
本页面所适用的版本可能已经过时,最后更新于Heart of Darkness
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== Income distribution ==
== 收入分配 ==
The income from an RGO is distributed between the owners ({{icon|aristocrats}} [[aristocrats]]) and the paid workers (either {{icon|farmers}} [[farmers]] or {{icon|labourers}} [[laborers]]). Unpaid workers ({{icon|slaves}} [[slaves]]) do not get anything.
RGO 的收入会在所有者({{icon|aristocrats}}[[ 贵族]] )和雇工({{icon|farmers}}[[ 农民]] {{icon|labourers}}[[ 劳工]] )之间分配。{{icon|slaves}}[[ 奴隶]] 什么也不会得到。

The income for owners from a given RGO is
: RGO income * 2 * (owner pops in state) / (worker pops in province)
: RGO 收入 × 2 × ( 地区内的所有者数量) / ( 省份内的工作者数量)
This is capped at 50% of RGO income. The paid workers get whatever is left. "Worker pops" in this formula includes slaves, so paid workers get their share.
所有者的收入上限为RGO收入的50% ,剩下的部分由所有雇工平分。公式中的“工作者”包括了奴隶,因此雇工会拿走原本属于奴隶的那一份收入。

Owners get income from all the RGOs in the state. So the more RGOs there are in a state, the richer they get.

== RGO Resources ==
== RGO 资源 ==

There are 20 different resources produced by RGO listed below with the number of provinces that produce it in 1836. For details of what they are useful for, see the [[Production#Goods Data|goods data table]].
RGO 总共生产20种不同的资源,下表列出了这些资源以及1836年开局时生产这种资源的省份数量。关于这些资源如何使用的细节,参见[[ 生产]]
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
! Resources !! Producing Provinces !! Type
! 资源 !! 生产省份 !! 类型
|{{icon|grain}} Grain || 704 || Farm
|{{icon|grain}} 谷物 || 704 || 农场
|{{icon|timber}} Timber|| 281 || Farm
|{{icon|timber}} 原木|| 281 || 农场
|{{icon|cattle}} Cattle|| 267 || Farm
|{{icon|cattle}} || 267 || 农场
|{{icon|fruit}} Fruit|| 262 || Farm
|{{icon|fruit}} 水果|| 262 || 农场
|{{icon|fish}} Fish|| 239 || Farm
|{{icon|fish}} || 239 || 农场
|{{icon|wool}} Wool|| 176 || Farm
|{{icon|wool}} 羊毛|| 176 || 农场
|{{icon|coal}} Coal|| 175 || Mine
|{{icon|coal}} 煤炭|| 175 || 矿场
|{{icon|iron}} Iron|| 112 || Mine
|{{icon|iron}} || 112 || 矿场
|{{icon|cotton}} Cotton|| 107 || Farm
|{{icon|cotton}} 棉花|| 107 || 农场
|{{icon|tea}} Tea|| 86 || Farm
|{{icon|tea}} || 86 || 农场
|{{icon|coffee}} Coffee|| 63 || Farm
|{{icon|coffee}} 咖啡|| 63 || 农场
|{{icon|tropical Wood}} tropical wood|| 63 || Farm
|{{icon|tropical Wood}} 热带原木|| 63 || 农场
|{{icon|tobacco}} Tobacco|| 61 || Farm
|{{icon|tobacco}} 烟草|| 61 || 农场
|{{icon|sulphur}} Sulphur|| 35 || Mine
|{{icon|sulphur}} 硫磺|| 35 || 矿场
|{{icon|silk}} Silk|| 30 || Farm
|{{icon|silk}} 丝绸|| 30 || 农场
|{{icon|opium}} Opium|| 21 || Farm
|{{icon|opium}} 鸦片|| 21 || 农场
|{{icon|dye}} Dye|| 19 || Farm
|{{icon|dye}} 染料|| 19 || 农场
|{{icon|precious metal}} Precious Metal|| 1 || Mine
|{{icon|precious metal}} 贵金属|| 1 || 矿场
|{{icon|oil}} Oil|| 0 || Mine
|{{icon|oil}} 石油|| 0 || 矿场
|{{icon|rubber}} Rubber|| 0 || Farm
|{{icon|rubber}} 橡胶|| 0 || 农场

==Special kinds of RGOs==
== 特殊类型的资源==
=== Precious Metal ===
=== 贵金属 ===

{{icon|precious metal}}Precious metal refers to gold, diamonds and silver. It is not a normal resource as it is money. The only ways to create money are events and precious metal, thus precious metal is an important macroeconomic resource. The amount of money gained from one precious metal unit is defined by GOLD_TO_CASH_RATE, a value in defines.lua which is standard 1.5 (AHD) or 0.5 (HoD). Precious metals appear on the map automatically in certain provinces after 1836 (with a [[MTTH]] of 12 months), and more will appear through events only.
{{icon|precious metal}} 贵金属是指黄金、钻石和银。它不是一般的资源,因为它是钱。创造货币的唯一途径是事件和贵金属,因此贵金属是重要的宏观经济资源。1单位贵金属转化为的资金量由defines.lua中的<code>GOLD_TO_CASH_RATE</code>定义,默认值为1.5 (《兄弟阋墙》)或0.5 (《黑暗之心》)。1836年后,某些省份的贵金属会自动出现在地图上([[ 平均发生时间]] 为12个月),更多的只会出现在事件中。

=== Rubber ===
=== 橡胶 ===

{{icon|rubber}}Rubber appears on the map only if one or more of the following conditions apply:
仅当以下一个或多个条件适用时,地图上才会出现{{icon|rubber}} 橡胶:

* The owner of the province where rubber can potentially spawn has Daimler's Automobile [[invention]], Edison Light Bulb [[invention]] (both from [[Combustion Engine]] tech), {{Infiltration]] technology, '''or''' [[Aeronautics]] technology. The year is 1880 or later (1890 for some provinces).
* 可能产生橡胶的省份的所有者,拥有戴姆勒汽车[[ 发明]] ,爱迪生电灯[[ 发明]] (均来自[[ 发明#工业发明|工业发明]] ),[[发明#陆军发明|渗透战术]]''' 或者'''[[ 发明#陆军发明|航空学]] 。则事件发生年份是1880年或更晚(有些省份是1890年)。
* The owner of the province where rubber can potentially spawn is in the [[Influence|Sphere of Influence]] of a nation who fulfils the above invention and technology requirements. The year is be 1880 or later (1890 for some provinces).
* 可能产生橡胶的省份的所有者,处于满足上述发明和科技要求的国家的[[ 影响力| 势力范围]] 内。则事件发生年份是1880年或更晚(有些省份是1890年)。
* The owner of the province where rubber can potentially spawn does not fulfill the above requirements. The year must be 1900.
* 可能产生橡胶的省份的所有者不符合上述要求。则事件发生年份必须到1900年。

The event to spawn rubber has a MTTH of 36 months.

=== Oil ===
=== 石油 ===

{{icon|oil}}Oil appears on the map only if certain conditions apply:
仅当以下条件适用时,地图上才会出现{{icon|oil}} 石油:

* The owner of the province where oil can potentially spawn must have Daimler's Automobile [[invention]] (from [[Combustion Engine]] tech), Cracking invention (from [[Organic Chemistry]] tech), or Protected Cruisers [[invention]] (from [[Steel Steamers]] tech). The year must be 1870 (upwards of 1927 for some provinces).
* 可能产生石油的省份的所有者,拥有戴姆勒汽车[[发明]](来自[[ 发明#工业发明|工业发明]] ),裂化[[ 发明]] (来自[[ 发明#工业发明|有机化学]] ),'''或者'''装甲巡洋舰[[ 发明]] (来自[[ 发明#海军发明|穹甲巡洋舰]] )。事件发生年份须到1870年(某些省份晚于1927年)。
* The owner of the province where oil can potentially spawn must be in the [[Sphere of Influence]] of a nation who fulfils the above invention and technology requirements. The year must be 1870 (upwards of 1927 for some provinces).
* 可能产生石油的省份的所有者,处于满足上述发明和科技要求的国家的[[ 影响力|势力范围]] 内。事件发生年份须到1870年(某些省份晚于1927年)。

The event to spawn oil has a MTTH of 8 months.

== Resource Provinces ==
== 资源省份 ==

Below is a table with the provinces that can get a resource event.
The province names are taken from events/goods.txt and may need to be checked.
省份名称取自“events/goods.txt ”文件,可能需要进行核对。

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[[Category: 经济]]

2024年12月20日 (五) 13:08的最新版本


每个省份都有它的资源。生产资源的功能被称为资源生产作业,或RGO(Resource Gathering Operations)。在中文里,RGO通常会根据语境翻译为不同的词,例如“生产规模”或“原料产地”。

省份资源可以通过事件来改变,但大多数情况下的省份资源在整局游戏中都不会变。工作岗位的数量对不同省份或不同资源来说都有可能不同。RGO规模受省份规模、地形、气候、改革和科技影响。 省份规模在游戏开始时依据该省份的Farmers mini.png农民或Labourers mini.png劳工数量而定义。而后,省份规模将除以地形(而不是科技)产生的规模修正,然后向上取整,乘以1.5,再向下取整。


  • 基础工作岗位:40000
  • 省份中的农民数量:90000
  • 地形修正:-10%
  1. 90000 / 40000 = 2.25
  2. 2.25 / (100% - 10%) = 2.5
  3. 向上取整得到3
  4. 乘以1.5得到4.5
  5. 向下取整得到4,即为最终的省份规模


RGO的收入会在所有者(Aristocrats mini.png贵族)和雇工(Farmers mini.png农民Labourers mini.png劳工)之间分配。Slaves mini.png奴隶什么也不会得到。


RGO收入 × 2 × (地区内的所有者数量) / (省份内的工作者数量)





资源 生产省份 类型
Resource grain.png 谷物 704 农场
Resource timber.png 原木 281 农场
Resource cattle.png 267 农场
Resource fruit.png 水果 262 农场
Resource fish.png 239 农场
Resource wool.png 羊毛 176 农场
Resource coal.png 煤炭 175 矿场
Resource iron.png 112 矿场
Resource cotton.png 棉花 107 农场
Resource tea.png 86 农场
Resource coffee.png 咖啡 63 农场
Resource tropical wood.png 热带原木 63 农场
Resource tobacco.png 烟草 61 农场
Resource sulphur.png 硫磺 35 矿场
Resource silk.png 丝绸 30 农场
Resource opium.png 鸦片 21 农场
Resource dye.png 染料 19 农场
Resource precious metals.png 贵金属 1 矿场
Resource oil.png 石油 0 矿场
Resource rubber.png 橡胶 0 农场



Resource precious metals.png贵金属是指黄金、钻石和银。它不是一般的资源,因为它是钱。创造货币的唯一途径是事件和贵金属,因此贵金属是重要的宏观经济资源。1单位贵金属转化为的资金量由defines.lua中的GOLD_TO_CASH_RATE定义,默认值为1.5(《兄弟阋墙》)或0.5(《黑暗之心》)。1836年后,某些省份的贵金属会自动出现在地图上(平均发生时间为12个月),更多的只会出现在事件中。


仅当以下一个或多个条件适用时,地图上才会出现Resource rubber.png橡胶:

  • 可能产生橡胶的省份的所有者,拥有戴姆勒汽车发明,爱迪生电灯发明(均来自工业发明),渗透战术或者航空学。则事件发生年份是1880年或更晚(有些省份是1890年)。
  • 可能产生橡胶的省份的所有者,处于满足上述发明和科技要求的国家的势力范围内。则事件发生年份是1880年或更晚(有些省份是1890年)。
  • 可能产生橡胶的省份的所有者不符合上述要求。则事件发生年份必须到1900年。



仅当以下条件适用时,地图上才会出现Resource oil.png石油:

  • 可能产生石油的省份的所有者,拥有戴姆勒汽车发明(来自工业发明),裂化发明(来自有机化学),或者装甲巡洋舰发明(来自穹甲巡洋舰)。事件发生年份须到1870年(某些省份晚于1927年)。
  • 可能产生石油的省份的所有者,处于满足上述发明和科技要求的国家的势力范围内。事件发生年份须到1870年(某些省份晚于1927年)。



以下是可以获得资源事件的省份列表。 省份名称取自“events/goods.txt”文件,可能需要进行核对。

Resource Name Provinces ID Province name Province owner (1836) Start year
Precious Metal 1 Sitka Russia 1836
Precious Metal 2 Yakutat Russia 1836
Precious Metal 766 Sassari Sardinia-Piedmont 1836
Precious Metal 769 Postojna Austria 1836
Precious Metal 773 Karlovac Austria 1836
Precious Metal 1387 Kuala Lumpur Johore 1836
Precious Metal 1390 Kuantan Johore 1836
Precious Metal 1422 Muraleve - 1836
Precious Metal 1440 Sumbawa Netherlands 1836
Precious Metal 1564 Caozhou China 1836
Precious Metal 1884 Freetown UK 1836
Precious Metal 2501 Kimberley UK 1836
Precious Metal 2153 Durango Mexico 1836
Precious Metal 2157 Culiacan Mexico 1836
Precious Metal 2179 Acapulco Mexico 1836
Precious Metal 2295 Lima Peru 1836
Precious Metal 2323 La Serena Chile 1836
Precious Metal 2500 Kalgoorlie UK 1836
Precious Metal 2503 Wiluna - 1836
Precious Metal 2575 Ipoh Johore 1836
Precious Metal 2601 Sandy Desert - 1836
Precious Metal 2605 Gibson's Desert - 1836
Precious Metal 1659 Kobe Japan 1836
Precious Metal 2142 Chihuahua Mexico 1836
Precious Metal 2255 Barranquilla Colombia 1836
Precious Metal 88 Mariposa Mexico 1848
Precious Metal 695 Köningsberg Prussia 1848
Precious Metal 1084 Utchan Manchuria 1850
Precious Metal 1861 Pocatello Ethiopia 1861
Precious Metal 2106 Witwatersrand Transvaal 1886
Precious Metal 122 Rapid City USA 1874
Precious Metal 6 Whitehorse - 1896
Precious Metal 7 Dawson - 1896
Precious Metal 2599 Fairbanks - 1896
Precious Metal 2630 Cordova - 1896
Precious Metal 2084 Angra Pequeña - 1836
Precious Metal 2091 Mossel Bay UK 1836
Precious Metal 2092 Beaufort UK 1836
Precious Metal 1697 Figuig Morocco 1836
Precious Metal 2108 Mosega Transvaal 1836
Precious Metal 2107 Klerksdorp Transvaal 1836
Precious Metal 2068 Harare - 1836
Precious Metal 2097 Graaf Reinet UK 1867
Precious Metal 1849 Massawa Egypt 1867
Rubber 1354 Nakhon Si Thammarat Siam 1880
Rubber 1364 Oudong Cambodia 1880
Rubber 1367 Kampot Cambodia 1880
Rubber 1382 Hatien Dai Nam 1880
Rubber 1384 Singapore UK 1880
Rubber 1385 Johor Bahru Johore 1880
Rubber 1386 Malacca UK 1880
Rubber 1389 Alor Setar - 1880
Rubber 1402 Tanjungpinang Netherlands 1880
Rubber 1404 Palak Pinang Netherlands 1880
Rubber 1827 Khartoum Egypt 1880
Rubber 1829 Kassala Egypt 1880
Rubber 1833 Suakin Egypt 1880
Rubber 1836 Hayya Egypt 1880
Rubber 1837 Dongola Egypt 1880
Rubber 1848 Asmara Egypt 1880
Rubber 1850 Akordat Egypt 1880
Rubber 1890 Gbarnga - 1880
Rubber 1891 Zwedru - 1880
Rubber 1923 Lagos - 1880
Rubber 1321 Colombo United Kingdom 1880
Rubber 1398 Jambi Netherlands 1880
Rubber 1421 Madura Netherlands 1880
Rubber 1985 Kumbana - 1880
Rubber 1406 Medan Atjeh 1880
Rubber 1318 Cochin Travancore 1880
Rubber 2057 Sofala Portugal 1880
Rubber 1426 Pontianak - 1880
Rubber 2058 Mossurize - 1880
Rubber 977 Kursk Russia 1880
Rubber 1978 Madingou - 1880
Rubber 1980 Djambala - 1880
Rubber 1981 Impfondo - 1880
Rubber 2624 Loango - 1880
Rubber 1926 Ife - 1890
Rubber 1929 Akure - 1890
Rubber 1931 Warri - 1890
Rubber 1932 Bonny - 1890
Rubber 1957 Buea - 1890
Rubber 1986 Lusambo 1890
Rubber 1988 Mussumba - 1890
Rubber 1989 Munza - 1890
Rubber 1996 Kisangani - 1890
Rubber 2192 San Miguel The USCA 1890
Rubber 2317 San Ignacio Bolivia 1890
Rubber 2318 Robore Bolivia 1890
Rubber 2319 Santa Ana Bolivia 1890
Rubber 2321 Cobija Bolivia 1890
Rubber 2402 Manaus Brazil 1890
Rubber 2404 Tefe Brazil 1890
Rubber 2405 Borba Brazil 1890
Rubber 2549 Tarauca Bolivia 1890
Rubber 2550 Forte Sao Joaquim Brazi 1890l
Rubber 2600 Altamira Brazil 1890
Oil 1102 Baku Russia 1870
Oil 1205 Kyzyl Arvat - 1870
Oil 1104 Sheki Russia 1871
Oil 1186 Alma Ata Kokand 1872
Oil 1202 Kokand Kokand 1873
Oil 1107 Lankaran Russia 1874
Oil 132 Houston Texas 1875
Oil 667 Tirgoviste Wallachia 1876
Oil 672 Bacau Moldavia 1877
Oil 1168 Dubai Abu Dhabi 1879
Oil 110 Cheyenne USA 1881
Oil 89 Los Angeles Mexico 1882
Oil 133 Austin Texas 1882
Oil 126 Topeka USA 1882
Oil 1339 Palembang Netherlands 1883
Oil 1055 Grozny Russia 1883
Oil 1393 Brunei Brunei 1885
Oil 1401 Siak Netherlands 1885
Oil 1425 Tarakan - 1885
Oil 1432 Mamuju - 1885
Oil 1355 Kyaukse Netherlands 1886
Oil 134 Dallas Texas 1886
Oil 705 Przemysl Austria 1886
Oil 1260 Dibrugarh UK 1889
Oil 1086 Pogobi - 1892
Oil 129 Oklahoma City - 1893
Oil 1680 Fez Morocco 1893
Oil 2173 Querétaro Mexico 1894
Oil 87 Monterey Mexico 1896
Oil 2162 Veracruz Mexico 1896
Oil 2163 Tampico Mexico 1896
Oil 702 Lvov Austria 1896
Oil 1397 Sandakan - 1897
Oil 2237 Trinidad UK 1902
Oil 2396 Rawson Argentina 1907
Oil 1131 Ahvaz Persia 1908
Oil 1732 Gharyan Tripoli 1910
Oil 1720 Timimoun - 1910
Oil 1167 Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 1910
Oil 1163 Qatif Nejd 1910
Oil 2270 Maracaibo Venezuela 1910
Oil 1170 Nizwa Oman 1910
Oil 1132 Abadan Persia 1912
Oil 26 Calgary - 1913
Oil 2291 Piura Peru 1915
Oil 849 Tirana Ottoman Empire 1917
Oil 928 Mendeli Ottoman Empire 1923
Oil 923 Mosul Ottoman Empire 1927