立陶宛是一个坐落在欧洲波罗的海沿岸的开化国家. 除了由 普鲁士控制的梅梅尔外,立陶宛的其他部分均处于
俄罗斯帝国的控制下。 It can thus be released by either of the two. It borders Russia all the way around except to the south where it borders
Prussia If
Poland and
Latvia is not released.
It makes the game easier to release them when the player releases Lithuania, as it is hard to find other nations to conquer.
When deciding to play Lithuania, one can either choose the bigger Russian released Lithuania, but with worse literacy, or the small Prussian released Lithuania with a decent literacy. Lithuania produces more or less only grain with a single province producing the not any more exciting
One can form Poland-Lithuania if Lithuania becomes a great power and controls all of the cores of Poland and Lithuania.
The easiest way to do this is to make sure Poland gets independent and is in control all of the polish cores except
Krakow. Then Lithuania can put Poland and Krakow in its Sphere of influence. Alternatively Poland can annex Krakow. This is a very difficult task as Poland has cores in both Russia, Prussia and
Austria and wars is needed with all three.
It is also possible to form Poland-Lithuania by simply conquering all of the territory needed, but that is a much harder task.