Folder/File overview

本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness
Pokewiz讨论 | 贡献2020年9月26日 (六) 18:13的版本 (merge from offical wiki)
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This is a list of what the files and folders inside the main Victoria 2 folder mean, knowing what files go where, and where to make changes is the most important part of modding, as something in the wrong place can easily lead to a fatal crash.

Note that Victoria II's files need to be saved with ANSI encoding in order to work properly in the game. Additionally, some files seem to be encoded in a weird manner (such as some of the province history files), resulting in the game reading their contents as a single line. This can be fixed by creating a new .txt file with ANSI encoding with Notepad++ and copying the contents of the old file to it, deleting the old one and replacing it with the new.

The Files

File/Folder What it contains
Victoria II\battleplans Settings for battle plan editor
Victoria II\common\ General information
  • Defines scenarios/start dates
  • Building statistics
  • Casus-belli attributes and types
  • Which tag is linked to which <country name>.txt in common\countries
  • RGB code for each country
  • All crimes and effects
  • Culture groups, names and colors along with cultural unions
  • POP, general, diplomatic, economic and military variables
  • All event and province modifiers and their effects
  • All goods with their starting price and color
  • All government types with their ideology and effects
  • All ideologies and their views on reforms
  • All reforms (political, social and civilizing) and party issues and their effects
  • All national focusses and their effects
  • All national values and the effects
  • Specially triggered effects
  • Mean Time To Happen (MTTH) for POP actions (promotion, assimilation etc.)
  • Production statistics
  • All rebel types, their goals and chances for rebelling
  • All religions, their icons and colors
  • All difficulty, rank and standard modifiers
  • Technology data
  • Traits and effects
  • Standard empty (AHD)
  • Color, political parties and ship names
Victoria II\decision\ Decisions folder, all decisions are stored here
Victoria II\events\ Events folder, all event files are kept here
Victoria II\gfx\ Graphics
Victoria II\history\ Data on each province, diplomatic relations, country, units and POPs
Victoria II\interface\ Interface Graphics
Victoria II\inventions\ All inventions together with requirements, invention chances and effects
Victoria II\launcher\ Launcher graphics and configuration
Victoria II\localisation\ All text data for things like country names and event description, has options for other languages
Victoria II\map\ Map settings, province shapes, continents, regions etc.
Victoria II\mod\ Folder for storing mods and .mod files
Victoria II\movies\ Game intro movie
Victoria II\music\ Music used by the game
Victoria II\news\ All news stories
Victoria II\poptypes\ All POP data for each specific POP type
Victoria II\script\ All scripts
Victoria II\sound\ All sounds except music
Victoria II\technologies\ Technologies with their effects and attributes
Victoria II\tutorial\ Tutorial configuration
Victoria II\units\ All military unit attributes, for each specific unit

Pop files note: Issue and Ideology modifiers are multipliers, all other seem to be additions.

See also