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(SphinX1633移动页面Establish The Dar al-Funun精英学校

2022年5月27日 (五) 17:29的版本

Establish The Dar al-Funun is a unique Persia Persian Decision. Dar al-Funun was the first University in Persia.

It gives 2 years worth of research points immediately as well as a +20% modifier to research points for the rest of the game. It will on the other hand give all POPs in Persia 0.5 Consciousness.

It requires that Persia has an average literacy of at least 10%. To increase literacy is a goal, that Persia would pursue anyway in order to Westernize. This is a big help along the way.

All in all it is a very powerful decision, and singlehandlely makes Persia one of the easiest uncivilized nations to play as.