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(SphinX1633移动页面Sign the Geneva Convention签署日内瓦公约

2022年5月26日 (四) 20:37的版本

Henry Dunant (1828-1910 was the man behind the idea of the Geneva Convention

Sign The Geneva Convention is a decision for all Civilized nations. The Geneva Conventions is a set of international laws of warfare. Signing the convention gives 0.01 infamy pr. month, but lowers war exhaustion by 0.02 pr. month and gives 5% army organisation regain rate for the rest of the game.

It requires that Switzerland Switzerland has taken the decision The Geneva Convention, and that the country in question has less than 25 infamy. Switzerland automatically signs the convention once it has taken its unique decision, so it is the only nation in the game, that cannot possibly take this decision. Switzerland can take the decision once any great power has more than 5 war exhaustion, assuming they own Geneva.

Considering that 0.01 infamy pr. month is only 1.2 infamy pr. decade, it is well worth it to take the decision. In fact it is really only a reduction in how fast infamy goes away. It changes infamy reduction while at peace from 0.1 pr. month to 0.09 pr month and while at war from 0.033 to 0.023.

Vanilla Victoria 2

In Vanilla and AHD the effects of the decision are very different. There it limits maximum military spending slightly, but lowers Infamy by 1.