Event modding

(重定向自Advanced events

This page will show how to create more advanced events, it is recommend to learn the basics first.

Using Boolean Combinations

Boolean commands are at their finest when combined with other Boolean commands. Consider the following:

OR = {
	tag = GER
	AND = {
		culture = north_german
		NOT = {
			continent = europe

This complex-looking string is actually quite simple.

  • We begin with the "or" command, which is the root command, stating that it will be satisfied if any one of the listed commands in its tier are satisfied.
  • We then have a simple "tag = " command, which simply checks if the country in question matches its own.
  • Now we have an "and" command, which demands that all of the commands listed in its tier be satisfied before it returns true.
  • Contained within this "and" command is a "culture = " command, this time demanding the primary culture of the country in question be North German.
  • Then, we have a "not" command, which demands that the country in question not be in Europe; that is, it must be on some other continent.

From all of this information, we can derive the meaning of this command. The command will return true if:

  • The country in question is Germany
  • The country in question has North German as its primary culture and resides outside of the European continent

Using these Boolean commands, one could create immensely complex sets of requirements for events, decisions, and limits. Enjoy them, but be wary of creating scenarios so specific they will never be satisfied!

Using Flags

Flags can be used to select certain countries, but can also be used to say whether something has happened. A flag has no direct effect on the game, however it can have indirect effects, through other events. The following commands can be used for flags.

The flag effects:

set_country_flag = (name)

Sets country flag (name).

set_global_flag = (name)

Sets global flag (name).

clr_country_flag = (name)

Removes country flag (name).

clr_global_flag = (name)

Removes global flag (name).

The flag triggers:

has_country_flag = (name)

Returns true if the country has (name).

has_global_flag = (name)

Returns true if (name) is a global flag.

Using Scopes

Scopes are a way to switch the target between:

They can be used for example if a province event depends (partly or entirely) on the country that owns the province. Or if a POP is affected by a country event.

Using Variables

Variables are simple numbers that work like flags, so they do not directly influence the game, but through other events.

The variables effects:

set_variable = { 
	which = (name)
	value = n

Sets (name) to n.

change_variable = {
	which = (name)
	value = n

Adds n to (name).

The variables triggers:

check_variable = {
	which = "name"
	value = n

Returns true if (name) is more than n.

NOT = {
	check_variable = {
		which = "name"
		value = n

Returns true if (name) is less than n.

The code above works fine for values that are above or below n, but to trigger when (name) ≈ n both codes are needed (see below).

check_variable = {
	which = "name"
	value = (n-0.01)
NOT = {
	check_variable = {
		which = "(name)"
		value = (n+0.01)

Returns true if (name) ≈ n.

Using a series of events

For large scaled events involving multiple countries it may be necessary to create a serie of events. In such a serie one event will trigger other events either directly (triggered_only = yes and country_event = <event id>) or indirectly (using variables, flags or modifiers). The Rock-Paper-Scissors is an example of an event serie.


Flag/Event Serie example: Rock-Paper-Scissors (RPS)

This example will show how flags can be used in an event serie to play RPS.

It is not a single event, but an event serie, each linked to another (see picture).

The event system of RPS.

It requires a starting event (1) which has no trigger, so it must be triggered by another event or manually.
The game requires 2 players:

  • player 1=ORGIN
  • player 2=TAG

TAG is the country that receives event 1 (the start).
ORGIN is the country chosen in event 1, either a country with flag ORGIN or a random country.

RPS events

country_event = {
	id = 1
	title = "Rock Paper Scissors"
	desc = "Ready to play?"
	picture = "meeting3"

	is_triggered_only = yes

	option = {
		name = "Yes, against ORGIN."
		any_country = {
			limit = { has_country_flag = orgin }
			country_event = 2
	option = {
		name = "Yes, against a random country."
		random_country = {
			country_event = 2
	option = {
		name = "Set Flag ORGIN"
		any_country = {
			limit = { has_country_flag = orgin }
			clr_country_flag = orgin
		set_country_flag = orgin
	option = {
		name = "Remove Flag"
		any_country = {
			limit = { has_country_flag = orgin }
			clr_country_flag = orgin
	option = {
		name = "No"
		ai_chance = { factor = 100 }
country_event = { #ORGIN player 1
	id = 2
	desc = "$COUNTRY$ is playing. Make your choice. The first option is Rock, the second is Paper and the third is Scissors"
	picture = "meeting3"

	is_triggered_only = yes

	option = {
		name = "An Option"
		set_country_flag = rock_1
		FROM = {
			country_event = 3
			set_country_flag = rock_1
		ai_chance = { factor = 34 }
	option = {
		name = "An Option"
		set_country_flag = paper_1
		FROM = {
			country_event = 3
			set_country_flag = paper_1
		ai_chance = { factor = 33 }
	option = {
		name = "An Option"
		set_country_flag = scissors_1
		FROM = {
			country_event = 3
			set_country_flag = scissors_1
		ai_chance = { factor = 33 }
country_event = { #TAG player 2
	id = 3
	title = "$COUNTRY$ vs $FROMCOUNTRY$"
	desc = "$COUNTRY$ is playing. Make your choice. The first option is Rock, the second is Paper and the third is Scissors"
	picture = "meeting3"

	is_triggered_only = yes

	option = {
		name = "An Option"
		set_country_flag = rock_2
		FROM = {
			country_event = 4
			set_country_flag = rock_2
		ai_chance = { factor = 34 }
	option = {
		name = "An Option"
		set_country_flag = paper_2
		FROM = {
			country_event = 4
			set_country_flag = paper_2
		ai_chance = { factor = 33 }
	option = {
		name = "An Option"
		set_country_flag = scissors_2
		FROM = {
			country_event = 4
			set_country_flag = scissors_2
		ai_chance = { factor = 33 }
country_event = { #ORGIN player 1
	id = 4
	title = "$COUNTRY$ vs $FROMCOUNTRY$"
	desc = "Both $COUNTRY$ and $FROMCOUNTRY$ have made their choice now its time for the outcome."
	picture = "meeting3"

	is_triggered_only = yes

	option = {
		name = "Tell our opponent."
		any_country = { #TAG player 2
			limit = { 
				OR = {
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = rock_2
						has_country_flag = paper_1
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = paper_2
						has_country_flag = scissors_1
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = scissors_2
						has_country_flag = rock_1
			country_event = 5
			country_event = 6 #Lost
		any_country = {
			limit = { 
				OR = {
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = rock_2
						has_country_flag = scissors_1
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = paper_2
						has_country_flag = rock_1
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = scissors_2
						has_country_flag = paper_1
			country_event = 5
			country_event = 7 #Won
		any_country = {
			limit = { 
				OR = {
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = rock_1
						has_country_flag = rock_2
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = paper_1
						has_country_flag = paper_2
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = scissors_1
						has_country_flag = scissors_2
			country_event = 5
			country_event = 8 #Tie
country_event = { #TAG player 2
	id = 5
	title = "$COUNTRY$ vs $FROMCOUNTRY$"
	desc = "Both $COUNTRY$ and $FROMCOUNTRY$ have made their choice now its time for the outcome."
	picture = "meeting3"

	is_triggered_only = yes

	option = {
		name = "Tell our opponent."
		any_country = { #ORGIN player 1
			limit = { 
				OR = {
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = rock_2
						has_country_flag = scissors_1
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = paper_2
						has_country_flag = rock_1
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = scissors_2
						has_country_flag = paper_1
			country_event = 6 #Lost
		any_country = {
			limit = { 
				OR = {
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = rock_2
						has_country_flag = paper_1
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = paper_2
						has_country_flag = scissors_1
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = scissors_2
						has_country_flag = rock_1
			country_event = 7 #Won
		any_country = {
			limit = { 
				OR = {
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = rock_1
						has_country_flag = rock_2
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = paper_1
						has_country_flag = paper_2
					AND = {
						has_country_flag = scissors_1
						has_country_flag = scissors_2
			country_event = 8 #Tie
country_event = {
	id = 6
	title = "$COUNTRY$ Lost from $FROMCOUNTRY$"
	desc = "Better luck next time."
	picture = "meeting3"

	is_triggered_only = yes

	option = {
		name = "Ah"
		clr_country_flag = rock_1
		clr_country_flag = rock_2
		clr_country_flag = paper_1
		clr_country_flag = paper_2
		clr_country_flag = scissors_1
		clr_country_flag = scissors_2
		money = -500 #price money
country_event = {
	id = 7
	title = "$COUNTRY$ Won of $FROMCOUNTRY$"
	desc = "Well done."
	picture = "meeting3"

	is_triggered_only = yes

	option = {
		name = "Yeah"
		clr_country_flag = rock_1
		clr_country_flag = rock_2
		clr_country_flag = paper_1
		clr_country_flag = paper_2
		clr_country_flag = scissors_1
		clr_country_flag = scissors_2
		money = 500 #price money
country_event = {
	id = 8
	title = "Tie!"
	desc = "No winner, no loser."
	picture = "meeting3"

	is_triggered_only = yes

	option = {
		name = "Fine"
		clr_country_flag = rock_1
		clr_country_flag = rock_2
		clr_country_flag = paper_1
		clr_country_flag = paper_2
		clr_country_flag = scissors_1
		clr_country_flag = scissors_2

See also