩军主义:无政府自由主义者在军事问题上分歧最大。一些无政府自由主义政党甚至支持沙文主义,而另一些则支持和平主义。像他们的自由党同胞一样,没有硬性规定,但扩军主义似乎是最常见的。





Socialist.png Socialist

A typical socialist party.

Socialists believe equality is the paramount value a society must pursue. Socialists seek to use the machinery of the state to take from those that have and give to those that have not. Socialists are available mid-game, around 1860, but often a party will not be available for some time after this date.

Expect socialism to be most prevalent among poor-strata pops, particularly craftsmen and laborers. Socialism is a very powerful force late in the game, and will spread among all populations. Socialism can be a mixed bag for the player. Though it allows a broad degree of economic control, socialist parties often restrict player power over tariff and military policy. The most useful aspect of socialist parties to the player is likely their broad popularity late game, and their ability to implement useful social reforms.

Typical Party Issues

  • Free Trade: Socialists broadly support free trade, though they may support protectionism instead.
  • Planned Economy: Socialists espouse state-run economic systems and central planning. Anything less than support for planned economy is rare, but state capitalism is possible.
  • Secularism: Socialists believe religion to be a private matter, and that the state has no place in religious life. Thus they are overwhelmingly in favor of secularized religious policy, though atheism is upheld by some parties.
  • Full Citizenship: Socialists support full citizenship on the basis of humanism, that all people are equal. This policy is widespread among socialist parties and unlikely to be compromised.
  • Anti Military: Socialists are usually anti-military, opposing war as a tool of the bourgeois elite to force the universal working class to oppress itself. Pacifism is also possible, and even pro military, but jingoism is out of the question for most parties.

Political Reform Stance

Socialists will support political reform only when militancy or reform movement power is high, but they never support political reform repeal. This lack of support is perhaps odd due to historically widespread endorsement of political reforms such as universal suffrage by such socialists as Karl Marx (among other reasons these political reforms enfranchised the socialists' voters). However it is likely that the game designers simply wished to make the ideologies more unique rather than completely factually accurate.

Social Reform Stance

Socialists always support increased social reforms, and will never support their repeal. This is one of the central tenets of the socialist parties, and one of the more useful qualities of the ideology to the player.






  • 保护主义:和那些过去曾经是自由派的社会主义者不同,共产主义者认为经济发展不平衡是罪恶的根源,几乎所有人都反对它,赞成自给自足。
  • 计划经济:共产主义者是计划经济的强硬支持者。中央计划实现了他们意识形态的最高原则,所以别指望其它。
  • 无神论:共产主义者一般相信马克思的理论,即宗教是对群众的压迫(“精神鸦片”),因此它是人民自我实现的障碍。世俗化是可能的,但很少见。
  • 完整公民权:共产主义者承认阶级斗争的存在,认为各民族、各人种的工人同样受到腐朽资本家的压迫。因此,完整公民权是一种常态。
  • 扩军主义:共产主义者通常支持扩军主义。这并不难理解,因为他们经常是资本主义世界政变和侵略的对象。沙文主义也是共产主义者的一个典型,因为用武力传播世界革命是共产党人的共同目标。然而,共产党人有时也可能支持裁军主义,甚至是和平主义。










  • 保护主义:法西斯主义者最关心的是国家,或者说“人民”的健康,因此限制了国外市场和“低等民族”的商品。
  • 国家资本主义:尽管法西斯主义者倾向于反资本主义,但企业主愿意为国家注入资金,使之安全繁荣。
  • 道德主义:法西斯主义者惧怕损害国家统一,因此他们只信仰一种宗教,其他宗教都不被容忍,即使是基督教和伊斯兰教的不同分支也不能共存。
  • 居留权:法西斯主义者会把居住在自己祖国的外国人视为对政治的亵渎,更不用说给他们投票权和其他福利了。
  • 沙文主义:法西斯主义者总是奉行扩张主义政策。这通常是为了收复失地,或是夺取弱国的土地。






Data on ideologies can be accessed by locating the Paradox folder in the drive to which it is saved, the navigating to Victoria 2/common/ideologies.txt.

See also