Liquor Prohibition

本頁面所適用的版本可能已經過時,最後更新於Heart of Darkness

Liquor Prohibition is a general decision available to all civilized nations. It requires that the nation has researched Social Science. On top of that it requires that the event Temperance League has happened, and that the player has taken the option An excellent Initiative!.

There is also a list of political conditions, where at least one of them has to be present:

Unlike what would be logical Resource liquor.pngliquor and Resource wine.pngwine are still consumed by the population. Furthermore it can still be produced in the country, and Liquor distilleries and wineries can still be build.

It decreases tax efficiency by 5% and gives 0.05 militancy pr. month for the entire population. The effect lasts until the rest of the game, or until it is repealed with the decision Repeal Prohibition

All in all the decision actively hurts the country and is one of the worst decisions in the entire game. The AI will always taken the decision, if the requirements of moralism or liberals are fulfilled, but not if it is only possible due to being a dictatorship.