The §Statename§ Crisis

本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness
In a crisis, when temperature hits 100 a war breaks out

The §statename§ Crisis is the name of very two similar crisis related events. They are very similar to the two events; The destiny of §Statename§. The effects are the same, but this one is for crises related colonial claims, while the other is related to independence crises.

They can happen to all nations currently involved in a crisis over colonial claims. One is for great powers and one is for everyone else. The choices and effects are slightly different, but other than that they are completely identical.

The mean time to happen is the same for both events. They both have MTTH of 24 months (2 years) which is reduced by 1 year, if the war policy of the government party is jingoism, by 6 months if the war policy is pro military, but increased by 6 months if the war policy is anti military and by 1 year if the war policy is pacifism.

The Great power event

1) He's quite right, only war will solve this! which increases crisis temperature by 10 (which can potentially start the crisis war)

2) Don't listen to him! which decreases prestige by 15%

The AI will choose option one 95% of the time.

The event for other states

1) It's Ours! which increases crisis temperature by 5

2) We're open to discussion. which does nothing.

You should choose number two, if a war between backers of each side favours you, or if you think you have gotten the best possible position. The AI has a 70% chance of choosing the first option.